Friday, September 27, 2024

Misfits box, yawn, knitting, yawn,

Misfits Market day, and I was starting the reaction to the COVID-19 vax. Mainly crushing tiredness. The kind where you start to wash dishes and have to sit down several times in the process. 

It took half a dozen stages to prep the Misfits box. 

Missing the blueberries, but I'll live. I actually lashed out and bought a jar of marinara sauce. First time in living memory I didn't make the  sauce from scratch, but worth a try. Mainly with the penne pasta in this box.

Plenty of diced tomatoes for various dishes, from spaghetti sauce to baked egg-cheese-tomato on toast, to that eggs-tomato-greens dish from the Together cookbook. 

Lovely fresh eggs, they're really a pleasure to handle, from chickens who'd had a decent life, as you can see from their egg quality.

Strawberries to accompany Tony's Chocolonely. Scallions to include in Yeung Man Cooking recipes. 

I like the feeling, once the boring prep is done, that food is pretty much halfway there for next week. No apples this week, because the berries were the idea, but they ran out. S oootrawberries will work. And it's all good food.

After a morning spent online with lawyer friends analyzing exactly how much trouble Mayor Adams is in, news of the indictments broke while we were already talking, I started the second spiral sock.

After prep of the Misfits box, I set up to listen to The Twist of a Knife, Horowitz, and knit. At least that was the plan. Two hours later I woke up, made a pot of tea, and staggered back to the sofa. This is why I planned the vax for yesterday, so I could lie around today like a sloth and not miss anything.

I've been trying to be in touch with Florida friends, some of whom have evacuated to South Florida to other friends and are now chilling around the pool with all their kids and dogs. So far so good. I'm still on high alert for other friends, in place because the path of Helene is unpredictable.

Our weather is damp and mild, such a contrast. Happy day everyone, I hope you're safe or soon will be.


  1. You planned the timing of your vax well. I've been enjoying strawberries lately too, mixed with some blackberries.

    1. Strawberries and seedy bread for breakfast, a favorite.

  2. I haven’t had the latest vax yet but that dead tired feeling was my reaction to the first (and not the second). I can’t believe you didn’t make marinara from Scratch. You always make everything from Scratch and it has always impressed me. Scratch must be a super food.

    1. I get Scratch in bulk these days. Great stuff.

  3. Lots of good stuff in that box. Hopefully you feel better. Now I want some strawberries.

    1. The strawberries are very good, well it all is really.

  4. which covid vax did you get? I got the first four m-RNA but not any subsequent ones. thinking about getting the Novovax.

    1. Moderna, which I think is m-rna. The only one they offered.

  5. I was in England, the strawberries there were fantastic, like ours fresh from the field... the English rain and the mild climate I think.
    All good wishes for you.


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