Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Plum crumble, plumbing and democracy

 Yesterday I did make the, drum roll

plum crumble, first helping served here, cook's privilege, with yogurt.  I used a Martha Stewart oat crumble recipe for the topping, and macerated the plums according to Rose Levy Birnbaum, with sugar, salt, ginger, lemon zest and cinnamon.

Whenever Handsome Son makes it over here to celebrate today's birthday, this is part of it. I have to put it in the freezer, after I took a helping over to Gary last evening, so that there's plenty available for Handsome Son.

Then, today already stressful, Handsome Partner's anniversary, the kitchen decided to take my mind off it. While I was making tea for breakfast,  after I'd rinsed dishes, I heard a weird dripping sound. Looked under the sink and the cabinet was filling up with water.  Oh. 

Gary came over, diagnosed that it  didn't need a plumber, it was running through the bottom of the disposall he would get a new one later this morning, and install it. He doesn't trust me to buy the right thing, which is probably wise. Also kind.

So the current state of the kitchen. The cabinet is mopped up and cleaner than in years, and I'm doing dishes in the downstairs bathroom. 

About democracy, we're all counting on Ohio voters, some of whom are blogistas, to vote NO on the one proposition on the Ohio ballot today. This is an attempt to raise significantly, to 60%,  the percentage of votes required to place any public question on the ballot going forward. It's a referendum on referenda. 

There are other state elections today, and, as always, we need to do whatever it takes to locate our polling places and vote. And remember if you're already in line when the polling place closes, you can not be turned away, no matter what anyone says, or how eager the officials are to get home.

Vote suppression has been happening for years, even in this bluest of states. Usually it's been busted, like the Trenton (State capital) voting official who, a few years ago,  "accidentally" moved 35,000 votes from our democratic House  incumbent to an unheard of right wing opponent, giving the win to the right winger. Briefly. In two days it was exposed, the official no longer worked there and the right winger vanished, never heard of since.

A few years ago I went to vote, same district, same candidate running for re-election, found my regular polling place closed, door locked, no flag raised. This was two hours after the polls were supposed to be open, meaning early commuters couldn't vote on the way to work. 

It's in a school building, and schools are open here in election days, civic lesson for kids,  also a  great chance for a PTA  bake sale. So I marched into the school office and demanded to know what was up. The flustered lady in the office ran through the building to alert the poll watchers that they needed to get moving. After I explained that my next call was to a judge to report this lawbreaking, that is.

They opened up, ran up the flag, and said oh we didn't realize, etc. I explained I could still file a complaint, and they practically waited on me hand and foot. They do say that this kind of blunder can be ascribed to incompetence rather than malice. But this is a small town and these guys had been working polls for years, and I voted very pointedly, and they were on notice. Never happened again. They know me too!

I do wonder though if they hadn't had the fear of judges put in them, how many votes in this very blue, very foreign-born district they would have succeeded in suppressing.  Worth fighting for. After what I went through to get the vote, don't get between me and my ballot!

 In other news, Handsome Partner has been gone twelve years, or maybe that's minutes.

Happy day, everyone, also happy birthday to Handsome Son, he really is, now mid fifties. It's strange to see your son going grey, but I'm so blessed to have a son who's a friend. 

This is a poignant day chez Boud.


  1. Happy Crumble, birthday, and memories, and don't mess with Boud.

  2. It's outrageous the shenanigans people get up to to suppress the vote. I hadn't heard about that Trenton case, moving 35,000 votes to the other candidate! Crazytown. Good for you for taking on your local polling place and making sure they know they're being watched.

    Hope the plumbing situation is easily solved. I'm sure the plum crumble will be fantastic.

    1. I think the House election was since your time here. It was fixed, or rather unfixed (!)very quietly but effectively. Very little made it into the papers.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. A friend spent some time with me, that helped.

  4. Happy, yet difficult day, for you and your Handsome Son.
    Thanks goodness for Gary and his plumbing skills!!! That could have been a real disaster had you not noticed.
    Oddly, we don't seem to hear about vote suppression here in Canada. No doubt it does happen but it hasn't made the news if it has. Good for you for knowing your rights and standing up for them. Wonder how many people arrived at that polling station and went away not bothering to return.

