Friday, January 14, 2022

Misfits, mysterious ailments and recoveries

Misfits box arrived mid morning, earliest ever, very handy because I plan a soup that needs some of what's in it right away.

That's the good news. The not so good news is that supply issues seem to be hitting Misfits along with a lot of people. Either that or they got out over their skis with their recent expansion.

None of the baking stuff I needed this week was even listed as available, causing a shopping trip yesterday. 

And the blueberries and apples listed weren't available, refund processed. Then today the box came, no pears. So batting zero on fruit and baking. May have to shop again for fruit.

The items that did come are great quality, and some are already waiting to become soup. That cauliflower is just perfect. And the chocolate chips arrived.

So, evening salad became lunch, salad-stuffed pita, 

and there will be soup of the evening, beeeootiful soup, the chowder I mentioned. 

Since I had to shop yesterday, I did get a can of clams, for the cod, shrimp and clam chowder.

Speaking of shopping and supplies, I ordered baking items directly from Bob's Red Mill, and got a shipping notice with this detailed tracking information

About the weird ailments yesterday and recovery, I had a nasty episode of what I think was a vasovagal event, as doctors put it.

Early morning weakness, as I was entering the bathroom, legs wouldn't hold me up, sat down fast, sweaty, anxious, no more detail needed. But this has happened before, usually morning, usually bathroom. It tends to get people panicking into the ER by ambulance and they're fine by the time they arrive. So I concluded despite every new physical thing definitely being Covid THIS time, it wasn't.

Made it back to bed after a few minutes, wondering whether to try to cancel cleaners and errands, then started to feel better. 

After half an hour I was fine, scraping ice off my windshield, out to pick up rx, then groceries, then drop off library books, then, the weather being a bit milder, off to the park to sit in the car in the sun, reading Angela Thirkell. Walk in the afternoon.

It all went fine. It's not always an ominous thing. Best to sit promptly or anyway get near the floor, because you can faint in one of these visitations. And I've run it by my doctor before, in case you're concerned about self diagnosis. 

Oddly, my phone had an electronic version of the same attack. Suddenly too weak to find websites. Error screens everywhere. Tablet was fine. So I spent ages deinstalling and reinstalling various apps, clearing caches, rebooting, changing settings.

Then suddenly it said okay, fine now and everything's working again. Whether it would have happened anyway or it's attributable to my skilled (yeah right) interventions, we may never know.

But right this moment, all we have, all's well. Which is about as much as I think we can ask for.

Happy weekend, blogistas. Yes, I know some of us are men, but the feminine noun is heretofore inclusive around here, just as the masculine was considered inclusive for thousands of years. I just think it's time.  ;)


  1. That's a scary way to begin your day. Some of the food we buy is from an online store, Evergreen, and it's pretty good. We had one item left off from our last purchase which was taken off our bill. Spend €45 and you get free shipping so that's what we do. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Free shipping sounds good. I pay shipping, but it's a flat rate, even if I need help getting the box over the step!
    I'm not familiar with Evergreen, maybe regional, but I don't think it's here.

  3. I'm fine with whatever you want to call me. 😀

  4. Prayers for your health
    That sounds scary. Thank you for sharing

  5. I am SO glad you recovered quickly from your "event". My husband has fainted before, more than once, and he does have a very low heart rate and BP and of course he's very tall. When he starts feeling "fainty" I make him immediately sit down with his head between his legs. Thankfully, he hasn't fainted in a while. Scares me to death.
    Your poor misfits box! Well, you got a few very nice things but it's sad that you had to supplement with shopping. Can't wait to hear about your chowder.

  6. AC, if blogista is the worst I call you, we're doing fine! I figured you're a cool guy anyway.

    SP, my health is just fine. This sort of thing happens about once a decade. I don't faint, just have to wait out the sensation. I only mentioned it because people who don't know about this can be very alarmed and it's not that unusual, nor dangerous. Just scary the first time.

    Mary, yes, seeing a faint is pretty scary stuff, particularly when the fainter's a big guy you can't easily wrangle. But I'm fine. Its classic, the way it all clears up and you can just get on with your life.

  7. There is a misfts group around here, now that I now longer cook!

  8. Timing, huh? Thanks for the blogpost. I think people really enjoyed it. Folks, Joanne's blog, Cup on the Bus is well worth following. Always something going on.

  9. So what did the doctor say about the vasovagal event? Is there anything that can be done to improve or prevent it? Yikes.

  10. Debra, she said pretty much that it's a drop in blood pressure, various causes,stress, etc, not serious. Especially as in my case it happens about once every ten years! And it's self resolving. It would be different if it kept on happening, and my BP is typically high. So it's not pressing, really. I know to stay put if it happens, not try to walk for a couple of minutes. Just a small adjustment.

  11. I'm so glad to know you are feeling better now! Something like that is frightening. The supply issue is a problem in many areas. Every time I buy groceries there seem to be more empty shelves. Let us know how the order from Bob's Red Mill is when you receive it. I didn't know you could order direct from them. You take care!

  12. I'll keep you updated on Bob's. Some grain suppliers won't sell small quantities, like under 100lb! But Bob's seem to have retail quantities.

    I'm fine now. In fact the whole episode passed quickly.

    I'm touched by the concern I'm reading in here. You're nice people!

  13. It is way past time, Blogista!

    I hope that health event was a rare one!

  14. Good to hear that your recovery time was not too long in coming. Nasty little events.

    Was wondering about your Misfits deliveries as the supply issues down here (MD) have been fairly dramatic--I assumed, in part, because we had a massive snow/wind storm on the 3rd which caused widespread power outages (26 hours for me--longer for others) and resulted in food needing to be thrown out of fridge/freezer. Even a week later (this past Monday), my local store had no dairy, no produce, no meat. Luckily, I stock a decent larder so could manage. Tried another store yesterday to shore up some fresh items (like carrots) and supplies were still extremely limited. Had thought of trying Misfits based on your regular posts, but see that the supply issues are pretty much nationwide. As the Chinese saying goes...interesting times.

  15. Since misfits buys from a wide range of organic farmers, the produce is usually available. The fruit absence is unusual.

    They tell me they're adding in dairy and eggs, which I'll be very happy about since they are what make me go out to shop and I'd be glad not to. We'll see!

  16. I shall have to look up vasovagal as your symptoms sound vaguely familiar - though not as bad. Glad it passed quickly and you're fine anyway.

    What a great idea the misfits box - when it works that is. I also made whatever's-in-the-pantry soup yesterday. Sweet potato in my case. I do love soup but husband isn't keen.

  17. Temperature is rising here from -15F at 6 to +5F now at 11.


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