Monday, October 9, 2023

Dental joy, freecycle in reverse, and alerts

Today I overcame my driving nerves, now necessary since the pandemic knocked out my driving confidence, and made it to the dentist for the annual ( I refuse to go more often, if it ain't broke, etc) cleaning and measuring and xrays. 

This was the five year interval for complete xrays, not just the annual bite wings. I have a small mouth, which some might dispute, but it's really trying to have those inserts wedged in for xrays. 

New hygienist, after a couple of pictures said, you know what? The adult equipment is too big, I'm going to switch to pediatric inserts, half the size but the same pictures. This was the easiest time I've ever had.  I blessed her. She also said to head off a gag reflex, uncross your feet, lift them both up just a bit and it interrupts the gag! She has a lot of trouble herself, so she does it. I learned something!  

Dentist declared me to be in great dental health, nothing to do but empty your wallet,  go home, goodbye, see you next year.

The only hard bit was paying for it.  Except that as always, on the way home,  the car suddenly beeped loudly, flashing screen, as if there was some major issue, this one shouting TIRE PRESSURE LOW. 

It's always on the dentist trip that something alerts the car. I think it hates going. Anyway I took a couple of cranberry muffins next door, admired the very nice floor going in upstairs, and when he gets a minute, Gary will attend to the tires. He has an inflater/compressor thing, and it's a short job. Two muffinsworth.

Then another Good Thing happened. There was a whistling kettle on free cycle, local, which I lucked into. My current kettle,  though pretty and good quality, boils silently, to the point where I've forgotten it all night.. After a couple of gosh, could have burned the place down episodes, I put an alert on my phone, to clang loudly at 10pm CHECK THE STOVETOP!

This Revere Ware kettle has a piercing whistle which I don't think I can forget. So I've retired the phone alert, from the many notes to self to keep my tricycle triking. I don't think I could cope with a partner now. It's all I can do to cope with moi. That shot reminds me of those early oil paintings where the painter showed off their technical skills, sneaking themselves into the image.

Happy day everyone!  Keep triking, whatever that means for you, and I hope Canadian friends had a good Thanksgiving, and will soon recover.

And we leave you with

Not  talking about war except to pray for the civilians on both sides suffering what a few warmongers on both sides, with outside funding and directions,  are unleashing

Photo AC.


  1. I've never heard of that method for stopping a gag reflex. When I was getting dental impressions done, the dentist told me that breathing through your nose prevents a gag reflex. That worked for me, I must say.

  2. Your car knows how you feel. I believe machines might feel vibes from people, some people.
    Back in the day, at work we had a monster size copy machine. A few times, after I made my copies, somebody told me the machine is broken, the repairman had been called. It made copies for me, but nobody else. Very weird.

    1. I worked in a hospital lab for years and sometimes the machines would work only for the guys! Who knows why?

  3. I hate going to the dentist. And like you my gag reflex is really strong.
    I love those whistling kettles. I bought one for the home, to use on the freestanding fireplace. And there is one in the caravan. Because like you. I’d put it on to boil go outside and start talking. Then forget all about it

    1. I originally got a microwave because I kept leaving food cooking on the stove and forget about it!

  4. I relate to your dentist issues. The inserts they put in the sides of my mouth are so painful. And I almost can't wait to test your new gag-reflex trick. I, and a couple of others in my family have a terrible gag reflex. The new teakettle is a beauty. And your story of forgetting reminds me that I have several times left a low burner on my gas stove, only to to find it later. I am instantly transported back to my childhood where I would often hear my mother in the kitchen calling out, "Off, off, off, off, off" before leaving the house. I learned she was checking every dial on the stove and saying it loud enough for someone else to hear her so they could verify later that she had said it if she forgot. I have begun the tradition myself now.

  5. I have a horrible gag reflex I will try your little tip. Glad you had a good visit but it is expensive.
    Cute cartoon and glad you have someone to help you with your tires

    1. I really like the cartoon finding good out of a supposed tragedy.

  6. At least once a month Mini tells us to check the tyre pressure. It's always okay. Anyway glad to hear you're in toothy good health. What an interesting tip to stop the gag reflex.

    1. I wonder if the tip is about taking your mind to another part of the body, so it can't do both at once.

  7. We constantly use Alexa or Siri (phone) to remind us of things. They have been very useful when we have been taking long term antibiotics.

    Sorry about the car. Hopefully, it was just that little thing. I have an appointment within the next month or so.

  8. I think you found a great hygienist with such helpful suggestions! Muffin payment for car trouble sounds perfect. We noticed here recently it cost two dollars to put air in a tire at a gas station. Air was always free.

    1. Yes they seem to have machines to sell air now!

  9. Congratulations on the kettle!. I have an old whistling kettle, I would not remember if it didn't tell me. I sometimes leave the oven on, sometimes overnight. I have a phobia and it's dentists. I need to be sedated.I like this Humpty-Dumpty story much better.

    1. I have been known to leave the oven on, too. Isn't this humpty dumpty better than assuming disaster?

  10. Yeah, it was Vermeer who painted himself into a reflection, wasn't it? Or Velazquez? Or maybe both.

    We use an electric kettle that shuts off by itself, thank goodness.

    1. Quite a few painters did it. I like a kettle that goes on the stove. Gas is cheaper, and we've never had a gas outage!

  11. As I went to sleep last night, I was wondering- Did I turn the oven off? I knew I had, I could remember consciously doing it. But damn. It's a worry.
    My granny had a whistling Revere Ware tea kettle! It wasn't as pretty as that one though.
    Don't you hate it when your car tells you something is wrong in such an alarming fashion? I do. Hurray for Gary. Two muffins worth of work. Exactly!

    1. When he remembers and gets to it, that is! I think my car was designed by drama kings.

  12. I'm glad you made it home before too much tire trouble. My next dental appointment will require the full five-year all-mouth xrays. It will be expensive.

    1. The bill is the bit that hurts. I think I should get a partial refund when it shows no problems.

  13. Sounds a caring dentist (if that's not a tautology).
    My dad left his kettle on the gas and melted the lid. A friend managed to find him a new lid. The following day he did it again. "Well, they always used to have metal lids" he protested.

  14. Yay for a good report at the dentist and even more huzzahs for a smart tech person. Dentists certainly know how to charge and I'm dreading our upcoming appointments too because I suspect I'll be in for x-rays being that I know I have two cracked teeth (to say nothing about how much THAT will cost to fix!!).

    1. Your health coverage doesn't include dental? That's too bad.


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