Sunday, August 6, 2023

Fridge Delivery is done

So the fridge is home and already working as a bulletin board, complete with POLST form, emergency medical directive to emts. It's almost the first thing you see when you come in the front door. 

I had to have them reverse the doors because the factory setting has them opening left to right, which doesn't work in this kitchen. But it's running a treat. 

And, yet another bonus, right underneath where the old one stood I found a hand stitched napkin, part of a set I made years ago, which vanished some time back. No idea how it got right under the fridge. Anyway 35 years of dust and crud is now gone. The napkin is in the laundry and all's well.

And today I can fill the freezer then, sigh, defrost the chest freezer, oh well.

see how nature keeps going. Who knows how spores get around, but here's a sign of fall right in the house

and I don't know what these little wildflowers are, more violet than they appear here, but not violets. Does anyone know, from this not very good pic? While I was out I checked where the baby bluejay had been, not there, also no sad little heap of feathers, so I guess he's fine. 

And here's my current reading. What a relief to read good, tight, literate writing after the cotton candy stuff of hot weather. Also I do like well researched historical novels.

And Suits continues to be my evening viewing, interrupted by Gary wanting to show me plants, very proud of the corn patch, which is now taller than everyone.  Suits is also full of fashion. The men in posh suits, the women apparently dressed for cocktail parties in the office. Some great stuff though. Especially the boss lady, name escapes me, whoa, stylin'. And I can sing the intro, but I can't do the voices, I'm much too clipped.

Speaking of today, 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, a day I remember. I was young but knew something terrible had been done. And I remember how young Gary and our neighbor are, when they went to see Oppenheimer, and said it was excellent. I couldn't possibly relive that. 

They also went to see Chappaquiddick a while back, invited me, and I couldn't imagine wanting to relive that Kennedy crime. I'm only a few years older than they, but it's like a generation in experience. 

Happy day, everyone, I hope your surprises are good ones today, but do spend a moment on our past and resolve not to go back there, please?  Preaching to the choir, I know, bear with me.  I can't let it pass without some attention paid.


  1. the little pink flowers look like a salvia but I can't be more specific than that. so handy that refrigerators doors can be reversed.

    1. The flowers are tiny, more like heartsease. Even our oldest fridges had reversible doors. You just had to ask, if the installers hadn't realized they were backwards for your space. It's pretty simple to do, with the right tools.

  2. I think I knew that fridge doors could be changed but haven't had the need to have it done. Your new fridge looks very spiffy! Sorry I don't know the name of those flowers - they're pretty, for sure.

  3. Glad the new fridge is there and working well! I went to Hiroshima Peace Park and Museum when I was in Japan. Very sobering. I don't know when I'll feel up to watching Oppenheimer.

    1. I doubt if I'll ever watch it. I'm glad you paid your respects when you were in Japan.

  4. My plant app says you have Japanese Mazus which is, in relation to the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, somewhat ironic. Here's what the app says about the name: "The name of the plant originates from Greek 'mazos" or 'mastos" meaning breast, and is probably related to the protruding middle part of the flower.

    1. Thank you, I looked that up and yes, it seems very likely. Another Asian introduced species, so I expect purists will insist it's not a wildflower! It isn't in Peterson's guide, anyway.

    2. I was going to chime in with Japanese mazus too. Great minds...

  5. Enjoy your new fridge! It looks good.

    1. It definitely raises the tone of the kitchen.

  6. I love that you were able to clean the napkin. Also glad fridge door working in right direction for the kitchen.

    1. Yes, love the tea cloth and napkin set, and I'm glad to have it complete again.

  7. This is a good day to learn that your new fridge is there and running well.

  8. It didn't take you long to make the new fridge at home! That is an odd place to find a napkin. I don't want to see that movie. I have been thinking a lot about about our past lately and am rather distraught by where we seem to be heading.

    1. I think all we can do is our own best, and use whatever power we have to turn back evil. Usually a tiny amount, but we need to do it.

  9. Glad the new fridge is in place and working well. I cannot imagine life without a fridge but people managed somehow!

    1. Since colonial times people have had iceboxes, and known the skills of preserving winter ice for the following summer. A friend of mine, nearly 100, remembers ice boxes and the local iceman delivering, still calls her fridge the icebox!

  10. New fridge looks fantastic. May she continue working for many many years
    78 years since the most brutal and history changing day. Since then we have all lived under the threat of annihilation. Even though I was t around then. I did live through the Cold War of the 80’s and that was a scary enough time for me. May we never repeat the mistakes of the past

    1. Yes to your hope we don't repeat those terrible actions.

  11. Glad the new fridge is in place and doors retrofitted.

  12. I would say that your daily post is Parr for the course.

    1. Just couldn't resist, huh? I wonder if the Parr family got a lot of that. Except I don't think golf was a thing, maybe jousting?

  13. Three cheers on the fridge. I need to order a new one for home sometime this fall. I fear how it will fit with the cupboards and hope I don't have to order a special size. The Katharine Parr book sounds very good. I'll need to add that to my royal reading list!

    1. Allow plenty of time to wait for the new one. Particularly if it's a size they don't make a lot of. It's different from the pre pandemic era, I find.
      I do like Alison Weir, just a great read to get into.


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