Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Everyone's taller than me now

Marigolds have joined the ranks of taller than Boud! Here's this morning's first view 

On other important issues, the bursitis is so much improved from the icing. Why didn't I do that before! Ice is not in my vocabulary. I don't use it in drinks, doesn't occur to me to apply it. It takes a doctor with multiple credentials to tell me to do it. 

I was thinking about people's approach after yesterday's neighborly chat. The shouty neighbor is one I hear from when she wants something. Information, an egg, a cup of sugar, name of my powered milk, name of plumber etc.

My oldest, lifelong bully,  sister was the same, except she'd call, once in a while,  to tell me what she'd just acquired. Or to say she'd waxed the floor, had nothing better to do, so she called me.  Never asked about my family, not interested, seemingly. Same idea.

I didn't like this for many years, why not just visit or call to ask how I'm doing, anything, you don't need an excuse.

Finally it dawned on me that they want to be in touch and feel they need to provide a reason. Oh. More benign than I'd realized. Not able to be casual. Maybe it's a bit of shyness.  So now I'm not so ready to criticize.  I'm a bit slow at times.

Today is about knitting, I need to finish a second pair of socks, maybe gloves, to send off. 

Top, first spiral sock of the pair, bottom, the other style, with the patch toe, this pair complete. Same yarn, different looks. I always try on to make sure they're comfortable.

Small finishing job on the woven vest. More postcards to voters -- handwriting is tough on my neck, don't want to go back there -- and another Horowitz audiobook. 

I googled Horowitz to check on books and got a lot of references to the pianist. Forgot about Vladimir! Have you seen his keyboard style? It's weird, very flat hands, not what my teachers taught me, but clearly it worked dramatically well for him. Giant hands, too. 

Happy day everyone, play life your way, never mind the convention 

And here's yet more black eyed Susans 

And more fungus veil, decorated with fallen Russian sage flowers

And for the brave folks who tried it, here's the Haggard Hawks puzzle solution 


  1. Very insightful about your sister and neighbour. I like the cheery colours of the new knitted socks. And I never realized that marigolds could even grow that tall!

    1. The socks are definitely noticeable. And these giant marigolds are as easy to grow from seed as the little ones, but not seen as often. I'm open to discussion about the sister and neighbor issue.

  2. I'm reminded of the acronym RICE that I learned in advanced wilderness first aid. rest, ice, compression, elevation. but I don't use ice either except for swelling. no ice in my drinks thank you. the only time I put ice in my water is when I've come in from working outside and I'm hot and sweaty and want to cool down fast.

    1. I thought it was arthritis in my hip, so I was slow to realize what it is. Rest, ice, stretches, walking, are doing it.

  3. Fascinating insight about your sister and neighbor. That could be it. I miss calls from my sister. She moved to England when I was 18, so calls had to stop. Back then there were no cheap (or free) options for international calls for a college student and a newlywed. Before that, she would phone me all the time and we would mostly talk about nothing ... and be so. happy. Our father was management with AT&T and all calls within the States were free. What a benefit that was. Anyway, after marriage she wrote me letters. Several a week.

    1. It sounds as if your sister was a friend. None of mine wanted anything to do with me, born too late, didn't belong etc. So I think there was maybe a bit of guilt going with my sister's late in life calls.

  4. I agree, insightful thinking about your sister and neighbor. I believe I agree with you. We are the same height so now I know a marigold can tower over me! I really like the color of the socks.

    1. These marigolds are more fun than their tiny relatives. These are getting near 6'.

  5. I am just thinking that my motto is, "Don't call, text." However, I called Sue from the grocery store the other day to see if we needed ice cream, for I needed an immediate answer. Otherwise, I just text with family and friends.

    1. My only calls are with medical people. Everyone else is text worthy.

  6. Your theory may be correct about why certain people never seem to be interested in you or your news but there'a also always the possibility of a little narcissism there. I have known those people too.
    Have you ever used frozen peas to ice things with? They are not so bumpy and lumpy as ice can be. Also, they can be refrozen over and over. You probably know this. I'm so glad the icing helped.

    1. I use an ice block thing wrapped in a towel. I can't see buying peas, trip to the shop, for this purpose! But other vegs work too.

  7. Didnt know there were such tall marigolds out there. The socks are colourful. As for sister and neighbour, the world takes all sorts; who knows what influences from their formative years makes them as they are.

    1. True, you don't know the history of other people, but I experienced cruelty from the sister until I escaped her, so it's hard to care a whole lot. She was a family ringleader in excluding me and other stuff. The neighbor I think is a bit intimidated -- I talk funny, make art, activist, all really different from her expectations, so I expect that plays in.

  8. Some people are uncomfortable with casual conversation. It could be shyness for sure. It explains a lot.

    1. It could be, so I've decided the benefit of the doubt is in order.

  9. The socks are very jolly - and joyful.
    I was doing Haggard Hawks puzzles in a hospital waiting room last week and became aware that the man sitting next to me was 'noticing.' So, I asked him if he wanted to know what I was doing and we spent a few minutes working on a couple of puzzles. Much better than avoiding everybody's eyes and finding the floor fascinating. I'm not a naturally outgoing person, but sometimes, I can connect.

  10. That's an interesting insight about your sister (and others like her) -- that they want to be in touch but feel they must justify it. I used to be very good at staying in touch with people and now I'm terrible at it. I think in our age of social media, we see people on Facebook and feel we're in touch with them, even though we're not directly communicating. But that really isn't being in touch -- it's an illusion of contact and friendship.

    1. Yes, and a lot is performative. Not really genuine.

  11. Horowitz had huge hands but he sure created wonderful music. He always seemed like an interesting character too.

    1. From what I heard from friends in music who knew him, character was the right word!

  12. I’m just like you. Everything and everyone is taller than me.
    The flowers are looking lovely.


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