Monday, August 28, 2023

Hosed! And other ways I've been kept in stitches

Gary left me with instructions to water the couple of houseplants on his patio while he's away -- they're under an umbrella for shade, so rain doesn't help -- so yesterday I thought I'd do so.

He'd left the hose helpfully where I could find it, said he'd set it up all ready for me. This is Gary, so the hose is high tech. Couldn't get it going for ages because the spigot is all changed from my simple wheel turn on. 

I finally found that the solid, immovable thing on the spigot was the on switch. It took both hands, both thumbs, to shift it far enough to open the line.

Whereupon the hose leapt up off the fence, and sprayed the operator, while I was trying to get hold of it. This happened a couple of times before I got through, because I decided to pull it further and water my flowers and herbs, and this hose has a mind of its own, especially when filled with water. 

Way back there, past the corn patch and the other obstacles, are the houseplants, two, his main concern.

But the sedum outside his fence is alive with bees of all nations, very good sign.

And, home and dried off, I made the first move to keeping tfg off the NJ presidential ballot, with this tweet to our Secretary of State. It's intended to encourage other people online to do likewise. Ballots, even for federal elections, are set up by State and County, so that's where you need to apply the pressure

Now here's an interesting thing. I tweeted this, using the correct term, disqualified, and the name of the candidate. Twice. Each time it was published and immediately vanished. This tweet uses different terms, and it stayed up. I did a screenshot anyway, for insurance, and I've posted it to Spoutible as well as here.

 In NJ the State board of elections seems to be part of the State division reporting to Secretary Way, but I'll also be in touch with my County.

In other news, here's where the stitching is. The most recent, bottom right, is veering into Arp territory, Google is your friend.

And I'm just sayin', in view of my little contretemps with Twitter or whatever it's called now, computers being the tool of modern astronomers' choice

Happy day everyone, and remember for evil to thrive, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.  Please do something:  contact your Secretary of State, expats can do this too, and ask for tfg to be disqualified from the ballot for the 2024 presidential election. Your light and mine are little, but together they're powerful.

Photo AC


  1. You got a good hosing! I have never used Twitter. You are right about good people doing nothing.

    1. The current owner of Twitter is busy disallowing tweets he doesn't like, and I suspect that's what happened here. The algorithm may be bouncing tfg's name in connection with disqualifying.

  2. Those sprayers can be very hard to operate.
    Your stitchery is really coming along.

    1. You need stronger hands than mine for this sprayer. I might just bucket water over. It's easier.

  3. I had to do and look up Arp - abstract organic sculptures - the problem is that it is almost lost on the table in that photo. I try to remember that lesson about for evil to thrive... It's true, but good people also get really scared sometimes and only the bravest good people fight the fight. Deepest admiration to you and everyone fighting that fight.

    1. You're right about the block vanishing in the picture. It's largely dark green, the camera read it as brown, and I think that's why it blended right in. I'll look out a different background from now on.
      And thank you for the encouragement! It's very tiring living through this era even without hot weather.

  4. I've been absent for several days, but am astounded that I googled tfg and came up with theformerguy. Wow!
    I hope Gary will not be gone long. Water by the bucket sounds good.

    1. It's a way of avoiding that person's name and feeding the algorithm.

  5. I wish we had a video of the watering experience. I think we can all use a giggle right now, even those who don't live where you do. The man and his mob are scary.

    1. I must say I'm glad there's no video! Though it might be a public service.

  6. I had a giggle imagining you fighting with the hose lol
    I’ve done this a few times myself so I know exactly how you felt.
    And how you looked

  7. Doing your bit, I see -- both for Gary and your country.

    1. I hope the country bit goes better than the watering bit.

  8. Good for you for persevering, both with twittering and the hose. I've never so much as looked at twitter so haven't a clue but I suspect the use of he-who-is-an-idiot using his real name might well have been the issue.

    1. Yes, I think the disaster who owns Twitter now had his thumb on the scale there.


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