Thursday, September 12, 2024

More mealus interruptus, doors and other minor concerns

I sadly remember 9/11, very local to us, our commuter train station full of cars never to be driven home, our neighbors and friends lost.  If we succeed in electing Harris, the danger of a repeat, and the subsequent presidential bungling, Bush the Second,  will remain far off the table. Meanwhile we remember and honor the dead.

In more trivial vein, I was boiling shells and simmering a lovely spicy red sauce, for lunch,  when two neighbors came over to discuss those doors again. So I switched everything off while we discussed bringing the door situation to the HOA, tablecloth repair, plant care, fall pruning, stiff joints, public furniture, postcards to voters, and finally, placed a call to the HOA, and left a message.

Then they finally left,  I had my,  now slightly overdone,  pasta, the sauce was great, and I was enjoying a bite of dessert when I was roped into a door-related conference call with the HOA manager. He's going to come Friday and look, before presenting his ideas about remediation to the board. One step further on.

I didn't watch the "debate"  because I can't bear to watch or hear that person. I notice Harris had dressed like a prosecutor, yay! and proceeded to get her policies across while wiping the floor with tfg.  A few minutes later, Taylor Swift endorsed, bringing a huge potential youth vote with her. 

This is a good day. Labwork this morning, would have been good to remember to put in Ruth and Laura, but we managed anyway.

Now I'm going to loaf, walk, read, get into another Austen drama, so many productions of so few novels, and stitch. Maybe on the proposed fusion throw, which uses fabric and crochet.  

It's Northanger Abbey, not my favorite novel, but the drama, great cast, Googie Withers, Geoffrey Chater -- from Lucia -- and very good production values. This one's from the 1980's.

Here's something I didn't make,but I'm glad van Gogh did. 

Happy day, everyone, Harris has got this, with our help.,


  1. Let's face it- you are an important and respected part of your living community and as such, there are things people are going to want to discuss with you although why they have to do it at meal times is a mystery.

    1. They have different schedules from me, maybe. But every meal including breakfast has been bust in on at some time.

  2. I did watch the debate. Mark had to leave the room as soon as the called "him" President. I think that was part of the deal for him to show up. Yesterday I was in a low mood, a direct result of being exposed to "him". Your lunch is often interrupted by the doorbell. You should hang a sign saying Out to Lunch, Will Return at------.

    1. It's every meal though!! I just picked up clips later, avoiding seeing that man

  3. I had an internet salesguy call during dinner last night. He was friendly and apologetic, and I didn't snarl.

    1. I suppose that's when they count on catching you. Nice that you didn't snarl.

  4. Perhaps you should schedule your meals at different times . . .

  5. Do you ever cook hard noodles in the sauce. I do for shells, back in the day. Worked great however, I'm a sauce girl so lots extra went in. I do the same with lasagna, if it's from a box.

    1. I don't like noodles cooked in the sauce. I really prefer it on top so you get the noodle effect as well as the sauce. Comes from dining in made from scratch Trenton restaurants, where there's a nonna in the kitchen making pasta and another making sauce.

    2. Very cool. I grew up making homemade noodles from my grandma. And I still make homemade. Homemade is the best! That said, if I buy store shells I skip boiling and bake right in the sauce.

  6. That "Northanger Abbey" does indeed look very '80s!

    At least the HOA acted quickly on your call and perhaps some improvements are on the way.

    1. It's quite dated, but Northanger Abbey is so quirky, it worked okay. It was a one off, not a series.
      Let's hope we get some door action. At least they can't go after us for not fixing the doors.

  7. I'm glad you finally got to eat your lunch, lol!

    1. I certainly don't get much chance to be lonely!

  8. We got such limited exetpts of the debate, but one news broadcast did include a 'facts check' for both sides. What never ceases to amaze me is that people can see that and still only see a hero on the male side. 57 million people all saw the same debate but draw quite different conclusions about the messages.

    1. Decent people are amazed at what other people approve. There are still people who support Hitler..

  9. My daughter thinks Harris has this. That makes me feel more confident. However, we must be a relentless gallery for the next two months.

    1. Yes, cheating will happen. And we have to deliver a blue Congress, too.

  10. Why oh why do people always come when your about to eat.
    It’s just one of the mysteries of the world lol
    I’m glad your getting HOA organised and things will be done

    1. It's as if there's an alert that you've put food out! We'll see if the HOA does anything!

  11. I thought so little of Bush the 2nd, I didn’t think any president would ever be worse. Ah well.

    1. Remember dear Molly Ivins referring to him as Shrub?

  12. Replies
    1. Those of us who've known her all along are glad everyone finally saw her. The mainstream media has ignored her for years.

  13. I was driving somewhere when the very first reports of the Twin Towers came on. Dreadful day. Come on, Kamala!

    1. Yes, dreadful day. But Kamala is a winner in so many ways.

  14. I was surprised that Resident Chef refused to watch the debate live and preferred to see the highlights later on. I suspect he had the right idea because no doubt the idiocy (idiot) would have just put our blood pressure up.

    1. I agree with him. I got enough clips next day. I can't bear to see or hear that man


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