Sunday, January 30, 2022

Storm's passed on to batter New England, and here..

 This is where we are today

Blessed neighbor knocked close to a foot of snow off several cars including mine, but I can't dig out behind it yet, too cold for me, temp still in the single digits Fledermaus.

So I'll let the sun help, meanwhile, the machboos rubyan coming to an end with today's lunch, I may as well thaw the doings for that lasagna I've been boring on about.

The foil-lined dish is because I'll be freezing it. I can lift out the baked lasagna, leaving the dish free, freeze the l. and when I'm ready to reheat, put it back in the dish. This brilliant idea is not mine, just saw it when I was looking up ingredients.

And a slice or two of that mozzarella will get into this evening's salad, with the tomato slices and a bit of Thai basil, no Italian basil available right now. 

I liked this combo for years, eagerly looked for the farm mozz and tomatoes and basil every year, before I knew it was a thing, with a name. Which now escapes me. Joanne or Mary are sure to know it. Oh wait, I think it's caprese.

And in the same mailbox as the weather, came this lovely reminder of good weather.

Peonies. I love them and have no room to plant them. So I enjoy the pictures.

I finished the Elizabeth Gilbert, and ended up ready to recommend it, particularly the bit where she demolishes the case that you can only make art through suffering. 

There's also quite a bit of fun to be had in letting materials steer you. It's not easy, whoever expected that, but it's not all grim either. 

Now I've embarked on

Which was my recent book club choice and I finally got it online, too late for the book club, but oh well. 

At first I was reluctant to read yet another book about the second  wife of a successful writer once professor, in an affluent New York life but anyway I started. And I'm finding it very readable anyway. 

The birds are going crackers at the feeder, both of the red bellied woodpeckers, cardinal, Carolina wren, juncoes, all at once right now in the sun. The smaller birds and the cardinal are whipping up the crumbs knocked down by the woodpeckers' vigorous beakwork. Also queuing up in the nearby tree waiting to be seated.

So that's today chez Boud


  1. I used to love to look the White Flower Farm catalogue - what beautiful plants!

  2. I hope you enjoy that lasagna, and your book.

  3. I actually went onto the Misfits website yesterday but did not get very far before something else distracted me. I am considering it, though. You have inspired me.
    Yes. Caprese salad. My favorite favorite.
    If you get a chance to read "Cloud Cuckoo Land", I do recommend it.

  4. The birds in the backyard sound like wonderful entertainment!

    We had quite a lot of snow as well, though we got the last of the storm. The wind was bad with that storm.

  5. Other people and snow removal seems the continuing story. At first I thought you were going to say that much snow from your roof, and I looked, and your roof is cleared.

  6. I love peonies too. They are one of my favourite "heritage flowers."

  7. You're keeping the birds happy! A good day to stay snug indoors, and see if the Fledermaus is going to Fleder up a little higher in a day or two.

    Chris from Boise

    PS Very envious of all that white stuff.

  8. Warmth and flowers will be nice when they come. My goodness, January has been bitter.

  9. I used to grow peonies around my front steps in our first house, a vintage place. every year my dear little across the street neighbor used to come over to smell and admire them. Every year I'd offer to cut her some. Every year she'd profess amazement and delight! It was a little bit of neighborhood theater.

    Chris if I could send you some of the white stuff I'd gladly do it! I know it's good for the garden, and I don't know if my snowdrops are blossoming under it. I don't have to get out till tomorrow, when temps are supposed to be a bit higher. No more immediate snow. I hope.

  10. Peonies don't do down here, too hot. And what a great tip about the foil and the baking dish. I'll have to try that. The cardinals are all wondering where their breakfast is as I ran out of birdseed on Saturday.


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