    1. The idea that people might allow themselves to be shut out worries me. People are too accepting.

  5. glad the plumbing problem will be fixed easily. nice to have a Gary next door. and good for you for not letting the slackers get away with not opening.

    1. They know better, after skirmishes with me over the years, than to argue!

  6. Happy Birthday to your handsome son!

  7. As an ex polling clerk, here in the UK, I am horrified by your story of the polling station not opening on time! I am also horrified by the news that our polling commission has been hacked. So, as far as I understand, every adult registered to vote in the UK has had their full name, address and date of birth stolen by cyber criminals. Apparently this happened last October, but they have 'only just found out'. Words fail me!!!

    1. There are attacks all over the world on democracy, it seems.

  8. Gary is your Bill! That plum crumble looks wonderful, HS will be happy. You are not to be messed with, I do like that.

    "12 years, or maybe that's minutes" Meaningful

    1. I'm small and old and I talk funny, but I'm fierce!

  9. A poignant day indeed.
    A day to remember and a day to feel so many different emotions. I'm thinking of you.

  10. Happy Birthday Handsome Son of Boud!

    60% is ridiculous to need for being on a ballot. I can't imagine an intelligent person not realizing how unreasonable it is. If needed, then I might settle for 10% and a work around getting a special election. I don't like the thought of people not having a voice. We all know how dangerous a majority can be given the support going on today for you know who.

    1. In Ohio, it would be a minority dictating, even worse.

  11. Replies
    1. It's pretty good. The macerating is the secret to wonderful fruit desserts. I've also done it with fruit for jam.

  12. Great work on keeping them honest.
    We have a different system here. We have to vote once we are of voting age, 18 for now but they thinking of lowering it to 16.
    You line up. Get your name ticked off and given all the paraphernalia needed to cast your vote. We also have them in the halls of our schools and I remember when my children were at the local primary school we had sausage sizzles and made lots of money to put towards buying things our kids needed in the school

    Anniversaries are hard. No matter how long it’s been.
    Glad your keeping busy. Sending you big hugs

    1. Thank you for the info on Australian voting. I knew it was compulsory. But I see the fund raising possibilities are similar!

  13. Happy birthday to your young man! A blessing indeed!

  14. Issue 1 FAILED. I do not know the spread. Thank you to all Ohioans who voted today. I told my Tea Party dinner companions over and over, as we learned in eighth grade civics, you change a constitution by amendment, not by "knee jerk" referendum. And that is the first reason why this referendum is a sham.

    1. Thank you for being a voice of reason, and for voting! The issue went down 3-2, if not better. Ohio saved a lot more than one referendum. We owe you all.

  15. It came across my news feed that the voters rejected the change. Thank goodness. Here in Oregon we vote on every issue through the mail. It makes it so easy. There are drop boxes for the ballots or you can put it in the mail. Most everyone uses the drop boxes. Happy birthday to your son. Yes, my son is 54 and gray. Have a nice evening.

    1. Same here in NJ. Universal vote by mail has been in place for years. I was one of the team pushing to get it accepted, yay us! My drop box is right by the police Department, constant photo surveillance, great security.
      You get that weird feeling when your baby gets grey!

  16. Big hugs to you today, a poignant day in all respects. And yay Ohio voters!

    It's amazing how clean a floor can become after a sink leak. Hope all is fixed tomorrow.

    Chris from Boise

    1. You'll see how it ended well. That cabinet is cleaner than in years.

  17. Plum crumble looks delicious. And what a brilliant example you set to young voters or indeed old voters.
    Anniversaries are always significant no matter how many years. But happy birthday to HS.


  18. Twelve years is twelve years and while some things get easier, some move on, it's still a significant day. The last thing you needed was water in your cabinet. I'm glad you had fast help. That's quite an election story. Well done, you! Just the best. I can't imagine how that could even be allowed to happen. It shows that we all have a very big part to play when we see something amiss.

    1. Yes. See something say something applies to a lot of situations. In the case of a cabinet filling up with water, it's more like scream something!


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