Monday, August 7, 2023

Freezer brag and upcoming days

 Yesterday I did it. Emptied the chest freezer, de-iced it my way. I never do that open the drain, catch the water thing. I just chip gently then finally lever huge sheets off using a spatula. It's very pleasing.

And the result is in fact a lot more room inside there.

This situation was helped by making several bags of stock material and reducing them to stock ready for soup

 Likewise the fridge freezer. I seem to have found a lot of outdated items. I did keep one container of dye, black walnut, because the nuts are much less plentiful at the moment.

I found one new situation, about making yogurt. The old fridge ran very warm on top, perfect for proofing bread and making yogurt. The new one works better, and the top is cool. Not good for yogurt 

The stove is electronic ignition, no pilot light. The stove light is led, doesn't emit heat. Oh. So I set the stove at its lowest temp 170°f, a bit high for leaving  all night, set the yogurt jar wrapped in its usual emergency blanket, turned off the stove after a couple of hours, left it shut all night. And this morning I got pretty good yogurt. 

All this is displacement activity because tomorrow is a doubly significant day. Handsome Son's birthday and Handsome Partner's twelfth anniversary.  

We celebrated HP on his birthday in June, so whenever Handsome Son is free, he'll let me know, we'll celebrate his birthday. I did a chocolate cherry cake for HP, so I won't repeat. I think a plum crumble is the plan.

 I'll bake it today and it will freeze till needed. 

A handmade card, a hand signed check (!) his usual birthday gift, and I think he'll be happy. He's getting to the age where you're less thrilled about each successive birthday, I notice.

This morning recalls to me the long ago final ob visit, where he declared at least a week to go, baby's head not engaged or even close. Yeah. Water broke that evening, sudden emergency situation, nemmind the details, but nobody got any sleep that night. 

We all survived to tell the tale, though I was too weak to hold my baby, couldn't lift my arms. The nurse held him to me instead. He was fine! So happy though, such a rush to meet this lovely little boy who'd been kicking my ribs mercilessly for months.  Starting as hyper as he went on! Fittest member of the family. 

Happy day, everyone, especially August birthday people, you Leos! Here's birthday flowers for you


  1. In winter I have successfully used a heating pad and towel arrangement for bread proofing. Not sure that would work for your yogurt if you want to do it overnight though as I think most of the heating pads automatically cut off after four hours.
    Happy birthday to HS and Happy Birth Day to his mama. We never forget those details, do we?
    Good for you for getting the freezer cleaned out! I know that feels terrific!

    1. I don't have a heating pad, so I'll have to think of some bread solution. I wonder if the linen closet which houses the hot water heater might work.

      Those people who say you forget all about childbirth after delivery are probably men. One of them even wrote it in Scripture. I rest my case.

    2. I put hot water in a couple of half-gallon jugs, nestle the yogurt container between them, and wrap a couple of bath towels around the whole arrangement.

      Chris from Boise

    3. How does this work for bread? I think it's worth a try.

    4. What works for me for bread on a cold day is the double boiler effect. Heat a small amount of water in an appropriate-sized pot. Turn burner off. Set covered bread bowl over (NOT in) the hot water and wrap a towel around the whole contraption.

    5. Thank you, great idea. Noted.

  2. You're on a roll! New fridge AND freshly defrosted freezer, good for you.
    Happy Birth Day wishes to your Handsome Son!

    1. I thought it was now or never on the defrosting, while I was unloading anyway. I'll pass on the birthday wishes, thank you.

    2. I've never forgotten his kind offer of assistance with my computer woes several years ago.

    3. Gosh, I'd forgotten that. What a nice thing to hear.

  3. good job on the freezer and the yogurt. I think the thing about childbirth is that once that baby gets pushed out, it's over. it's not that we forget the pain but that it ends so abruptly instead of gradually diminishing. our son was born during shift change and the attending nurses were ready to punch out so they laid him on me and rolled me into an empty room where husband and I got to spend some immediate time alone with him before they whisked him away to do all the baby checks in the nursery.

    1. It didn't end abruptly. Took months to recover from the extensive stitching needed. He was walking before I really recovered from pain. So, births vary. The joy was still there though.

  4. I defrost my chest freezer the same way. Very efficient. My son was 3.5 weeks late! I began to think it was all a trick. Plum cake sound very good. Happy Birthday to both of you.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm wondering whether plum crumble or Marian Burros plum torte.. Decisions, decisions.

  5. I guess our freezer defrosted naturally last year during the big power outage. It could probably use another thawing -- but it is not likely to get it.

    1. I've owned mine for about four years. I think this may be the first defrost it's had. No need to rush into these things.

  6. You're making me think I need to get to work on our freezer. I dread that task. I think I did it once before and we've lived here nine years, so it's time again.

    1. You could chuck out the ice for Olga to play with. Our kid and dogs loved it.

  7. Nice job on that freezer! Reminds me of defrosting my refrigerator freezer back in the bad old days before self-defrosting fridges arrived on the market! What a chore that was.

    1. I remember ending up mopping the floor and cursing.

  8. Great job on cleaning the freezer. That’s a job that’s definitely on my hate list.
    I do it like you. Get out scrap it all off. I can’t be bothered waiting for it to melt and then have to clean a huge mess.
    Happy birthday to your boy. They’re always our baby boys no matter how old they get

    1. I'll pass on the birthday wishes. He's your age, dear Angela! But yes, my baby!

  9. You reminded me about cleaning out the freezer. It has ice built up in it too. I hate that job! Well done, Boud. You did well!

    1. It seems to be everyone's hated job. I'm bloated with pride over finally getting it done.

  10. My father's birthday was in late August. Happy birthday HS. And well done, Boud, solving all those annoying problems.

    1. Thank you. Now I can get on with health appointments that were interrupted.

  11. Happy birthday to your son! I am an august birthday too. That is a big job to defrost that freezer but you are right it is so pleasing to scrape that ice out.

  12. That's how I defrost my chest freezer also, and the result is always SO satisfying. Lately I'm getting constant frost (then ice) build-up around the top, though, which is A Problem. Looking into possibly replacing the lid gasket, though first I may try the hair dryer trick suggested by manufacturer. Oh, and I used to make yogurt in a cardboard box with a lightbulb for warmth. I was making it for my Irish Wolfhound pup, and I don't recall how much it "set up" but I do remember that it was tasty!

    1. Aw, a Piper recipe! I don't have any incandescent bulbs any more. I used to use them for warmth for sick parakeets, long ago. Useful gentle heat source.

    2. No, this far predated Piper - it was in the 70s, when I lived in Colorado :)


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