Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Great Tuesday! Friends, fun, fiber.

 I really love my Tuesdays. Today started with a routine doctor visit telling me I'm fine, and she thinks she's straightened out my online pharmacy's inability to grasp that I take two different strengths of one medication. 

It adds up to the correct dosage, but they've been repeatedly deleting one in favor of the other, forcing me to split pills to create the dosage while I fight with them. My doctor tells me she had to attest that yes, I needed both together, definitely, before they conceded.

Then Gary returned the gardening scissors vital to my needs, my hands not being strong enough to open regular handheld clippers with one hand. He apologised profusely, been searching for weeks finally unearthed them. I'm so happy to be functional again.

Very nice lunch of fettuccini Alfredo with plums for dessert, then off to the Tuesday Knitting Group, total kindred spirits.

One friend  brought a box of bobbins of silk thread and tiny treasures from her grandmother's stash, such fun to play with! Even the Schraffts chocolate box she'd kept them in is iconic.

Chat ranged from spindle spinning, darning, Opera supertitles, Portugal, an imaginary university, millinery, sheep and wool festivals and more. 

You know you're with friends when you all suddenly decide to create an imaginary university, with a double major in Dance and Darning, a Spurtzleur Department, a Classical Ballet with Embroidery degree, Opera training, and plans of what the buildings will be like. Grounded in reality, since two of our members were professional dancers, one an opera singer and voice coach. I'll be the Spurtzleur Professor of Spinning.

Then home to more fun, with Textiles and Tea, featuring Andrea Alexander, a wonderful, energetic weaver, textile designer and former Marine biologist. I have to find her channel on YouTube, for more. 

She did an internship, while an undergraduate at FIT, in NYC, at Fabscrap, a nonprofit dedicated to saving designer fabric scraps from the landfill, and was a presenter at this year's national handweavers HGA convention, Convergence.

Here's a garment she made from scraps foraged from her internship, a sample book of fibers. She used a heddle loom and clasped wefts, to create this wearable artwork.

Here are computer designs, also using Photoshop in planning the weaving

She adapted images from her Marine biology fish textbook for this design.

And here's a sample of fabric design woven ready to use. She's definitely worth seeing more of.

I've already signed up for the Fabscrap newsletter,  what a source for high end scraps! 

You can shop online with them for mendable clothing, bags of scraps, all kinds of cool fabric stuff. This may be a rabbit hole of biblical proportions.

Now for tea and a read of Pride and Prejudice. 

This was a vintage Tuesday.

Happy day everyone, be safe if you're in Florida, please. Dry out if you're in the UK under water. Or keep rowing, as the case may be.


  1. Love the concept of the imaginary university!

  2. Your Tuesdays are happy days, aren't they?

  3. You have created a very nice life for yourself. 👍

    1. Thankyou for the way you expressed that. Yes, it has to be constructed when you're single.

    2. and actually it has to be constructed when you're partnered, too. Sometimes more difficult...:-) Chris from Boise

  4. so annoying when I lose track of my clippers or trowel.

    1. The small tools tend to vanish into their surroundings. I keep meaning to paint the handles a brilliant color.

  5. The fish design is intricate. I have no idea how that would be done but I do marvel at it. Your knitting group is, well creative! Dancers, opera

    1. It's an interesting group. This is the local, my own town. We're packed with talented and likeminded people. The other knitting group is in a different town, different atmosphere. They'd never understand about imaginary universities!

  6. Your Tuesday knitting group is amazing and you're so lucky to be part of it. Of course you get out of it what you put into it so it's all relative.
    Must admit to being intrigued by Fabscrap but I'm resisting even so much as taking a peek. I do NOT need another rabbit hole.

    1. The group is lovely, and I hope I give value, too. You can justify resisting Fabscrap by pointing out the shipping would be so high...

  7. Fabscrap sounds a colourful and worthwhile venture.

    1. It's definitely a case of doing well by doing good.

  8. Andrea Alexander is another great talent. But, I’m fixated on the Schraffts chocolate box. I want one filled with chocolates. Serious craving right now.

  9. Your knitting group always sounds enjoyable.

    1. Both groups are, and they're quite different from each other.

  10. What fun you have had! And to have a kindred group all the better. Glad you found your gardening shears and got your meds straight.

    1. Yes, fun was definitely happening in several ways.

  11. I just want to thank you for stopping by and giving me your insight regarding Prolia. It gives me some hope.

    That Fabscrap would be awesome. The sort of thing I'd love to make my next quilt out of!

    1. I think prolia is worth considering. It's done well for me, anyway. If you go to the fabscrap website, look out!

  12. Husband had no end of trouble with the pharmacist unable to understand that he needed different meds at diff times.

    1. Why is this hard? It's not as if I'm taking addictive meds. Who stockpiles bp meds?? I think it goes back to computer programming allowing one space per med!


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