Monday, January 17, 2022

MLK, Freecycle successes and force of habit

Yesterday I set to work upstairs on winnowing the sewing and stitching and bits of fabric department, mainly a big crate and a storage drawer set.

I finally decided all the bits of weaving and stitching I'd done for the pleasure of it with vague ideas about destination, could depart via Freecycle, if I got any takers. 

I'm proud of the work I did, but it's served its purpose to me, and someone else can enjoy it, applique bits onto pillows, make purses, whatever.

Likewise the Japanese door curtain, red and blue, not my decor colors, and the leftover canvas from the front door summer door curtain. 

And a lot of sewing things such as multiple thimbles and snaps I don't use. Also circular knitting needles which I totally have tried and hated, straight needles are me. Jewelry findings too fiddly for my numb fingers.


Everything you see here is either already in, or in its way to, a delighted new home.  

And here's the sum total of what will be garbage. A handful of scraps at the bottom of the basket.

Not a bad afternoon's work. I think the holiday weekend (Martin Luther King Day in the US) plus the renewed lockdown and general anxiety have fuelled interest in home decorating and general making of stuff.

Certainly the excitement in the request emails would indicate that. One lady  plans to share her haul around various family members, another is planning to re-sling her garden chairs, it's all good and I'm glad I shared.

The storm yesterday didn't amount to much, wind, sleet, rain, temps now too high for ice. But the house is still very dry despite all the rain outside and the plants inside, so I've started a pot of water simmering on the stove to help my skin and hair. 

Like a good mom, I turned the handle back. Force of habit, the baby in question having been living in his own home for over thirty years.  But you never know if a toddler is going to break into the house in order to seize the pot handle. 

The good thing about the permanent simmering water is that it's always ready if tea is required.  Even if I have to fight my way through gangs of invading toddlers to get to it.

Still fighting for the vote, too, to honor Martin. Now more than ever.  Both my senators are onside already: Cory Booker, and Menendez. No need to explain to them about the importance of the upcoming votes in Congress. They're already campaigning for both voting bills.

Press on! 


  1. What a great achievement. You can be proud and take a rest - if you can find a chair not covered by toddlers.

  2. Well done! Finding a new home for items is a great way to declutter.

  3. We used Freecycle before we moved and got rid of lots of things. Charity shops here are wonderful places to donate stuff especially books. Unfortunately some of them are closed due to covid. Enjoy your week.

  4. Those toddlers better make way! I enjoyed hot tea this morning too because it was a chilly 68F! I still have a throw over my legs and bare feet as I do a little work on my computer. Stay warm and humidified!

  5. I donate to the local thriftie, charity shop, Bill, but it's a long drive in bad weather. And right now closed to donations, as you say.

    Marie, I don't think I've ever regretted anything I've given away.

    Liz, I have distractions to plan in case of a toddler invasion.

  6. Good for you and I'm sure your donations will be appreciated.

  7. I had to fight off a roving break-and-enter toddler just this morning! Those menaces are everywhere!

  8. Debra, where is the media on this latest scourge? Crickets!

  9. Bravo on the Freecycling. I love it when people find ways to repurpose stuff, especially beautiful stuff like that!

    It's funny that your house is too dry and ours is too damp. We're still running our dehumidifier!

  10. And I always throw an arm across the seat next to me if I have to stop quickly, even if there is no child there nor even the hint of any living thing. Some things we learn and cannot unlearn.
    That pot has seen a few burners, hasn't it?
    Good for you on your winnowing and organizing. I've just done the teeniest bit of that. Now out to pick up the small branches that feel in our wind yesterday.

  11. Steve, if you lived closer I can see you picking up some of this stuff! and Dave rolling his eyes as you came home with the bag.
    We usually have pretty high humidity, but the severe cold and lack of rain lately has kicked the furnace into high gear and the house humidity low.

    Mary, that pot has been used almost daily since we married, Feb 16 1963! I'd say it's pretty good quality. Mil didn't know what to give for a wedding present since we were planning on emigrating, so she gave money and I spent the lot on two pans, this and a smaller one which lost its handle after about a mere 20 years.

  12. That's a lotta stuff to fiddle with. I am always amazed at what people love to turn into better and better art!

  13. Yes, it's fun to see how excited people get over items you've had around for ages, perfectly good stuff but your oomph has evaporated. The making was the point. But someone who wants readymade parts is thrilled.

  14. I think Freecycle may have been supplanted by Buy Nothing groups on FB here. Or maybe i have just lost touch. We have used BN to unload things quite often, but I am not sure when we last used Freecycle.

  15. I think they're pretty much running in parallel around here. I have always declined to take accounts on Facebook and that other Z-owned app. Facebook is a criminal enterprise, interfering for profit in our election.

  16. I did that - winnowed things away - when I moved recently. And I miss my stuff! Good for you that getting rid of things works so well.
    ps: I still turn the pot handle away from the front of the stove and my grandchildren are all grown!


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