Thursday, July 1, 2021

Bad food, yay, bad news, sigh.

Bad news first. About midnight, phone rang, waking me, too dopey to answer before it went to vmail, friend next door. Vmail wouldn't load, but he called again.

He was totally distraught. He had just found his old frail Boston terrier had accidentally been left in the car.  Even at midnight air temperature still high, and humidity, too. 

Bennie didn't survive. It's too sad, devoted owner who has been dreading the end of his old dog's life, suddenly, terrible oversight, realized dog wasn't in the house as he'd thought. 

He called me to ask what to do, couldn't think straight. Bennie clearly gone, but how to proceed. So I talked with him until he was able to deal.  Talking wildly about taxidermy, which I didn't argue, figured a couple of calls would show him this wasn't practical.

Texting this morning, and they went out. Just stopped by to say they'd taken him to be cremated.  Calls had shown the impractical side of his ideas about preserving his dog Good chat, like a condolence visit.

It's heartbreakingly easy for this to happen with a dog who's tiny and hyper, all over the place at once. And Bostons are particularly vulnerable to heatstroke.

On the good news, here's the holiday Bad Food all set.

And here's Future Food potato peelings already sprouting and now planted. 

They'll move to bigger quarters when they get started.

Temperature down to 80s today so I dashed out to shop before forecast storms arrive.

So that's all the news that fits.


  1. I am so sorry about your neighbor's sad. I hope you enjoy the weekend.

  2. Sad news indeed. Your neighbor must feel terrible - it's easier than one might think to make such a deadly mistake. So very glad you were able at midnight to be a non-judgmental ear for him, and again this morning. Hoping your heat truly has broken (quite sure the NJ humidity won't, sigh).

    Glad you're keeping up the Bad Food For The Fourth tradition!

    Chris from Boise

  3. Oh no - how very sad. You don't want too many of those mid night calls but it's good to know that you are someone he felt he could call.

    1. It's said that a friend is someone you can wake in the night and ask for help and it's okay.

  4. How sad about your neighbor's dog. He must really trust your judgment to call you in the night like that.

    It's okay to allow some changes in your diet on holidays. At least you can get hot dogs without nitrates now. Have a good fourth!

    1. I was glad he felt ok calling. He'd do it for me.
      My bad food is such a treat, especially the chips!

  5. The poor pup. I can understand the neighbour being so upset.

  6. So, so sad. That had to be horribly upsetting.
    I believe I dreamed about hot dogs last night. That's weird. Or, not? Can sometimes a hot dog just be a hot dog?

  7. Poor old Bennie. What a good friend and neighbour you are to offer support and comfort to his distraught owner. Such a sad situation.


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