Saturday, July 24, 2021

Doll's progress, and, how unusual, food

So yesterday my smoke irritated eyes improved to where I was able to do a bit on Doll's hair.  It's filling in now. 

And, once filled in, with a trim and some styling I'll move on to the next  stage which may involve a skirt enabling her to stand. Pearls are in the offing, too. I think the hair is probably the most time consuming part.

Meanwhile, a batch of biscuits, bolted flour, I love its flavor, golden raisins and walnuts chopped on my (yellow) walnut chopping board.

Made a very small batch of jam from the apricots. The flavor makes excellent jam even when not quite up to eating fresh. And there was chunk ginger.

So breakfast this sunny high summer morning was tea with jam biscuits.

Doesn't get much better than this.

Then there's lunches, plural, Roasted vegetables, always interesting.

This is a different mix. Leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, I'll probably add yellow potatoes, and maybe mushrooms. Spiced with capers, red pepper flakes, Old Bay, baharat, seasalt, doused with olive oil. Now all sitting to let flavors develop before I roast them. 


  1. the doll is coming along nicely. love her sparkly hair.

  2. Doll is going to be ready to dance.

  3. The doll seems to be more outgoing that she started out. I think she likes her hair!

    1. I agree with Bonnie. Personality is developing.

      Breakfast looks delectable!

      Chris from Boise

  4. Love the doll’s hair. Great job! So creative!

  5. Woo Hoo! What fancy hair! :) Her personality is really coming alive. She's going to be a fun girl, I can tell.

  6. Bolted flour - every time I hear that term I think the flour is running for the hills so it doesn't get used. Yes, I know, I need to get a life. Ms. Dolly is looking quite fancy!

    1. I've forgotten why it's called bolted. Odd expression. But I've found the world of flour has all kinds of strange vocabulary.


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