Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Lammas, white rabbits and Yorkshire Day

 White rabbits! It's Lammas, the quarter day halfway between some celestial thing and another, celebrating the wheat harvest, for making bread -- loafmas.  Full moon, too. It's also Yorkshire Day. Deliciously cool. So this long-transplanted Yorkshirewoman celebrated with a toasted walnut muffin and a pot of strong tea for breakfast.

This is the Yorkshire Tea Terrier from a hilarious ad showing him speeding around the Dales bringing tiny (he's little) drinks of tea to thirsty hikers, the Yorkshire answer to the St. Bernard with his cask of brandy in the Swiss Alps.

and here's  Italian basil rooting in water after only a couple of days, high hopes for this

Yesterday cooled off enough, down to the 80sf, so I used the last of the chicken which had sustained me through the heatwave, in a cream of chicken soup, Thai basil for extra flavoring. 

I had a bowl of this with pita bread toasted with cheddar cheese inserted, while I watched an evening of Suits, which was excellent, planning on evenings doing this. I have the first two seasons in hand. Also more c of c soup.

And I was thinking about the upcoming rug, measured what I need, wondered in passing if I could employ bamboo garden canes to construct a temporary loom, couldn't find them. Then I remembered Gary borrowed them to prop up his young corn being flattened by wind and rain, so they're somewhere in here

 So I'll probably use a large frame from one of my stitched wall hangings, about right for the small rug I have in mind.

Yesterday I had things go right, thought I'd mention that because it does happen. The two seasons of Suits both came into together the library for pick up, and the new ATM card actually worked first time, to my amazement. Not only that, but you can now choose the denomination of cash, not just the inevitable and often useless $20, nobody could make change!

Also the slow readers at the credit card company are veering into comic relief territory. Yesterday, after my bank cleared replacement payment, they responded to my days ago message about how they hadn't yet processed the replacement. 

Except they hadn't grasped anything, and explained that the payment had been refused, account closed. That was the initial one, dolts! I responded tersely pointing this out, refraining from name calling though,  and explaining they'd accepted and processed the replacement, so all was settled. I'm looking forward with some glee to their further take on this. I could go on, it's a bit like teasing telemarketers.

Happy day, everyone, celebrate everything! Why not. And the wheat fields symbolized in Ukraine's flag are timely.


  1. Looks like all is well at Chez Boud.

    1. It is. And Handsome Son is visiting this afternoon, chez Boud! No "at" because chez means "at the home of", at already included. Unlike batteries.

  2. Speaking of Yorkshire, we drink Yorkshire Gold tea, and we are currently the newest, All Creatures Great and Small, series. Read and enjoyed the books many years ago,

    1. I see you're in the right Yorkshire Day mode.

  3. I think you should carry of with the credit card people, a little amusement can't hurt. Maybe you will have a pair of days where everything goes right, that would be great!

    1. It would. Sometimes things that go right can be overshadowed by the things that don't. So it's good to note this.

  4. And speaking of St Bernards, August 1st is also Swiss National Day!

    1. We should probably celebrate that with a glass, or flask, of brandy.

  5. beaurocracrisies. left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. at least it finally got sorted.

    1. I won't know until my bill arrives. These people didn't even understand the message I sent, complete with dates, check # everything, clearly differentiating it from an entirely different transaction done on a different date through a different channel!

  6. Wonderful to consider teasing all the telemarketers...I have some great ideas along those lines. Personally dealing with a bookkeeping department of a surgery center where my cataracts were removed. They do creative bookkeeping. And don't seem to acknowledge the actual payment amounts I made. At least they now have given me credit witin $50 of the actual amounts of 2 credit card payments. Creative little devils. But I'm not through with them yet!

  7. Ugh. What passes for customer service these days is the WORST!

    I've never even heard of Yorkshire Day but you're the second person to mention it. Maybe Dave should make some Yorkshire pudding?!

    1. It goes best with roast beef and my mom's gravy, but he could do it!

  8. Yorkshire tea has the best ad campaigns ! "Everything stops for Yorkshire tea"!
    Your lunches are also the yummiest , makes me hungry every time. I ma just off now to have a cuppa- builder's tea- and to start my morning right!

  9. White rabbits! Thank you for the Yorkshire Tea Terrier ad - great way to start the day!

    Chris from Boise

    1. It's hilarious. Little terrier dashing about like a mad thing, people accepting his tiny flask gratefully!

  10. Happy Lammas to you.
    We are celebrating Imbolc. Spring is on its way
    I love the different pagan holidays as it’s a truer measure of the passing of the seasons. As a gardener. That’s much more helpful.
    That’s how I get my basil to root too. So easy and in a clear glass you can see the process. It’s real magic!

    1. I love rooting plants in water, as you say, like magic. I agree that the quarter days are a good measure, ancient way of marking the seasons.

  11. Yorkshire pudding is a favourite in our family. Can’t beat it!

    1. It's something I've never made. I think because it's good with beef, which I don't eat. But I guess I could at least give it a try by itself.

  12. That terrier looks like my late Jack -- except he never could have been trained to bring tea (or do anything he didn't want). He's take the tea and run! I've never heard of lamas but today I've read about it three times!

    1. My experience with terriers is that anything they do is a special favor because they like you. Heck, they can hunt their own dinner if they want, so they don't have to kowtow to humans!

  13. The bank and credit card companies sound like they don't communicate very well., not a surprise. Love the tongue-in-cheek terrier!

    1. The bank is blameless, did nothing wrong. It's the credit card company can't talk to its own staff! And the investment company, which is not my bank, no connection, it's a brokerage, can't talk to account holders! It adds up to real annoyance.

  14. We watched all of Suits and very much enjoyed it except quite late on when it came very close to crossing the line between legal and illegal.

    1. I'll look forward to finding out what happens there.


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