Thursday, August 10, 2023

Recovering now

Yesterday reminded me that nowadays a full day might be followed by a tired day. But I did make a start in threading the new giant heddle, with a setup taking advantage of the heddle blocks. 

The reason I like the big heddle is that you can do so much more than with a small one. I can thread with more choices of width than with my tiny handcut one, size of a credit card, or my 10", though they're more manageable. 

Notice that blogger suddenly centered this section, no way to change it on a tablet? That's because it entered a picture in the wrong  place, and I had to delete it. After a bit, it resumes my preferred left blocking.

And this is the first cotton warp I've used in ages, so much easier to thread and manage than the wool I'm working on for the skirt panels, because cotton slips about easily and doesn't try to get into knots when you're not looking.

People who've been asking about the loom, the top picture  shows the backstrap loom parts in a box waiting to be assembled again. Rigid heddles can be used in all sorts of contexts, not just in the rigid heddle dedicated loom, which I gave away anyway, in favor of the lovely simple back strap. Some people would never part with their rhl, but I didn't like it so much. Different folks, strokes, etc.

After a lunch of hake, fried with panko breading, steamed carrots and chard, I braved the now prevalent no seeums, and sat out, rewarded by seeing the first hummingbird in two years, just a split second before he darted away. 

The bees are diving into my butterfly bush, lovely scent, just a few inches from my face as I was  reading Jane Parr.

And I pulled the morning glory out of the Japanese maple, because it was dragging it out of shape, and reorganized it around the shepherd's crook. Here it's hiding behind the last plant Gary has to retrieve, that cactus on the crate there.

Lovely,  if brief, time before I had to retreat and rub anti itch on all the bites. 

Gary is trying to winnow  and visited yesterday with ideas. I agreed to free cycle some items for him, declined to store cardboard boxes from appliances, explaining I'm trying not to let more stuff in! He's cool with this. 

Yesterday elsewhere there was a bit of chat about clothes, some people happily wearing the same things daily, others changing up. I like to wear a different outfit every day, including many days when I don't see anyone to talk to. It's a bit of pleasure each morning, choosing which skirt or pants, which top, just to please me.  

I know some people take other people's presence or absence into the equation, but I don't mind that.  One of my friends, same age as my son, once said, but you're older than my mother and she wears the same sari all the time, how come you look different every day, I mean, who's looking? Which cracked me up! 

Happy day everyone, wear what you like! Some people own several of the exact same outfit, to save time deciding, some would be a bit bored by being identified by their personal uniform. It occurs to me that having to wear the same hated uniform five days a week for seven years at school might be playing into this picture for me.

Can't upload my daily Ukraine picture, so Slava Ukraini anyway!


  1. It looks so peaceable in your garden, and your weaving matches the outdoor chair - is that a favoured colour or an accident? I don't much care what I wear but it has to have pockets. So many womens' garments are made without pockets. I notice you always seem to add pockets too.

    1. It's a common color rather than a favored one. The chair was rescued when the local pool renovated their area and tossed perfectly good poolside chairs into the dumpster.

      I do like green though, yes. And pockets are a good reason to make your own clothes.

  2. I think "dressing for others" and "dressing for ourselves" is the epitome of an extrovert vs introvert approach to life!

    1. Now that's an aspect I hadn't thought of. Yes, I think that's true.

  3. You have a lot more patience than me, tiny threads keeping all intact! Good to think of why we wear different clothes each day. I tend to wear mine several times since I don't do much to them in dirtying them, little sweat or toil here. Just a practical thing I guess.

    1. Yes, I don't launder top clothes all the time, just hang them up each night.

  4. If you have the time and mood, then take a look at the Blogger typing HTML screen, get use to what is there. For some reason, when I am in a good mood, I've been able to fix the font when it has gone off what I selected. Aligning the text is another story.
    I am glad you saw the hummingbird. I think they are stocking up for the flight south. The hummingbird around here has been very busy. I've seen him more in the last week than I have all summer, usually in the late afternoon.

    1. Usually I see a hummingbird about four o clock. I don't know where they are the rest of the day.

  5. The weaving is Greek to me! I am pleased you are enjoying the new heddle. You have a lovely patio area, really pretty. I mostly change clothes everyday. I do get sweaty.

    1. I do like the patio. Some neighbors just use their area as storage. I think that's a waste of options.

  6. Your garden looks great! I must admit I don't save appliance boxes once I'm sure the appliance is working correctly. I recycle 'em.

    1. I think a lot of people have an almost superstitious feeling about appliance boxes, that the minute they recycle, they'll need to return the item. I recycle all the time.

  7. I believe you can delete a picture by tapping on the picture to highlight it, and then tap "delete" on your keyboard.
    Our crepe myrtle in N. Florida is blooming now too. Lovely spots of color, Lily told me today that one came up in their vegetable garden and it is already blooming!
    Have fun weaving.

    1. There's a crape myrtle down the street which is full of blossom now, just lovely.

  8. The garden is looking fabulous
    I’ve got the same general outfits and all my clothes are interchangeable so even though I have a kinda uniform it always looks different m if you know what I mean. Currently it’s seven in the morning and I’m wearing my new crochet tunic that I made. Some people I know would “just die” being seen in a hand made item of clothing. But I think I’m being very chic in a one off creation.
    Plus I really just don’t care.
    Keep being you

    1. Handmade with skill is the best you can get. So, good for you!

  9. I used to worry more about clothes. Now I do wear different things (most) days but they all are pretty much interchangeable! Jeans with the blue fleece or the purple one? I do love your garden -- it looks terrific.

    1. Yes, most of mine are pretty much mix and match, but I like the process of mixing and matching.

  10. I always mean to think more about clothes but I'm a morning person and i'm usually too busy to get started with the day to spend too long thinking about what clothes to wear. Maybe I should revive the old tradition of "dressing for dinner" in the evening, LOL

    1. Dressing for dinner would be posh. Well, depending on what you dressed in. Some people dine in pajamas!

  11. I sometimes wear an outfit two days in a row. It varies though. It probably depends on the plans for the day.

  12. Definitely more possibilities with the larger heddle.

    The formatting inconsistencies with blogger are frustrating. Can you see the html view on the editor with your tablet? For some reason, blogger seems to "catch" a new sentence or paragraph within the previous formatting. I always seem to be going into html mode to correct italics or bold that shouldn't be. The other option is the "clear formatting" thingy. Highlight the text and hit the last icon on the bar (the T with the slash through it, may have to click on the three dots to find it.)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I wear PJs a lot now, Much too hot otherwise. I'm glad your friend gave you flowers for remembrance. Happy Birthday to your son and have a great tome with the new heddle,

    1. So glad to see you here, e! I'll pass on the birthday greetings.

  14. I am eagerly awaiting the rug progress. Now I am home for the foreseeable future I mean to drag out my 32" RHL and warp it up for placemats using fabric as the weft.

    1. I can see the idea of a different weft has definitely got you fired up! That sounds really good. Great to be weaving again.

  15. I guess you could say my outdoors 'uniform' for most of the year consists of jeans and either a t-shirt or a long-sleeved T if it's cold. I have a nearly impossible time getting dress pants long enough so jeans it is. Summer months will find me either in a long dress or a pair of capris and a t-shirt. I change into 'lounger' clothing when I'm home so I get lots of wearings out of my so-called 'better' clothing before they need to be washed. Unless, of course, I've managed to goober on myself!
    Must admit the heddle is a complete mystery to me but I certainly do enjoy your photos and descriptions.

    1. Interesting side light on the issue of being a tall woman who doesn't make her own clothes. I'm surprised that dress pants are so scarce in tall sizes.


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