Sunday, September 22, 2024

Saturday, slow day

Saturday, I did very little, walked, made fishcakes, served with a green salad, chocolate pudding, and mostly listened to this wonderful mystery 

I think I was reminded of him in a couple of other blogs, maybe something is streaming and causing it to crop up. Anyway I love Horowitz and his double narrative form, one story inside another, so this was great.

In the course of watching I got another batch of postcards addressed,  and  a pair of socks finished, 

and did quite a bit of dozing.

Earlier I'd walked, and seen these swags of berries 

Natural art.

Just one of the most restful days I've had in ages. Resting is not a thing I do very much, but today I did a good job of it.

We're at the equinox, so Gaia is showing us how to go on.

Happy day, everyone, hats off to people who know how to rest. Maybe I can read books about it, take a course in speed resting? 😉 


  1. I just saw a quotation on another blog that said: "Rest is a radical act of self-love in a world that glorifies exhaustion."

    1. That's so true, and so unsupported by a world in which busy is always desirable.

  2. I was forced into learning to relax. I really wouldn't want to be in today's workplace. I'll check out this author.

    1. Yes, I think the pressure brought on workers by technology is unhappy.

  3. the world in balance. a lesson hard learned for me. I got a yin yang tattoo as a reminder.

  4. Speed resting? I'm all for it! Actually I'd be all for a complete night of sleep which is rare in my world.
    Love those socks!

    1. The socks are usually well received, so I hope these will be too.

  5. You can enter one of those international resting competitions. The book cover: The pencil is mightier than the carving knife?

    1. Writer versus murderer! Competitive resting? There's a concept.

  6. It is the season for warm socks again. Love this colours!

  7. Oh, I didn't even realize we were at the equinox. That wasn't on my radar at all! Anthony Horowitz has a very popular series of children's books known as the Alex Rider series. The kids at our library love it and it's been around for years.

    1. I know him from Foyles War, but I've read a couple of the Rider books just from curiosity.

  8. Has anyone mentioned what those berries are? Are they edible (as in not toxic). Resting is good. Power naps are what I would expect of someone with your drive and energy.

    1. I'm hoping someone won't be able to resist naming the berries. I'm assuming they're best left for birds and other wild things. Some days I wonder about drive and energy, but I guess it's relative.

  9. Hats off to you for managing to rest! Those socks are fab!

  10. My plant app says it's amur honeysuckle. Toxic if eaten. Invasive in the US.
    I'm surprised I don't have it.
    You had a full week. You needed to rest.

    1. That figures. There was honeysuckle blossom around there earlier. Thank you. Probably good for birds though.

  11. I'm becoming adept at speed resting, thanks to a certain feline. Love the socks. Rest well and enjoy the book.

  12. Even in my chair as I am now, I seem to have to be doing something as I am now.

  13. I love Horowitz -- and those socks are fabulous! Happy Week to come!

  14. Socks are wonderful! I just gave up on a mystery I think my heart is just not in it right now.

  15. I’ve always admire your socks. You have inspired me. I’m not quite as quick as you are. I need to keep practicing.
    Resting is something woman don’t seem to be able to do. But I’m learning

  16. I laid down on my bed for a nap this week. First time in twenty or more years since I took a daytime nap on my bed!


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