Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Of tea and flowers and feathers and lawbreaking, et cetera

Walking is easier in the suddenly much cooler days, the grey skies making colors pop, and this year I notice greater carpets of yellow sorrel

And a blue jay feather, which I brought home. 

It's against the law to own wild bird feathers in this State, such an outlaw. I hope the feather police don't check my coffee table.

At home again I'm trying a different blend of tea

and find this is exactly like my mom's tea. I must have hit on her choice. The leaves are much smaller and it's snarlingly strong, not much required. I think this is my comfort tea of choice now.

Speaking of which, shakshuka has become a comfort food of choice, also what I make when I can't think what to make. 

This time I used spinach and celery leaves as a base,  and canned diced tomatoes. It was a bit liquid, so I siphoned some off for use in future spag sauce, and ended with the best version I've made up to now.

And, since Handsome Son suddenly announced he was visiting yesterday afternoon, I baked a batch of blueberry and cranberry muffins, since I had nothing to offer him. I'm happy with just honey toast, but he's not a fan.

I also broke it to him that I'm not up to cooking elaborate meals, such as Thanksgiving any more, and he was disappointed, but amenable to take out, as long as we did Tday and other holidays one way or another. 

Years ago I would cook a three course meal weekly for us, when he was going through a difficult unemployment period. I went to monthly after he got settled, and between the pandemic and advancing age with retreating energy, I usually nowadays offer him a little something with a pot of tea. 

We did keep up a bigger deal for Easter, Tgiving and Christmas, but last year I moved to having us serve ourselves from the stove instead of a fancy table setup. I think I'm ready for an even simpler way to save energy, just buy takeout.  

This way we can enjoy the company without my getting worn to a thread. Self care rules! Not that he's demanding, in fact for the holidays he always brings parts of the meal. But I need a break.

We already started  simplifying by having pizza to celebrate handsome partner's birthday, and I'm doing Bad Food for Labor day next weekend. 

Bad Food, meaning things we never normally ate, became a tradition with Handsome Partner, for July Fourth and Labor day, usually hot dogs with everything, potato chips and that.

I haven't been in the mood for a couple of years, but I'm doing it this year, and Handsome Son might join me, depending on his work schedule, which he won't know till the weekend. So I think we're easing into easier ways for me.

The stitching is continuing, and I'm doing a variation on applique, using the stumpwork technique of button hole stitching round the shape,  then cutting out around the stitching. 

Then I'll mount another smaller shape, in green,  on this one, then apply the result to the blue backing.

Speaking of stitching, I realize that the knotted candlewick technique described by Caro isn't the candlewick I was talking about. This is the thing I meant.

I couldn't track down more info on it.

Seems that there are two techniques using the same name. The version I mean was used for warm robes and bed spreads, usually in white, using multiple soft cotton thread cut into tufts, exactly like the kind of soft threads used in candles, hence the name. The other, knotted version,  is pretty, and new to me.

While we're thinking puzzles anyway, Haggard Hawks finally produced a new one, yay

Funny clues please!

Happy day everyone, self care is the current mantra all round!


  1. I like the name Bad Food. Describes how I feel about that fare but we eat it periodically. Great idea to get take out for some occasions. I can see that in our future too.

    1. I think it's a good idea just now and then.

  2. You've had a busy day. A feather in the ground is free from the bird as part of our natural environment. The exchange of talons to hands should be honored.
    I know killing birds for their feathers us illegal, and selling some is banned. I had no idea there's a law against picking them up to keep.
    I don't pick them up because feathers, and bird nests, can be covered with lice and desease.

    1. I think the law is in place because it would be difficult to prove you came by feathers by chance. So all claim to ownership is banned.

  3. You are an outlaw!!! I believe HS will be happy with the muffins, I know I would be. As far as elaborate holidays go...I don't have company anymore, so things have changed. I still set the table, but there isn't any pressure on me, so it's much easier. You have the right idea. Why wear yourself out. Takeout is a good choice.

  4. all my word finding energy these days is focused of 5 letter words via Wordle.

    those eggs in the shakshuka would put me off. I don't cook fancy meals for holidays, in fact we mostly ignore holidays except for Thanksgiving which my daughter hosts. I just bring the dressing and the homemade cranberry sauce. but the dressing takes the better part of two days, one day to do all the prep work and the next day to put it all together and cook it.

