Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year, White rabbits

Time for the new calendar. Thanks to C. there's a lovely one.

Shibori dyeing on the front cover, appropriate to what I've been doing lately.

And January is knitting, appropriate again for when I get started on the knitting ministry.

Every month is a form of making, with animals doing the making. The illustrator is Sanae Ishida. She wrote that sewing book I reviewed in here recently.  I have to find a good place to hang the calendar.

And here's the holdouts from the birthday bouquet, 

the chrysanthemums and greenery still doing well. The roses are drying in an arrangement with other dried flowers, the lilies went into a dyebath in the dyeing project.  My bouquet did a grand job.

New Year's Eve was very good -- across the street neighbor brought me a bowl of homemade pea soup, and news of her new kitten rescue.

In the evening next door neighbors came to visit bringing  a bottle of Veuve Clicquot pink champagne, talk about style, and we toasted each other and the New year. He asked for cuttings of one of my begonias, and would I get it rooted for him. So that will happen.

And he's looking for a new Boston terrier to replace the one who died in the summer, no luck yet. Two year waiting list at  the breed rescue, no joy at any rescue shelters or groups yet. Hope springs eternal. I'll keep a lookout for him. 

After they left I watched the Wallace and Gromit hilarious video, then checked into a livestream on YouTube from The Last Homely House, very peaceful chat, with stitching and a cat.

And so to bed. I saw in the new year falling asleep.

I'd say this was a good start to the year. Delicious breakfast of milk pudding with fresh blueberries. Yes.

Enjoy your day! 


  1. Happy New Year Boud! You have some great nextdoor neighbors! :-)

  2. I like that calendar! Hope you will show us more of its illustrations.

  3. Happy 2022 - may it be filled with peaceful moments and much joy and creativity throughout.

  4. Sounds like a delightful New Year's Eve. I love that calendar! So appropriate for you.

  5. We just had our warmest New Year's Eve ever, 12.4C (54F). Have a wonderful time with your projects.

  6. Bill, I have great neighbors. We've all been through a lot together.

  7. Wilma, I'm planning to share it as we go. It's lovely.

  8. Magpie, thank you and I have no doubt you will too.
    Debra, the calendar is from a rl friend who moved away, reads my blog and keeps in touch. She knows me, and she's a very talented stitcher and knitter and gardener. Also cook! I've had wonderful tips from her. She also has a medical background and has been my rod and staff over a few health ups and downs. Yeah, she's pretty special.

    Bill, our weather is also warm and wet, very odd for the time of year.

  9. Great neighbours there! I hope the New Year is a great one for you!

  10. What a lovely calendar! And so very appropriate for you. I liked reading your response to a comment about the friend who sent it to you. She sounds very special.
    Was the pea soup an Indian recipe? I bet it was so good.

  11. The pea soup isn't Indian, nor is the neighbor! It was wonderful, and I must thank her again now that I finished it.

  12. Sue still uses paper calendars and day planners. I just use Google calendar. I am so advanced, eh? 😜

  13. I bet the art on my paper calendar beats the art on my Google phone one!

  14. Beautiful calendar. And sounds like a good NYE. I'm planning on buying that book for my daughter for her birthday in February. I bought her something a bit similar for Christmas. It's called Mending Life and she reports she is very pleased with it.

  15. Pink champagne! Swanky! Now I'm wondering why we didn't buy some?!

  16. Liz, Mending Life is very good, yes. The thing about both books, though they are different, is their attitude to life as a potentially enjoyable experience, improved by making.

    Steve, it's not in my budget, so it was particularly good. A bit of a step up from the mid range prosecco I could have done!

  17. Liz, you know what else is a wonderful book about sewing for yourself -- The Act of Sewing by Sonya Phillips. Lovely philosophy as well as skills.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. A happy new year to you! Sounds like a good end to the old and a good start to the new. I like that calendar.

  20. I did not try to wait up for the new year this year, probably the first time, but I did awaken and look out when the fireworks in the neighborhood started. We have a few neighbors who always put on a small display. New Year's Day we celebrate with brunch and mimosas and naps.

  21. White rabbits and happy New Year to you, too! What a great bunch of neighbors you have. And great to have friends like your calendar-giver too - one sometimes needs rods-and-staffs!

    We upped our cooking game and attempted tamales with homemade blue corn masa for New Year's Day. We figured it was a good start to the year to leap into a huge culinary experiment, having never made masa NOR tamales before. A delicious semi-failure (after two hours of steaming the tamales were still falling apart, so we retreated to leftover lentil soup), which was also a good way to start the year - coping with mishaps and unexpected results with laughter and good cheer. The tamales, after resting overnight in our garage (aka refrigerator, with our current temps), were quite delicious for breakfast.

    Here's to health(!) and joy(!) in 2022!

    Chris from Boise

  22. That sounds like quite an adventure in the kitchen! Good for you for trying it. And happy New Year. With plenty of laughing and joy!

  23. Lots of fireworks, made Lukas nervous. He was exhausted and so was I.

  24. So sorry about Lukas and fireworks. Yes, you get worn out that way. None of my cats ever bothered, and I wonder if their early kitten life on the street had desensitized them or something.


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