Friday, August 25, 2023

Misfits, clean rug, and Suits

Yesterday's box arrived short of a couple of items. They'd notified me as usual, but they don't know for sure till the packing starts, if they'll come up short, so no time to change my order. 

It's one of the features of opportunistic marketing, the advantage being great prices and good quality in what you do get. I've seen people complaining that they can't set up a regular unchanging order with misfits. The whooshing sound is the point flying over their heads.

Missing are the apples and Swiss chard. I'll live.

I've ordered  bread, very unusual for me, because I've been unable to get whole wheat flour for weeks, and wonder if it's a distant result of Ukrainian supplies being throttled by Russia, affecting worldwide distribution. We have plenty of US grain production but I  wonder about the mechanism of supply.  

I'll resume home baked bread when I get whole wheat flour again, but meanwhile there's whole wheat pita and these multigrain loaves. They're a bit sweet for my taste, but, again, I'll live.

And yesterday I wondered what on earth there was to eat in the house, like not a thing to wear, and cooked this cod, tomatoes, with yellow potatoes, heavily seasoned with salt, black pepper and berbere. Cod can take it.

Note the plates in the background. This is three meals.

I expect this has some fancy recipe name, and would like to know if you know of it. It was fast food, and very good, too. 

Pro tip: I often add a sprig of herb, here Italian basil, or curry leaves, Thai basil, thyme, when you see pictures. It's not just for a photo shoot. It makes a delicate flavor as you eat the food, you can smell it, and it gets into the taste without actually eating the herb.  Same with floating a sprig in hot soup. This is handy when you're catering for people who don't like that flavor, just leave it off their  helping.

Speaking of herbs, friend Michael the Artist Handyman, across the street, is also a great cook, lucky wife comes home to marvellous dinners, anyway he's coming over today to get supplies of herbs from the patio, between rain showers. 

I'm going to confer with him about the idea of sage and celery soup. Chances are he's made it. I know he's fried sage leaves crisp then added them like croutons to soup. I haven't tried this yet.

Yesterday I washed and rinsed and blocked the little rug and it's drying on a towel up in the loft.

Then I'll stitch on the backing and veeolia! ready for cold weather.

Suits has been my evening viewing, just a couple of episodes at a time. I think what appeals to me, aside from the amazing clothes and shoes (Jessica in court with those  iconic red soles), is the intelligence. 

They reframe circumstances brilliantly, when all is lost, it isn't.  As in: this isn't a personal betrayal, it's a contract issue. I love that and could have used it effectively in a number of past situations.  It might be just as well I didn't know it at the time, come to think of it.

We haven't had a puzzle in a while, largely because Haggard Hawks has gone over to Word of the Day, interesting, but maybe not wanting to compete with his puzzle book. But here's a recent one, which I  don't think I've posted. 

Funny clues only, please, no answers. Blogistas have the best funny clues.

Happy day, everyone

Let's hope justice finally gets rolling down, thanks to Fani Willis, civic hero, and, of course, a black woman. It's always a brilliant black woman who saves the day.


  1. I thought I had easily solved the Haggard Hawks puzzle, but then discovered my answer had 9 letters. D'oh!

    1. Yes, there are a couple of great answers with too many letters, gah.

  2. He's giving us his best mobster death stare. Pissant.

    I'm impressed with how quickly you finished, or nearly, the rug. I think the fancy name for what you made is YUM! I fry sage, it is delicious stuff

    1. I do like cod, when I can get it. Great texture and you can do all sorts of interesting food with it. Do you think he practiced that stare?

  3. I think I'm going to fix some cod tonight with tomatoes too. an easy baked recipe. little rug looking good.

    1. The rug colors are a lot brighter now with the dust washed off.

  4. Ah yes! That was a good moment yesterday.

  5. Your meal looks good, I'm not a fish fan; but have been trying to like it by tasting different ways of cooking it. Love the rug, very colorful. His mug shot is all over the net. I'm trying to be hopeful, that he will finally be held accountable for something he's done; but.......I'm not holding my breath. We've been watching Suits also. Never did back when it was on, but we're enjoying it. I think my favorite character is Donna, seems there's nothing she can't do.

  6. Yes. I think he practiced that stare.
    I love tomatoes with fish. Fish, stewed tomatoes, and grits- a perfect meal to my taste.

    1. I think my yellow potatoes are grits-adjacent in this meal.

  7. You have made me realize i need to attend to my herb garden. It could do with a revamp and some renewal. The rosemary has grown too large and woody and sage has vanished into its expanding shade.

    1. Hard to believe sage could be overshadowed by anything. My rosemary died out some years ago and I haven't replaced it.

  8. We have a very limited herb garden on the apt windowsill , which only has a few basics that we enjoy, rosemary, parsley and basil. Let us know if you do make a sage and celery soup as it sounds quite unusual. I like to see how you create dinners from what's available.

    1. I've been trying to track it down, but can't find a recipe up to now. So I may make cream of celery, with crisp sage leaves put on the hot bowl of soup. I think a number of people like to see what comes of these boxes. For better or worse.

  9. That mug shot is pure threatening evil.

    Crisp sage leaves sounds interesting

    1. Apparently you fry them in olive oil, then drop them onto hot bowls of butternut squash soup. I'm going to try it.

  10. Hope the soup with sage turns out good!

    Interesting how the same word can refer to "overhead" in some places and "underfoot" in others!

  11. Agreed on the justice. Fingers crossed! I may have to try "Suits" again at some point. You're selling it well!

    1. I started Suits out of curiosity and found it's good drama in glam settings.

  12. The mug shot is a money maker apparently. Always the angle…

  13. We loved Suits as well and really felt sorry when it ended. We binge watched the entire thing.
    Gotta think that mug shot certainly shows him for what he is - certifiable.

    1. I can't watch much of Suits at a time. It's intense.


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