Monday, September 23, 2024

Walking, quiet out there

 I went for a walk as far as the pond, and had it to myself. No frogs leaping, no ducks, no turtles. Just me and the windblown trees and the water

I wonder how these plants will fit back in the house when it's time

Underfoot is always interesting, not many nuts down this year, but here's evidence if what used to grow there 

Back home, there's an industrious spider, whose web wasn't visible until the sun shone through it and I noticed how big it is. You can see filaments all over the tree 

See her there?

Signs of winter planning here, coleus started in water to be potted up for a houseplant soon. The parent plant is outside, leggy and a bit awkwardly shaped, so I think it can stay out. 

I started it from seed last year, then brought it in to continue as a houseplant, taking it out again this summer. So its descendant is now to be an indoor plant again.

This afternoon's peace was broken into by Gary and the other neighbor and another discussion about the doors. 

At this point everyone's a bit loud and irritated about them, one neighbor also shouting, she talks in a shout, about a couple of other only slightly related grievances. 

We did reach a conclusion about the doors and Gary escaped by driving off for lunch.  I escaped when the other neighbor finally wound down..

I find her wearing, permanently angry and aggrieved, no doubt well meaning, but to an old lady who lives quietly alone, so loud. She's one of those TV on all the time people, constant noise suits her. I probably take her too seriously. Retired teacher, maybe not enough to take up her energy these days.

Happy day everyone, from a quiet home, just crickets and me!


  1. Some people are definitely tough to be around for any length of time, no doubt about it.

    1. Fortunately it's usually limited. Even a few minutes means I have to recover though.

  2. Being around people is far more exhausting to me than actual physical work in the yard.

    1. Too true! Emotional tiredness is greater than physical exertion.

  3. Your quiet life is often interrupted by at least one whirling dervish! Those plants on the patio will take all the space in your living room for themselves.

    1. Fortunately the giant palm type plants live down the street.

  4. much as I loved my sister, she was much aggrieved by life. things most of us just shrug off would make her irritated or angry. she wasn't loud though. I guess I missed the post/s about the doors.

    1. The doors are a continuing saga, you haven't missed much. Yes, I used to notice Pam would get a bit of outrage going once in a while. You're more easy going.

  5. I don't understand people who live with the TV on all the time. I couldn't stand it. That's a very impressive banana! We leave ours outside over winter -- it dies back but always leafs out in the spring.

    1. I wonder if they leave it out too. It would be a struggle to get it in at this point.

  6. Beautiful pond
    Being around water is healing and relaxing.

    1. It's tiny, but powerful! Healing is exactly right.

  7. I'm sorry about your neighbor and Gary, though he sounds a lot more pleasant and helpful. There are a lot of aggrieved people here who seem to take their anger out on others online. Makes me glad I stay to myself.

    1. Yes, he's a great friend, and very tactful with the other neighbor to whom he's close. I do try to avoid people who thrive on outrage without actually addressing their problems.

  8. Some people need a background noise. I understand it but don’t need it all the time.

  9. My Tv isn't on unless I am watching, and then it's not TV, it's Nexflix.


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