Saturday, September 21, 2024

Accidental art, Friday knitting group

 As I was changing the bed, I tossed the quilt over the chair in the corner, and it took on an interesting shape. You can read it various ways.

Also yesterday, given that Misfits prep, changing bed, large laundry load, attendance at a couple of online meetings weren't enough, I had an idea.

About eleven pm, thinking about going to bed, I suddenly thought why don't I dump that unsightly task light with the dodgy stand and the expensive bulb, now flickering ominously?

To think is to do. I pulled out the furniture to reach the outlet, unplugged the ancient lamp and hauled it to the front hall.

Then I moved more furniture to get behind a bookshelf and unplug its lamp to take the place of the done-for task light.

Then I put all the furniture back and here's a better looking living room.

The farther away lamp is the newly-moved one, with the shade I decorated with an abstract landscape made from scraps of leftover handmade paper. 

Then I went to bed, grumbling about my hip.

The ancient hinky task light is, as of this morning, out at the dumpster.  This is why I make nutritious meals. A person needs her strength.

At the Friday knitting group, we had a full house, some great projects 

With sustenance from a selection of cake from a member's recent gathering 

This is a mystery project, depending on how the knitter feels. Maybe a placemat? TBA.

Chat ranged over sheep and wool festivals, house buying, living alone, age discrimination in housing, HOAs, fall planting, chimneys, baking, trees falling, several streams of chat at once much of the time. Like being in a big family again.

Happy day everyone, speak up, your opinion is as good as anyone's.


  1. Love your gallery wall in the living room -- it looks very chic!

    1. It's emptier these days since I gave away quite a bit of art. I think it looks better.

  2. Oh yeah. Your living room looks good and very comfortable.

    1. Thank you. That old lamp didn't do much for it.

  3. I have a similar lamp though it has four roller feet and a circular bulb. the bulb burned out and the lamp went to live in the barn.

  4. I also admire your gallery wall. Your room looks inviting. Why not move furniture at 11:00 pm? 😉 The quilt looks like someone is wrapped in it to me.

    1. By the middle of the night it was on the bed with me wrapped in it.

  5. Nothing like deciding to move the furniture at 11:00 p.m. Good job! It looks great.
    That yellow sweater is as pretty as a sunflower.

    1. The sweater is a bit different from the photo, more olive, but a lovely one.

  6. I love your living room art gallery. I was just talking about trees falling on sheep during wool festivals!

  7. Life's too short to live with bad lamps! I do impulsive stuff like that too, though not at 11 p.m. I'm always asleep by then.

    1. Too bad you weren't around to haul it out. The weighted base makes it heavy and lopsided to carry. We did get briefly stuck in the storm door.


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