Friday, October 6, 2023

Misfits, scones and salads

 Since Handsome Son spent the afternoon here, no stitching nor knitting happened. We were outside, just lovely sunny dry weather, enjoying tea and fresh baked cranberry scones.

I found soured milk which I'd frozen, and it worked fine.

The Misfits box arrived just as he did, so he brought it in, hence no picture on the step or the opened box. After he left, I unboxed, small haul this week. But I did give him a taste of the golden berries, which he said tasted a lot like raspberries to him.

Since I've been running out of thoughts about what to cook, I ordered a spring mix of salad greens, for a planfree supper last night, with cheddar chunks and a hardboiled egg, tzatziki dressing.  Strawberries for dessert. It was like a return of summer.

During the afternoon, Handsome Son admired my newly organized living room, suggested another lamp for the other bookcase and thought it might be time he freecycled some of his books, too.  

Including psych books from his college days..I usually do the free cycling, more time and I can be online more, so he'll bring a box over next time he visits. We'll see how that goes. I'm not sure how much interest there is in old textbooks but we'll give it a try.

Today I need to prune the butterfly bush. I do one task per session outside these days, not more, to spare my energy. I think when my hibiscus arrives, that will be when I take out the remains of the zinnias and  marigolds, to make room. 

The patio is filling up with permanent plantings. Maybe next year my annual flowers will go outside the fence. I must make a note to include cosmos, too, which I forgot this year. 

Happy day everyone, let's tend to our sheep, revenons a nos moutons, insert your own grave accent, whatever form our moutons take!


  1. When you do your free cycled, is there a webpage you go to in order to post what you're giving away? I'm not sure I understand how it all works. Sounds like you had a nice visit with your son. Cranberry scones look wonderful.

    1. Free cycle is a national online website. You select your local bit, sign up (free) create a password, and after that you can post details to your chosen region, including pictures. when people message you in response, you give one of them, your choice, the address and details of where you're leaving the items. I put mine on the front step labeled with the name and Free cycle. This is so helpful neighbors don't mistake the bag for garbage and toss it for me. Once taken you can update your entry to indicate it's pending pickup, then taken.
      There are other local versions some people use, too.

  2. That is one beautiful, healthy-looking salad!

  3. The misfits are interesting. I run out of ideas all the time on what to make. that salad looks amazing. From working in a used bookstore I can tell you text books are hard to even give away

    1. I think you're right about textbooks. I did find people interested in the history of science to take away my late husband's research books on atomic science, but I think that was a lucky niche.

  4. Okay. So I have now signed up for Freecycle. Will I use it is the question? And would anyone want to come to Lloyd to get something? Who knows?
    Why do you suppose that both of us are having such a hard time coming up with meal ideas? Perhaps it is the moon.
    Glad your son got to come over for scones and chat. Sounds lovely.

    1. It's not lack of food, just lack of ideas. Assembling items is the temp answer.
      Sometimes people arrange an exchange location, like in a parking lot about halfway between their homes, if it's a long trip. Here the population is so compact, most people don't need to.
      The afternoon was lovely, yes.

  5. We’ve stopped salads for now. Yours looks great though.

    1. I haven't really been having salads for a while, but salad weather is back.

  6. I’m sure there will be psych students who would love those books.
    The scones look yummy and so does the salad

    1. I'd be surprised if students would want them. They're nearly forty years old, and instructors nowadays here tie students to specific books with online backup, so I think they're unlikely to be attractive. But we'll see. The scones went over well, with a pot of tea.

  7. We are really enjoying our salads at the moment. So easy and varied.
    I know people who use old text books in some form of papercraft. It will be interesting to see if they move.

    1. I was thinking it's more likely their physical properties would be of interest, rather than the contents. I can see people who like altered books maybe thinking about them.

  8. We had fab cranberry scones at the coffee shop the other day.

    1. Cranberries are so much more than turkey-adjacent sauce!

  9. Cranberry scones - yum! Mind you, I like cranberries in pretty much anything.
    Will be interesting to see if the psych books have a taker. I would think a paper artist might be interested in them for making into journals...or whatever else they can think of to do with paper.

    1. The books are not here yet,so we'll see. I might word the free cycle listing with paper arts in mind. Cranberries, since I discovered the dried version, have become practically an all purpose ingredient around here.

  10. golden berries did not taste anything like raspberries to me. more like some sort of citrus or a cross between citrus and kiwi.

    1. Yes, I was interested in his take, not quite like mine.

  11. That salad suddenly made me think off a Gado-gado. I haven't made one in years - essentially your salad with a spicy peanut sauce dressing. Hmmm must go do that.

    1. I like greens and cheese and fruit, and a nice dressing even better.


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