Saturday, August 5, 2023

Weaving, warping, wrangling

 Yesterday the appliance store called, fridge was in, when could they deliver, including today. So I chose today.

There ensued a frenzy of emptying the fridge freezer into the chest freezer. This involves dumping art materials, natural dyes, from the bottom of the chest freezer where they've been

for years, I made a lot and used some

And still just got it to close.

How you ask, can a single old lady have this much in the freezer? This old lady wonders the same. A lot of makings of stock, bunches of herbs, cooked items waiting their turn.

Anyway they called to say expect delivery this afternoon.

So here's the state of the old fridge, and the chaos of the kitchen.

I'm wondering if I'll have the energy to defrost the freezer once the new fridge arrives and I can move food into it. 

Meanwhile, I wound the warp for the upcoming rug, once the upcoming heddle gets here

And washed and rinsed and patted and left to dry the finished skirt panels and pocket 

Did I mention I finished the positively last skirt of the summer?

And here's today's flowers

Happy day everyone, hoping all your deliveries work out.


  1. Ugh. I have to defrost our freezer. Don't remind me!

    1. Mine's been waiting ages, can't seem to find a good time for it, for some reason.

  2. I hope the fridge delivery goes smoothly. Your new pleated skirt looks great, and it hangs just lovely!

    1. Thank you. Im finding that these sheets fo drape well.

  3. We expect our fridge to give out any time. I will hate to have to clean out its freezer! Well done!

    1. I must remember gloves next time. I forgot it's about ice.

  4. Your smiling face says it all! Very nice. What a relief for you, getting the new refrigerator before the old one conks out.

    1. Yes, it was beginning to feel like a race against time!

  5. I'm loving your little flower arrangements.

    our side by side refrigerator/freezer was old when we bought the house 17 years ago. looks in bad shape but still works fine though.

    1. I believe in hanging on to appliances as long as they work even shakily. This fridge was failing, not always cooling, not freezing enough, so considering it was original with the house, 1990, not bad.

  6. I love that skirt!
    I know you'll be so happy when the new refrigerator is in and everything is back where it belongs.

    1. Soooo right there! I don't like the upheaval.

  7. Wow, that was quick from fridge order to delivery (which I trust has been completed by now)! It is always amazing to me what we find in our freezer when we dig past our commonly used items. After finding three bags and a jar of cumin the last time I inventoried surplus spices (which we keep in the freezer), I did make a spice list.

    Chris from Boise

    Chris from Boise

    1. It's expensive when you don't know where things are. That's why I have many pairs of scissors.

  8. I think tomorrow is freezer day. I may rethink what I keep where. The new fridge is happily in its new home.

  9. Fridge cleaning at ours tomorrow - Mr B seems to have buried some smelly cheese in there somewhere and F has had quite enough of the effect it has on the kitchen every time the fridge is opened. At least with your new fridge you won't have that problem. Xxx Mr T

    1. That's the lovely part of a new one. It's all clean!

  10. Nice work in emptying the freezer.
    I too have a full freezer. Because I have crashes, thankfully not as many as I used too, I have to be organised for when I just cannot go out to buy or have the energy to cook food. I also have a supply of essentials in non perishables.
    It was great when the pandemic hit. I didn’t have to go out and panic buy anything
    The skirt looks awesome on you. Well done

    1. I think though I don't have crashes, I do like to be prepared in case I'm not well, easy food ready to go. Because I live alone, and though I could ask for help, I'd rather not.

  11. How does such a minute, pretty little woman accomplish so much? We want to know.

  12. I love your skirt! So pretty. Just so cute. So glad to hear that you're getting things set up with the new fridge. That is exciting. Also, thanks for the nice words about Wiggy. She's having a good day, today.

    1. I'm glad of a good day for wiggy. Any good day is great.

    2. Agreed. And Happy New Fridge to you!

  13. Replies
    1. Oddly enough I did most of this feeling tired!

  14. Cleaning out a freezer is necessary but never fun. Your new skirt is lovely! Is it made with pleats? Very flattering. What's really intriguing are the skirt panels!

    Looking forward to your rigid heddle loom adventures. That's something I've never tried.

    1. I don't have a rigid heddle loom. I just use rigid heddle with my back strap loom.

  15. Our freezer isn't as full these days after the power failure last year. But it is no longer empty either.

  16. Yay for a new fridge despite all the upheaval that seems to go along with such things. No doubt our fridge and stove will give up right about the same time and we're dreading the day because we know we'll have to then make do with apartment-sized versions. When we moved here we brought our nearly-new fridge and stove with us (with permission from the landlord) but from now on we'll have to rely on whatever they issue us. Likely will mean going back to the dreaded freezer-on-the-top fridge and no more convection oven for Resident Chef. Oh well, at least they're included in our rent.

    1. One of the drawbacks of renting, I guess. I used to have a portable microwave/ convection oven. Maybe he could look for one of those when the time comes.

  17. Lots of good news here, Boud, from the new freezer to the finished skirt and both it and yourself look lovely.I often wonder why our freezer has so much in it for just 2 people, but that said I am working on clearing out and using up before restocking again.

  18. I do try to shop in the freezer sometimes, same reason.

  19. I forgot about the fact that one has to clean out the fridge before they can take it away!

    1. And you can't really do it ahead, because of the perishable items. Quite a few tasks before the new one arrived.


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