Sunday, October 15, 2023

Change of season, alarms and excursions and a vivid sock

Yesterday was a day of  making vegetable stock, sneezing, heating soup, sneezing, stitching to a Martin Walker audio book, sneezing, and sneezing. It's the official change of season, which my body every year translates as sneezin'. Complete with mouth blisters. The sneezing is intense and I always hope it doesn't come on while I'm driving. I don't feel at all sick, just annoyed.

In the evening, Gary came over

G: remember last year my dryer broke down and

B: and you brought laundry here to dry?

G: it's broken again,  thirty days' wait to fix it

B: you just found out, and  you'd washed a load?

G: well, yes, so-

B: so bring it here, I'll do it

G: okay, I  have a big load of wet clothes!

B: you need my laundry basket again! Here, see you in a few.

Which came to pass and I was peacefully watching the people on Suits shouting at each other and drinking and plotting, the dryer finished, and I'd called Gary to notify him, when the phone rang. 

This is unusual, everyone knowing to text because I don't like the phone. It was a neighbor down the street, an old friend I've been looking out for, because of many health issues, and I suspect early dementia, or confusion from medication.

I gathered she was talking about getting her hand in hot water, hurting, very confused. I wondered if she'd intended to call me, she's done it accidentally before, and while I was thinking I'd better run down the street to check.

Then Gary arrived, change of plan in case she'd fallen, I wasn't sure, so we arranged for him to check on her while I folded his laundry. 

I was in the middle of this when he arrived back, her husband was there, and their son visiting, they said she's okay, so who knows. We finished folding the laundry and I returned to Suits, which was less exciting than real life in my neighborhood.

Meanwhile the Sock Ministry continues, someone's feet are going to be a blaze of color

Happy day everyone, I hope yours is uneventful.


  1. Real life is better than fiction. I love the socks

  2. You seem to have a nice, little neighbourhood.

  3. Never a dull moment at Chez Boud! I have been doing those toe lifts you pointed out a few days ago. I think you put me onto something. It seems you have been busy, even folding Gary's laundry. You have a good relationship there,

    1. I hope the toe lifts help. Are you able to do both feet now?

    2. Nope. But I do the easy lift 3 times a day. I can feel it in my thighs and gluteus. I have something not working in the left leg that I wouldn't have know about without doing this. You may have helped me more than any dr!

    3. Cheaper, too! But I'm glad it's helpful.

  4. Well, I'm glad your neighbor's OK, but it's interesting that she called you! Never a dull moment, as you said.

    I've been sneezing more too and couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. Change of weather, you say? I didn't even suspect that but I bet that's it.

    1. I suspect she hit the wrong name on her contact list. She's also been known to butt dial!

  5. It's great how people in your neighbourhood look out for each other. And yes, wow, that IS a vivid sock!

  6. And think about all of things you don't even know are going on in your neighborhood!
    Very, very peaceful here in Lloyd today. Just me and the birds on the feeder. Well, the church next door but they're very well behaved.
    Those socks remind me of some sort of crazy sunset.

    1. I wonder if I should start naming these socks.

  7. 1. I TOTALLY agree with you about texting vs. phoning. That ring is startling, and often at an inconvenient time. Text is so much better! Emergency being a whole different matter.
    2. I wonder if the other sock will match, or if it will turn out like the gloves. Of course, sometimes mismatched socks are a thing. Last time my granddaughter did her laundry here, she had about two dozen socks with no mates.
    3. Sitting in my recliner with my ipad in my lap has not helped my shoulders and back. I think the towel roll exercise might make a big difference. Of course, less time in the recliner would not be a bad thing, either. 😝
    4. Thank you for a bright spot in my day. 😁🌹

  8. One thing I've changed to help my neck is that I never look down at a screen. Always prop it so that I'm looking straight at it. Likewise stitching, knitting, always a pillow bringing the work up to save my neck. I think that's helped a lot..

  9. Oh the poor lady. Hopefully it was just a accidental call.
    You have a lovely community in your street.
    I love the socks. Very bright and cheery

  10. How very good that your neighborhood helps each other out.

  11. Lovely that neighbours just pitch in and help each other without totting up who has done more for whom.

    1. Yes, that's right. We've been there for each other through a lot over the years.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Love those socks!

    I love how your neighbours look out for each other.

    1. I'm not sure about the socks, but hopeful. And yes, it's good to have good neighbors. And try to be one.

  14. I too prefer texting to phone calls; more convenient.
    The sock in the picture looks indeed vivid. The result - a lovely pair of socks.

    1. I'm glad you're active in here, despite your current situation. Yes, texting is my friend.

  15. Love that sock, yes I do! Sending all good wishes that the sneezing ends soon. That sounds like quite an entry into the season. I'm sure that stock and steam did you well!

    1. Yes, soup's good, both making and eating, for a sneezing cure.

  16. There's certainly never a dull moment in your neighbourhood! I refuse to text and much prefer the phone. Rarely get a call beyond telemarketers so sometimes it can be days without the phone ringing at all. I tend to communicate via Facebook chat which is similar to texting I suppose but far less angst to pursue.

    1. Hearing on the phone is an issue, unless I'm familiar with the voice. I didn't grow up using a phone, so that might be part of it.


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