Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Gardening notes, haze, heat and hair

The garlic scapes, which I've been using in all kinds of food, are flagging now, so I pulled them up to see what had happened to the garlic heads

Evidently they've finished their cycle, but since they have roots, I replanted them and took them outside to continue. They have a long growing season so we'll see.

It was cleaning day, but before I left, I put in a bit of time on the doll's hair. And I had the divil of a time remembering how to do the lark's head knot I was clickety clicking yesterday.

Finally realized I was threading the needle wrong. Like this

Don't do this. It will lock your needle into the knot. As I found.

But do this

It will work. At one point I was so exasperated that I looked back at my own directions from yesterday!  It's one of those things you can't do if you think about it. Fine now.

Anyway a few more locks have appeared

 Quite a way to go yet

Then I had to leave to let the cleaners have free range. Very hot, and I'd usually prefer not to go out. 

Did a couple of  shopping errands, then ran out of cool places, and went to the park to sit in the car in the shade and read a cracking good Charles Todd, set in a snowdrift at the beginning, very welcome. I had had a sudden clever thought. Bring a cooling source with me.

Namely my trusty Coleman ice thing. It worked very well. I set it between my knees, wrapped in a towel and it was surprisingly effective at making the hour tolerable. Now back in the freezer for the next time I need it.

Today's hazy, a kind of orange effect. I found that it's smoke haze from the California wildfires reaching this area and blotting out the sky. We're all more closely connected than we seem. California's the opposite coast, yet here's their smoke.

Wonderful Textiles and Tea today which will get its own post. Way too big to squash the wonderful Evee Erb into these ramblings.

I need a rest. Very full interesting day. I need to sit and watch butterflies for a while.


  1. Canada is blanketed with smoke too, but from the wildfires in British Columbia, not California.

  2. We even had a smoky haze over Kansas City this week. Your doll is shaping up to look like a party girl!

  3. Oh, that lady is going to be spectacular! Does she have a name in your mind yet?

    1. My own reply disappeared! I said no name yet. How soon a personality appears. Never fails.

  4. You doll is beginning to look fabulous! How terrible that smoke from here reaches so far. None has blown this way to the southern CA mountains.

    1. Rain forecast this afternoon. That will clean the air. I'm glad you're spared the smoke.

  5. The smoke has reached here too - certainly gives the sky a very odd appearance. We have some fires here in Ontario too but they said the smoke we were getting was from BC because of the prevailing wind currents.


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