Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Bee sleeping, Freecycle and neighbors

 Lovely sunny day, cool, perfect for walking. Around the corner there's a tiny front yard crammed with color, and the pink dahlias are a bee magnet. I watched this friend for several minutes, sleeping, rocking in the breeze, until he finally stretched and took off.

Before that, Gary was out front, in pajamas, checking and adjusting my tire pressures. All low, probably because of the sudden cold nights.  He also mentioned he'd really enjoyed "whatever those things were called". The cranberry muffins in translation.

While he was at it, contractor artist friend from across the street, the one who made the mancala boards, stopped to see if he needed help. I think contractor friend probably thought if he was attending my car in pajamas, it must be urgent! Nah, it's how he rolls. He didn't need help, but this was a snapshot of how my neighborhood works.

Then Gary said he knows now never to throw anything away before checking with me (my work here is done) and wondered about this set of fireplace tools. He's getting his fireplace converted to gas.

I put it up on free cycle, and had a quick response. It will be in a new home, all being well, tomorrow.

And just to keep my upcycling cred going, here's my former pretty kettle now acting as a handy watering can for the upstairs plants. This is the second bedroom, sunny in the afternoon, great for a read with a pot of tea, like this afternoon. That's the bed, aka reading area, in the corner there.

I learned a new exercise related to walking, involving the long-named muscle group on the front of your shins. Apparently one of its jobs is to lift your foot so you don't trip as you walk. 

So I did the exercise yesterday, involving leaning against a wall and raising the toes, ow. Judging by the soreness in the front of my legs, I'd say I need to pay some attention to this area. I do toe lifting, but differently from this, on the stairs. And less demanding, clearly.

Back to less physical work, I'm back to the socks for the Sock 'n Glove Ministry. This is sock one. When the pair's done, I'll send them with the pairs of gloves including the pair and a spare. High time I got something sent off.

Lovely day, neighbors, friends, art, reading a rattling good book, sunshine, sleeping bees, what more could a person ask.


  1. I don't believe I have ever seen a sleeping bee. I think I love Gary. :) Now I need to try that exercise. It's guaranteed I will feel pain. Your shoulder must be much better.

    1. Since I did that neck exercise using the rolled towel, I've done very much better. To know Gary is to love him!

  2. Hurray for such good neighbors! And dahlias and bees and socks to send off along with gloves to keep people warm and cozy.

  3. You are blessed with good neighbours. It sounds like a lovely community.
    Can you describe that toe exercise a bit more? It might explain why have developed a tendency to trip over my own feet!!

    1. I'll blog about it tomorrow with the YouTube reference so you can see it in action. It's possible that your muscle area has got a bit out of shape, yes. So if you think so, check it out.

  4. Amazing how the onset of winter draws us to wool.

    1. So true. Already I'm glad of my underfoot rug.

  5. Oh, to be a lazy bee having a snooze in a dahlia!

  6. Glad you enjoyed the sunshine and the flowers.
    We had rain again today and it’s back to cold weather.
    My dahlias are coming though now. Hopefully soon I’ll have lovely blooms like the ones I’m your pictures
    Love the yarn of the socks

  7. Sweetest thing ever, bee slumber in a pink dalia- Pooh might wiggle the flower a little. Back to work, bee. Fire places burning wood have pretty much been outlawed , I suppose the poker and others would make great art objects.

    1. Around here people still have fireplaces. I haven't used mine in years.

  8. That is a great community that you live in - people who look out, notice, care enough to enquire, and respect enough to let you get on with it when you say you can.

  9. Do you lean back against the wall or front, like a wall-push-up pose to do this exercise. I think it would be useful for me. I love the socks. It sounds like you are settling in well!

    1. Stay tuned, I'll say more about the exercise.

  10. So much colour there. We have colour too but not too much of it is flowers. 😊

    1. Here the leaves are pretty muted, but the dahlias are booming.

  11. bees sleeping in flowers surprises me. I assumed that as evening approached they would head back home and deposit the days nectar and pollen.

    1. They sleep during their work day! Loafers!

  12. Sounds like a pretty decent day. Lovely to see the neighbours all looking out for one another, not always something that happens these days.

    1. This neighborhood has always been friendly, even with changes of residents. Nice people replace nice people.


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