Monday, September 2, 2024

Fall may be here


Yesterday was another cool day Sunday, with the Japanese maple showing signs of coloring, and a squirrel noshing wildly on it, swinging about. 

Flowers still appearing. I've been getting a lot of pleasure out of this little wild corner, with stray flowers showing up 

And just look at the beautiful structure of that bud. I've come to appreciate zinnias much more since I've been growing them.

Still bringing in a few flowers, soon I'll stop picking, in the hope they'll go to seed and reseed themselves 

Lunch was holiday fare, slices of chicken breast with roast potatoes, dash of red chili oil, dessert a piece of plummy snacking cake, fresh plums and chocolate chips.

I noticed when I came downstairs that Gary must have been here 

It's twofold: he gives me a chance at using his glass jars before recycling, and he's strongly hinting it's a long time since I made jam and he'd like some...

Today's matinee was a luscious production of Emma with excellent acting, beautiful sets, costumes, scenery, on Freevee.

The picture is dorky, but the movie is worth seeing.

Happy day, everyone, find an old movie, preferably period, with all the sets and costumes. Some of Emma's coats, pleated, kick opening, were great sewing and construction. They were worth the price of admission alone. Bill Nighy as Mr Woodhouse, had the best threads evah!

These images were fun to create, many layers, saves, 3D effects, gridding.

Maggie Rudy salutes fall with woolly bears

On other sites I'm careful to use alt text when I post images, for the benefit of  vision impaired people who need to use readers. 

It just occurred to me that I need to ask if anyone reading here would appreciate that, too. Let me know and I'll do it. I don't have the alt text function, but I can add a description to each image. 


  1. I wouldn't say fall is here but summer definitely seems to be waning quickly. such a difference from last year when it dragged on forever.

    1. Especially after the summer of health issues you've had, I expect you're glad it's leaving.

  2. Your lunch looks lovely! It's been very cool here in the north, too. Seeing your Ukraine flag reminds me to ask if you read Anca's Lifestyle blog. She is currently in Ukraine, volunteering for several weeks and her experiences and posts are very interesting and illuminating.

    1. Thank you for the reference. I'll check. I do follow a couple of Ukrainians on Twitter, mainly to give moral support, that we're still here for them. They're very appreciative of the daily acknowledgement in this blog.

  3. I loved woolly bear caterpillars when I was a kid!

  4. Fall is in the air here too. Some leaves are already changing. The cooler temperatures without humidity are most welcome.

    1. It's the drop in humidity that's key. My spirits move inversely to humidity.

  5. You live in a pretty complex. I can see why you enjoy your patio. Lunch looks delicious! That snacking cake has caught my eye. Gary is so thoughtful in his nudge to remind you of jam.

    1. He would hotly deny there's an agenda. Yeah. This development has just enough green and trees to be very liveable, many great views out walking locally.

  6. You are a wonder. Not much has changed since Frederick Douglass said that. That bunch of flowers looks delicious.

    1. He knew his stuff. Feminists have always had to be prepared for fury when they assert their rights, like any other non establishment group. Allies are important. Especially when a family of origin harbors prejudice.

  7. If fall's coming here it's traveling on a slow train from China.
    Strangely, my Japanese maple is starting to show color too though. Aren't zinnias fascinating? I think they are. I've just pulled some of mine as they're so very tired and brown. There will be more next summer.

    1. I wonder if the Japanese maple is on a timetable that doesn't follow the actual temperature? I've developed appreciation for zinnias since growing them from seed. Before I thought they were scruffy little things. Now I'm a tiger mom about my zinnias!

  8. Hot yesterday (for UK), cooler and humid today. Tomorrow? Who knows? I love the variability of our weather, but the ground is looking dry, so floods are probably in the offing.

  9. I am also a zinnia fan. I haven't grown them for the last few years but I've missed them.

    Frederick Douglass was right. People don't realize how much labor unions did for the middle and working classes in the USA.

    1. When you see the gains in graphic form like that poster, you realize the patterns we take for granted weren't handed over!

  10. Your pop-up flowerbed is giving you some joy. So, are you going to favour Gary?

    1. If I make jam, he'll definitely get a share. If.

  11. Your meals always look so attractive. I am in awe of your ability to make such delightful meals for one. When on my own i seem to make my same ol recipes and then eat the same thing for 4 days (or freeze some to break up the tedium of next weeks dish!)

    1. I really like treating myself as company. It's appealing to eat from a plate I've thought about. It's not everyone who feels that way, it's all good.

  12. Those potatoes look scrumptious!
    Ah yes, fall is here, as much as I hate to admit it. The next thing will be to drag out the lace up shoes. i might shed a tear then.

    1. Your fall may be earlier than our more southern one. Our first frost is typically late October.

  13. Unions have been good for everyone. The world would look very different if everything had been left to industrialists and venture capitalists.

    1. No argument from this three generation Union family!

  14. It's definitely wooly bear time here. Only sixty today and forties overnight.

    1. That's pretty cool. We're still in the eighties, seventies overnight.

  15. I have enjoyed your wee floral offerings and will be sad to see them come to an end. I love Gary's not-so-subtle hint.
    And those wooly bears are so very cute accompanied by Maggie's wee mice.

    1. Rudy never misses, does she? The way they all relate to each other.

  16. Bill Nighy rarely fails to delight. I mentioned to Husband just now that he might like to make some jam soon as we have lots of raspberries.

    1. If Gary were your neighbor, you'd definitely be receiving glass jars.


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