Thursday, September 19, 2024

Postcard update, the ears have it

I'm halfway through my target amount of postcards, and beginning to see light at the end of this boring tunnel. 

I'm at the point of snarling you better damn vote after I've done all this work!  And I note that the instructions for mailing point out that you must not rubber band the pack for posting. I guess people may not realize the post office won't separate them.

Years ago I experienced this when I found in my mailbox, after a few days away, a banded bunch of calls to artists, all separately addressed and stamped.  Mine, beginning of the alphabet, was on top, so they all came to me. 

I called the venue, a prized one for regional artists, explained, promised to remail the invitations separately, right away.   They said they wondered why they'd had no acceptances yet!  Very unusual. I'm guessing they had a word with the person in charge of mailing. But you can't count on someone realizing all this and resending.

I'm going to separate my cards and mail them in different boxes, to spread the load and make sure they don't stick together.

The audiologist appointment went well, she's very happy I had no complaints. So I'm boosted to 90% now, and adjusting again. I learned how to maintain the aids, clever design, easy to replace the end bit and the filter. Everything sounded loud going home.  

The door saga continues. We got a ruling from the HOA board which didn't surprise me. Owner responsibility. No help on where to buy them. My  neighbors are annoyed and upset, but I'm oh well. This too shall pass!

And I find that my mail rx people, after taking months and many requests, to process the smaller dose of one medication, have now apparently removed the larger dose of the same medication. I'm guessing their program doesn't allow for two different strengths, both taken daily, which add up to the right amount. Sooo I'm once again trying to get them to get it right. Sigh. 

And I have to call about the car recall. I've waited a few days in case they had a rush after the mailing arrived.

Meanwhile my bone doctor is very happy that I now no longer have osteoporosis in my hip, much increased bone density, and my spine is now totally normal, no bone loss at all. So this is good.  The medicine works. 

She diagnosed the dodgy hip as bursitis and gave me instructions on taking care of it.

Someone suggested that you not worry about something that won't matter in five years. At my age, that's just about everything😂. So there's that.

And you can catch a flower break 

These blue flowers are quietly increasing their territory. I'm hopeful for next year.

It's all relative.

Happy day, everyone! I'm thinking about fall activities now.  So's Gary. 

He came over to say he has a large bag of bulbs for fall planting,  red and white striped tulips.  

He was going to MEASURE for 6" apart. I suggested he just strew them and plant wherever they landed. Another neighbor came bustling over to add her opinion, that you place them here and there, no measuring, no strewing. So we'll see. I bet he still measures.


  1. Such good news about your osteoporosis concerns! Happy for you!

    1. It's great. I had to wait two years to find out, worth the wait

  2. Hurray for medications that work! Better living through chemistry, eh?
    Our summer flowers are all just about done, looking sad and weary. Or dead.
    Oh Gary. Well, get out your ruler and plant those bulbs! Meanwhile, I don't even look up recommended spacing for my seeds anymore. I just aim not to plant them on top of each other.

    1. Great health news, yes. Nature doesn't plant in straight lines, wise people don't either.

  3. Good news on the health fronts for you.
    I guess Gary will do what he's happiest with.

    1. That is totally true, complete with measuring tape!

  4. That's exciting news about your osteo. Happy Dance for sure. Glad you've made headway with the aids. Nice to see pretty flowers, all of mine are spent and turning ugly brown. Wasn't a good year weather wise. I vote for tossing the bulbs and planting where they lay, will look more natural. Love the meme's. Enjoy!

    1. I'm happy in my bones! And yes, strewing and tossing for the win. We still have a couple more weeks of blossoming, bees still busy.

  5. The blue flowers....I don't know what they are but I do know they are invasive. They have overtaken an entire flower bed here.
    Very good news on your bone density. That's a big plus. My money is on Gary measuring!

    1. They're some sort of forgetmenot, and I hope they'll be invasive. I love them, never got them going before.

  6. Forget-me-nots are very persistent here and pop up in different places every year. Which I love! And I'm also a fan of the bulb-strewing method. (Not that I've planted any bulbs in recent years.)

    I would think a pack of postcards mailed with a single postcard stamp would arrive postage-due. Or maybe the post office doesn't do that anymore?

    I certainly hope that blue wave cartoon is accurate!

    1. We're eye to eye on gardening.

      I can't imagine anyone failing to stamp every card, after the many waves of info we received, starting with buying stamps online, local post office not keeping them in quantity.
      The precaution was, after writing and stamping, then banding to get them all safely into the mail, to remember to take off the band.
      The bunch I received were, as I noted, all addressed and stamped. The sender forgot to remove the band.

  7. Good news about the bone density. I didn't know the PO wouldn't separate things that are banded together.

    1. I think it may depend on who handles the item first!

  8. We have mysterious blue flowers too. They appeared suddenly and reap more attention than they warrant. LOL.

    1. Sneaky little things. I love that color and I just saw another, in a different part of the patio.

  9. If those blue flowers are anything like our version of forget-me-nots, they will seed very well indeed. Ours have been doing it for 40+ years.

    1. I'll settle for fewer years, but I hope they'll persist.

  10. Great news about the bone density! You are doing well with the post cards!

    1. I'm very pleased with the bone report. And I'll keep on with the cards.


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