Saturday, October 14, 2023

Tradescantia, after a couple of tries, and other gallant misses

 Yesterday, in the middle of lunch, turkey meatball sandwich, pita bread, Gary erupted into the house, and said that red plant I've been talking about giving you?  It's happening now. I said, great, and I have an empty ceiling hook in my bedroom, let's go.

So we trooped upstairs, and first he checked the hook, said no, this won't work, no anchor. Then a little moth flew out of the plant and he ran downstairs for a glass and paper towel to catch and release it outdoors.

Back to the ceiling, he brings over two cases of anchors and screws, trying to match sizes, and I said, wait, there's another hook in the other bedroom and I think it has an anchor.

Back upstairs he checks, wrong kind of anchor, more exploration of solutions. Finally he did find a ceiling anchor which will work 

And I'm now, after a couple of false starts,  the custodian, possibly owner, of this lovely thing. I need to prune it a bit, since it's been outside all summer, growing fast. I'll use the prunings to start another plant.

Then I went to the knitting group, no new projects to show, but small group chat ranged over hiking vacations in Pennsylvania, flu shots, I-cord edging for knitted items, pockets, passwords, and camping. 

Happy day, everyone, be ready for the sudden appearance of plants and people in your life. And let's remember the humanity of civilians being oppressed right now.


And hope a few flowers can bring a little spark of hope

And remember Ukraine, still fighting


  1. That is a lovely plant! Gary is a keeper.

  2. There is so much sadness in the world right now. Thank you for this ray of light, Boud!

  3. That is quite an impressive plant! And yes, beautiful textiles. I wish we could all just get along. (That's my inane, superficial contribution to World Peace.)

  4. Interesting story of getting the plant displayed from a ceiling anchor. It looks really good. And beautiful bouquet of flowers!

    1. The bouquet is tiny, it's in a wine glass, but yes, it's lovely. Around Gary even the simplest operation gets interesting fast.

  5. Lovely plant, and you'll get dozens more from it! Thanks for beauty shared. Let's keep the force of peace alive while having compassion for the suffering innocents.

    1. Yes, hope always for peace. And we do what we can to get and keep it.

  6. I really have come to adore Gary. I love how he just shows up and says, "Here's the plan!" And then he follows through.
    And now your house is even cheerier because of that plant being in it.
    I love that Aboriginal art. Wow!

    1. He's a go getter, when it's his idea. Other people's, not so much. But when he's on something he doesn't stop till it's done.

  7. I love the colour of that plant. Stunning

    1. It's a lovely contrast with all the greens of the other plants.

  8. The entire world is afire. Thank you for the art.

  9. At least Gary wasn't wearing pyjamas this time!
    That is a lovely plant. Do you know what it is?

    1. I thought it looked like that. It used to be called Wandering Jew. My Catholic mother in law decided it should be called Meandering Christian to keep things even.

  10. Replies
    1. It's huge! It's been outside and liked it.

  11. Stunning art and textiles. I cant believe the outcome of the Voice vote. What i had read predicted a NO, but it still come as a shock and an outrage.

    1. Australia isn't the equitable place I'd thought it was. It is a sad result.

  12. What a beautiful plant! Gary is a real star.

    1. It's lovely, and really sets up the corner it's in.

  13. interesting plant. how will you water it?

    1. By getting on a step stool with a watering can. Usual way. Easier than trying to lower the plant.

  14. Beautiful plant and so nice of Gary to be sure it was in a good home.
    I suppose I shouldn't admit that I try very hard to not listen to the world news because it's simply too upsetting and I know it will cause my depression to rear its ugly head. Sometimes it's best to avoid the worst of it.

    1. I think you need to look out for your own mental health. No point in adding to human misery by allowing bad news to pull you down.


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