Saturday, October 28, 2023

Cranwalsweetpot loaf and other thoughts

Yesterday I made the sweet potato bread, using the banana bread recipe with a cup of mashed sweet potato instead of banana. And I subbed half of the AP flour with chickpea flour. Added in dried cranberries and crushed walnuts.

And the result is worth doing again. It's moist and golden, and much more interesting than just with AP or even whole wheat. The bottom picture is this morning's breakfast, with the bread under that yogurt and sliced strawberry.

So many things going tragically wrong in the world, at least it's good to stop and have a nice breakfast, to try to send out good hopes. I think everything's connected,and people who try to bring a little bit of cheer, like Inger with her mountain and dog pictures, AP with his regular cat commentaries, Debra with her moon observations and the goddesses and folklore associated with the seasons, they're all so valuable. More bloggers,too, many more.

Yesterday's knitting group yielded great convo, no pictures, no new projects, but wide ranging talk, from Maine, home state of one of us, a road trip in an old classic car to Tennessee, on back roads, to home improvement and getting contractors to listen, to Halloween in Nashville. This group is therapeutic! Or as my Greek friend Bobby (Charalambos) would insist therapeftic, you should say therapeftic!

Speaking of therapeutic, the Haggard Hawks puzzle answer is






what they all have in common is ending in SIDE. If a little change is allowed, you could have ownsided, meaning scored in your own goal, which was my first guess on that one before I got the pattern.

Happy day, everyone, as far as possible. Let's press for a ceasefire in Gaza and restoring of power and internet, and an end to this war crime siege. The Israeli government doesn't speak for Jews, who despite their own heartbreak, are horrified at the response. 

Meanwhile let peace start with ourselves. I'm planning on sharing the new bread with neighbors.

Photo AP


  1. That bread does look extremely good.
    And hurray for a therapeftic knitting group! Halloween in Nashville? A classic car road trip on the backroads of Tennessee? Yes, please. Wish I could be a fly on the wall.

    1. Those are the plans of our youngest member, as you might have guessed.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm glad you enjoy my full moon posts!

  3. Glad you don't mind my Lacey posts.

  4. I think if more people went to craft groups that were mixed in sex, race and religions we would get world peace much quicker.
    No one can be angry chatting with some pretty yarn in your hands
    The bread looks very yummy

    1. I look around my little knitting group, both sexes, disabled participants, several different races and ethnicities, and great acceptance and fun. Yes, something to be said for it.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more. We need all the cheer we can get these days.

    1. I think when we can't find it, it's time to generate it.

  6. The bread looks good. And yes, you're right - peace needs to start with each individual person and hopefully that attitude will spread. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be the case.

    1. Let's go for it, to see if we can do better.

  7. My first time to ever hear of Cranwalsweetpot loaf. 😊 It does look delicious. You are so right about the state of the world. Love this … “Meanwhile let peace start with ourselves.” Absolutely.

    1. Possibly because I just made it up. Not the quotation though, I think that was Tutu.

  8. I love how you try new things with a recipe. I am not brave enough!

    1. Now that you've seen this one work, you might want to try it. Or not!

  9. Inspired bread - will try that. Inspiring post and keep mixing with all those people are their different points of view, different motivations, different joys. It is salve to read the people are discussing (out loud) appropriate response to being attacked.

    1. It's really good bread. And I live in a wildly mixed community anyway, so constantly learning about other cultures and expectations. I. My school district there are 27 languages spoken. We're about to vote and the ballots have pages of translations into many languages. I think this is great for kids particularly.

  10. I love how you can create completely new recipes. I suppose if you have a basic understanding of baking and the magic therein all things are possible.
    Does any population wish for the violent conflicts brought down by their governments? Too much death and destruction in the name of what?

    1. I think it's important to distinguish between ordinary citizens and the actions of their governments. We can't micromanage, but people sometimes believe the population supports every government action, however brutal or bizarre.

  11. What a good idea, the bread. You had an enjoyable day, I'd say. The brutality happening in two wars is beyond imagination. At least for most of us.

    1. The bread is my contribution to peace, in a way.


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