Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Gallery show and Suits

Since the cleaners were here this morning, I wasn't. I went to one library to return Season Eight of Suits, about which read on, and then to the local library to  see the current group show, and a very strong one it is. I wrote a suitably excited comment in the visitor's book.

as usual the bouncing reflections are a picture taking  issue, and I tried to include the artists' names and statements. I have some real favorites here but I refrained from only picturing them and included all the work I thought was very good.

What a range of concepts, materials and approaches! If you're anywhere near, before the end of the month, stop in, enjoy, comment in the guestbook.

While I was there, now that the table is cleared because the wall hanging is advancing, I stopped to check out my first puzzle in ages. There was some discussion in David Gascoigne's blog about a new book of research and observation of fish, so I guess I was in the mood for this

And Rose, look at this, obviously very popular as a public puzzle, I saw someone being hauled away while I was there, not wanting to stop puzzling,

I think this is one of our donations, yes? If so, thank you, you're making puzzlers happy.

About Suits, I'm up to the last, ninth,  season now, and at this point, with some technical legal assistance, I could probably write it! I love the stage business, how the elevator plays a part, someone triumphantly, dramatically, glaring out as the doors close, leaving the other person all down and discombobulated. 

Likewise the walking out of the two person confrontation/meeting, juuust almost not quite brushing the other person's shoulder. Leaving the other person dismayed, bothered, bewildered.

And, best of all, slapping down a thin folder,on the opponent's desk and totally winning the day. I'd love to have situations where that's all it takes!

And how does a person get to come to work empty handed? Not more than a messenger bag, some not even that. 

I have never managed to have a job where I could move around with fewer than two paper-stuffed bags, usually because of multiple  simultaneous projects in the days before handheld devices. And that's not even counting my art and teaching and public broadcasting life,  all of which which required in addition a car load of equipment.

I will have to see what can follow Suits, it's been like a part time job.

Speaking of which, yet another doctor verdict, from the  skin lady: it's fine, no problems, go away till next year, wheeee!!

Happy day everyone, puzzle on!


  1. Hurray for cleaners and days out at the library! Quite a show for you to enjoy.

    1. Nice catchup with a reference librarian I hadn't seen for ages, too. And I edited to note I got a good report from the derma.

  2. I do like the art! I haven't done a puzzle since I was a kid. If I tried now it would be futile, cats, you know. I have not seen suits. I'm not sure I heard of it until you started watching it. You'll need another part time job now. When I had a job I mostly just had to carry myself in!

    1. Cats were why I hadn't done puzzles before. To a cat a puzzle is 500 toys to juggle behind the sofa and under the fridge.

  3. Some very beautiful work in that art. So many different styles and interpretations
    While on a cruise many years ago. Hubby and I visited the onboard library. He’s not a reader so he started a puzzle. By the time I had picked my books and even read a chapter or two he had about five others helping him with the puzzle. I went back to our room on my own and he arrived half an hour latter. I asked if the puzzle had been finished. He said no. But had been muscled out by all the people wanting to help him lol

  4. I have never seen suits I guess I am missing something. The art work is very interesting and varied. WE haven't gotten a puzzle going here yet but it sure is getting time to.

    1. You'll notice I'm still at the 500 piece level. This is partly because the higher numbers have pieces too small for me to enjoy handling. Anyway that's my story.

  5. I had hoped to set up a space for puzzles here but will have to wait until the new house is finished as the next rental won't have a cat proof space. And will have two very annoyed cats.

    1. Puzzles and cats aren't a good mix. How about weaving and cats?

  6. I can be lost in an art show for hours! Huzzah for a great local show.

    1. It's lovely that some very accomplished art is available locally.

  7. I saw a few episodes of suits while living in Greece (a fix of anything in English once in a while). What amazed me was not the suits but the dresses and they never made two appearances. Female partners must be assumed to have wardrobes the size of football stadiums.

    1. I noticed that and was struck by how inappropriate the styles were, bare arms and backs and slashed skirts. Better for a cocktail party! Or cocktail waitresses. The one character who was costumed as for the part was Louis' secretary. As female lawyers advanced their clothes fell off!

  8. My fave among your gallery art photos is the one with the empty boat under the full moon.

    1. That one did survive my picture taking pretty well. It's nice in person, too.

  9. Art exhibits are better than visiting an art gallery. The creativity just purely shines in local artworks.
    Interesting bringing home work. The offices I worked in didn't have work to bring home. Lots of paperwork, no briefcase needed. The work was carried around in the in nightmares.

    1. Interesting observation on work that doesn't involve multiple locations and meetings.

  10. Yes, Liz. Thank you for the bright spot! That was my very favorite puzzle. I worked it and took a photo of it on my table before I sent the box. Since I discovered it not bagged in the box, I had to work it to be sure there were no pieces missing. It's is fun and challenging. Does my heart good to know that other people are sharing that joy. I wish I were close enough to visit that art exhibit! So many treasures!

    1. It clearly went over big with our local puzzle fans. The puzzle area is close to the gallery entrance, nice neighborhood!

  11. That gallery showing is impressive! You have some true artists in your locality. The diversity - lovely!

    Re puzzles: "I saw someone being hauled away while I was there, not wanting to stop puzzling," - that would be me. True addict here, fortunately my addiction gene seems to be only for puzzles. Hence I rarely indulge.

    Your photos from your walk yesterday were so full of autumnal life!

    Chris from Boise

    1. There's a lot of local talent. I believe there's never a shortage of talent, just of opportunity. I'm not a big puzzler, a few pieces here and there suit me, but this youngster was clearly seizing the moment while her mom was busy.

  12. We had company this past weekend and as soon as they left, my husband opened the newest puzzle. It is in the works!

    1. Was he happy to wave them off and get to work?

  13. Pictures I especially love: #9 … Great display … I wonder if it is an experiment to show the growth of plants? #13 … So creative … #20 … A public puzzle … Oh my goodness, how cool is that! Thanks for sharing your visit to the library!

    1. Knowing Art Lee, the creator, I expect you're right, he's a terrific gardener as well as highly inventive artist and very nice man. Around here there are a few libraries with public puzzles.

  14. Such a great many different techniques and approaches to the art theme at the show. Wish I could see it in person. I was especially intrigued by the miniature scene.
    Re Suits - I saw on the internet somewhere that there's a possibility of a further series because of the current interest in the show. Wonder if Meghan would be in it.
    Yay for good skin report!

    1. The miniature scene is lovely, takes a while to see it all.
      I very much doubt if Meghan, with her current packed schedule, could fit in acting again. But it's her fame that's pushed the series again. Maybe she'll do a cameo??

  15. As a teacher, I sure didn't go back and forth empty-handed.


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