Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Persuasion, knitting, Textiles and Tea

 Last night's movie was a 2007 BBC production of Persuasion, very well done though some iconic dialog didn't make it. 

Nobody rivals Ciaran Hinds as the earlier hero, but Anne Elliot was great.

There seems to be an endless supply of Austen movies around.

Today's the launching of the new and improved hearing in a group, first time since I got them. We'll see. 

So here I'm reporting later that I had a very good time at the Tuesday Knitting Group, hearing ALL the group chat yay, which ranged from temari balls to soft sculpture to dance improv to hearing, to spindle and spurtzleur spinning, the spiral of the universe, lip-reading, Portugal, freeform embroidery, and a lot more.

This young artist is riffing off Temari balls, very freeform, she's a dancer and teacher and fiber artist 

while socks are happening, also playing with spindles 

Lovely afternoon, then there was Textiles and Tea with Deb Essen, who weaves with everything from pinlooms to large floor looms, dyeing her threads and making kits from her own threads and patterns.

As you see, she's versatile! 

Then Handsome Son arrived, enjoyed several Figgy Demerara pieces, and a pot of tea, and convo ranged over current politics,  the state of the washing machine valve shutoffs, health, Uber, meat, food safety, personal transportation and ants.

He obligingly took my worn out lounge chair from the deck to the dumpster, and took his leave.

Another great Tuesday for the books.

Happy day, everyone, Weave On! More computer assisted, art



  1. What a joy. Hope the hearing aids are improving your experiences. Deb Essen does exceptional work. I’ll take any (all) of those scarves.

    1. The hearing aids are showing me how much I was missing, it's great. Her work is really good, especially the pinloom critters.

  2. Yay for hearing aids passing another test! So glad you were able to enjoy all the topics that came up.
    I love that wrap (first T&T picture). I think I'd even wear it which says something because I usually shy away from such things.

    1. That's a first for you -- you like it AND would wear it! It's so much easier in group chat with women now.

  3. Love the subdued rainbow shawl, hedgehog toy, and red-and-black scarf by Deb Essen!

  4. that first piece is lovely but I would never wear anything like that. it seems the most accessible product of weaving for the population in general is scarves, something I never wear as well living down here on the gulf coast plains of Texas. I do have a very utilitarian polartec scarf for the few really cold days when I'm out walking the dog.

    1. Yes, unless you're weaving gauze or fine cotton yardage, not much use in your region.

  5. Ellen made a good point! Scarves and shawls are lovely but hardly ever practical where I live either. But, as art, they can be greatly admired.
    I'm loving your stories about how your new hearing aids are affecting your life in such positive ways.

    1. In my life the weather doesn't rule them out, but my activities tend to.
      I'm now an evangelist for hearing aids! They're more helpful than I'd even thought.

  6. I love the clothing in period films. The Hedgehog is sooooooo cute. And I love the wrap/shawl, great colors.

    1. I'm in the period movies for the textiles, really. I only pretend to be interested in the action.

  7. I think the hedgehog is adorable! It's good to know the hearing aids work well for you. I asked Mark the other day if he intends to wear his. Nope. I don't get it.

    1. Maybe he's worried about what he'll hear if he wears them!

  8. Time with your son is precious indeed!

    1. It is. He's a good friend with a nice sense of humor, probably vital with a parent like me.

  9. I’m so happy your hearing is much better now. It’s only when we get the aids to help us that we realise just how bad our senses have become

    1. A good friend is one who's glad when good things happen. Thank you. And yes, you adapt and cope and lose track of how much better it could be.

  10. Hooray for the usefulness of your new hearing aids! Mine are seriously in need of an overhaul.

    1. It's a good idea to see about bringing yours up to speed. It's so much easier with them.

  11. The first piece is beautiful. What was it woven on? I am pleased your hearing aids are making life better. I get frustrated with people who say they don't work but never wear them!! Or the ones they have are so old they no longer do the job and newer better ones are available. Rant over!

    1. She didn't say, but I'm guessing a floor loom, from the size. I guess hearing aids work best when you use them!

  12. Being able to engage in wide ranging conversation with people seems harder these days, Handsome Son sounds like a gem! I'm glad the hearing aids work for you.

    1. The convo is a large part of why the groups are important to me, kindred spirits.

  13. As ever the weaving and weavers you share are inspiational. I love all her weaving which I can't say of all the artisans you share on your blog posts. Hearing aids have clearly come a long way from simply being amplifiers. I believe they can selectively amplify sounds in a certain range so you don't also get overwhelmed by background noise; so p,eased to find you are benefitting from and enjoying the boost they provide.

    1. I notice that background noise isn't as distracting, so I think they're designed as you say, to differentiate between background and conversation. It certainly helps.
      This weaver seems to have hit the spot with several of us.


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