    1. I do like marking the holiday seasons, though. But I don't have anyone hosting, so I have to figure out other energy savers.

  5. All sounds very sensible. Save energy for the important things.
    Tell them it was from a tame jay.

    1. Good idea! As long as they don't want to meet it.

  6. Harney & Sons is a staple here, along with Adagio’s Vanilla Honeybush. Combine the two, sweeten with honey, up the ante with a bit of milk, and you’re over the top.

    1. Which of the Harney and sons teas is your staple? There are so many choices. I do take milk, but no other flavors, and no sweetener.

    2. My current favorite is the Special English Breakfast, as seen in the picture, quite different from the other English breakfast tea they produce.

  7. I like the idea of Bad Food Labor Day! That's fun! I say take-out TG sounds good. You can always supplement by something you might have at home that's easy to prep up ahead of time. And have everyone bring a dish to pass -- assign a category like dessert or apps or side. The main thing is being together. I remember for Christmas my mom picking up a ham that was done and just needed to be heated and it was always good and lots less stressful!

    1. Everyone is my son and me. He provides cheese and crackers for starters, dessert for finishers, and I I've usually done the main meal with all the fancy vegs, stuffing, bird or whatever, cranberry sauce. Mostly from scratch. Cutting back. As you say, the company's the point.

  8. I had a red candlewick bedspread as a kid - the fluffy kind. We also had some sort of tufted ones with patterns of squares. I assumed candlewick referred to the cotton it was made of.

    1. Did you ever try your hand at doing it? I have vague memories of big loops which you cut to make tufts.

  9. I think it doesn’t matter what food is on the table. As long as there is something to eat and the company is there. That’s all that matters.
    I’m glad you were able to voice your needs and they were accepted. That takes lots of guts in my open. Women don’t do that often and suffer unfortunately

    1. It's true, even though Handsome Son is a nice guy, it wasn't easy to say. But I'm glad I did. It's a weight off.

  10. Bad food. Perfect. I have a crow feather, which I treasure. Crows are very personable fellows, and this one left me the only crow feather I've ever found. I keep it in a vase with a lovely white chicken feather.
    I was at a show in NJ and a Native American exhibiting was shut down by the feather police for having feathers in his art. Before the weekend ended he proved his ability to use and sell feathers, but his weekend was ruined for income.

    1. Wondering if it was in North Jersey, and he was Ramapo. There's a long history of police prejudice against the Ramapo.

  11. I had a candlewick bedspread as a child. I understand the name came from the actual use of candlewicks to stitch with so both methods hold water.
    You are quite the rebel. Bird feathers and take out. I do agree with scaling back, though. As we get older it is about the company.
    Now that was an average comment that could have been better!

    1. Cool clue!! Yes I think candlewick has parallel meanings.

  12. I guess TX police haven't thought of looking for feathers! I have quite a collection from blue jays and doves. Many of them hang out in my back yard. I thought one day I would make dream catchers. Feathers look nice on them.

    1. They're beautiful, and I've got as far as putting them in a glass, like flowers

  13. I like your plan for self care and I hope your Labor Day feast is fun. Thanks for your concern over wind and water. I'll keep you posted.

  14. You scofflaw :-) Your answer to Salty Pumpkin Studio is correct. All that being said - that is one beautiful jay feather.

    I had wondered what happened to Bad Food holidays.

    Glad you spoke up about saving energy on Thanksgiving (and the other holidays) for the important parts, and that HS was OK with the new plans.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I think during the pandemic, bad food felt like a bad idea! I wasn't in the mood. Now it feels different.

  15. I forget what happened exactly, but either the TG or Christmas turkey didn't go so well a few years ago. Sue pretty well threw in the towel, so to speak.

    1. It was probably coming for some time. There's great pressure on women to do this great job for the holidays. It's a lot of work. I was willing, and now the flesh is getting weak.

  16. My goodness. If you disappear from the blogging world we'll know the feather police have carted you away.
    I think your stepping back from all the kerfluffle surrounding holiday meals is a good plan. We had our friends here for supper a few weeks ago (first time since covid hit that we've had any company) and it was a huge ordeal. Luckily our family has never celebrated any of the holidays other than Christmas and our days of hosting that are over.

    1. Entertaining always sounds lovely ahead of time. The actual doing, not so much.


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