Friday, October 27, 2023

Petrified forest, Fall, and Misfits

 Yesterday I was out walking, feeling well again,  in beautiful sunny weather, record breaking, in fact, see Trenton 

up to 80°f then still 70°f at nearly seven at night

And the Fall colors were blazing away on the street

And in the trees

While across the ocean, where I was a little kid going to the seaside, this happened, at Redcar, known locally as Retkuh.

I had no idea this existed under the wide golden sand I played on and made sand castles. The sand I played with has evidently been washed away.

Meanwhile, back to the present, Misfits arrived, bang on time

Here's the Imperfect Foods truck just leaving after a strong lady left my box

The sweet potatoes were a freebie, aka a perk, and it occurs to me I can use them in a bread, like banana bread, but sweet potato, with walnuts and dried cranberries.  A change from using them as a vegetable, and it's ages since I baked one of those breads.

The strawberries are excellent, not a bad one in the box, and I've got a new yogurt, the last of which will be a starter for the home version. Expensive this week, because I needed both olive and avocado oils.

Yesterday, dressed for the warm weather,  went much better, including knitting and stitching, walking, and generally having a good day. The kids were out of school, parent teacher conferences, and were all cheerfully playing out and walking around looking cool -- middle school!

Happy day, everyone, walk around, looking cool, if that's what you do.

And let's remember the Palestinian civilians in Gaza, including little children, being bombed and starved, trapped in a war they didn't start.

Let's be thankful for our own safety while doing what we can think of to help. I've been trying to showcase their textile arts, as a reminder of their civilization and ancient culture.

 And, until Russia retreats, as always 


  1. I enjoyed some sweet potato fries that I made last week.

  2. very orange there. orange here to from the blooming cosmos and my neighbor's native pecan tree has turned yellow early. not brilliant yellow though.

    1. Yes, since we had a night in the thirties, the colors leapt out.

  3. Replies
    1. Apparently it's been exposed by an earlier big storm, too.

  4. I prefer sweet potato to regular though I don’t eat a lot of either.

    The wooden frame of an old ship wreck was exposed on a beach here recently due to disappearing sand. It is covered again now though.

    1. I think there were exposed wrecks at Redcar too. It's on a wild stretch of the North Sea.

  5. Interesting petrified forest. All the play you had on the sand, never knowing what was underneath. I wish I could walk around looking cool, but alas, no hope of that!

  6. Have you ever made a sweet potato pie? Better than pumpkin in my opinion. Just exchange the mashed, cooked sweet potatoes for pumpkin and there you go. But a sweet potato bread will also be delicious.
    Warm here too, but of course this is Florida.

    1. I don't make pies, but I think pumpkin is best in soup, not as a pie filling. Sweet potato for the win!

  7. How I love seeing photos of your fall. Most of our trees here are natives and they are evergreens. So we don’t get the spectacular colours. I do have a few deciduous
    Trees and they look amazing when they start to turn
    As lovely as it sounds to see that petrified forest the thought of that much erosion doesn’t sound good at all
    Civilians and conflict are always the innocent victims of megalomaniacs who start wars. In Gaza both countries politicians are to blame. I’m sure the average person in the street just wants to live peacefully and free to raise their families.

    1. I agree about the petrified forest. The beautiful beaches are a tourist attraction on the North East coast, and this one's gone. My heart breaks at the things I'm hearing about Palestinian people who aren't even there.

  8. The petrified forest reveal! I wonder if historians knew it was there.

    1. It's been exposed in a previous big storm. It is known to be part of the ancient land bridge to Europe, thousands of years ago.

  9. We are treated to CNN in the breakfast room here - an unceasing flow of Israel/Gaza (until a gunman ran amok in US). Those scenes of completely destroyed neighbourhoods, demolished homes of 100s of thousands of people can't be garnering a lot of good publicity around the world for Israel. I know some say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but that's a showbiz saying and this war is as far from entertainment as it is possible to get. I might be even more affected by those scenes because i lived in a concrete apartments neighbourhood in Greece and it's not hard to imagine what it would do and how many it would do it to if someone started blowing up our homes.

    1. The reaction, and the statements by Israeli Gov ministers have been appalling. They spoke of the Palestinians the way Nazis spoke of Jews not so long ago.

  10. Glorious Autumn colours.
    What Hamas did was terrible but the fallout is even worse.
    I will be interested to see how the bread turns out.

  11. It was just a wonderful weather day yesterday and one more good weather day today and then a deep dive into fall.

  12. I had this thought about Hamas: Did you check in with the people this would affect so terribly, before you started this war?

    1. Hamas is about maximum damage, not about caring, sadly.

  13. I think our temperatures broke records yesterday. Today it's more seasonal and they are telling us that we're in for some cold and possibly some of the dreaded white stuff.

    1. Oh well. Nice while it lasted. I saw a good video on that YouTube channel I've been talking about, all about relieving sciatica by flossing the nerve. Never heard of it but I thought I'd mention it in case it's useful.

  14. Wow! that petrified forest is impressive. The bread sounds fascinating. It's made me hungry now.


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