Tuesday, January 11, 2022

NJ rules, great package, winnowing start

So here's reason #2,376,824 why it's good to live where I do, with the Leg and Gov I helped elect:

Just yesterday, these things happened

This means that reproductive rights amd marriage equality  are both now safeguarded in State law. 

And that means that NJ residents are protected in the, sadly likely, event that our current misguided Supreme Court overturns Obergefell, on marriage equality,  and Roe, on reproductive rights.

We encourage other states to pass similar laws if they haven't already. 

Unlikely that our current Congress will pass new protective federal legislation, so it may fall to states, piecemeal, to tend to business.

There was also quite a bit of good state legislative news yesterday, on juvenile law. All in all, the NJ state legislature did its job yesterday.

Moving along to other good things. Here's what arrived in the mail yesterday, from a friend. 

My color, dark warm green, lovely cut, great condition, just tres nice. Thank you, J! I will love wearing this and channeling Columbo, I swiped your line!

Then there's  Winnowing Redux. Today's tasks

First I need to make a cup of tea to help me decide on categories. Because there's also upstairs. This is just the living room. 

The goal is to have friends together, and surplus out. Bags and baskets of raw materials. Yarn and roving mixed up. 

And there's convenience. Which can safely be upstairs, and which need to be at hand, saving trudging up and down to assemble them.

Well, first a cup of tea..


  1. Yay, New Jersey! And what a nice cozy gift!

  2. Trendy! It was refreshing to hear that in the UK, even under the right-wing government we have, any convictions for past crimes that are no longer crimes under current law are now going to be wiped from the records.

  3. Politics in New Jersey are certainly far more to my liking than in Florida. Our governor is as right-winged as they come. He's scary and ignorant and completely without empathy or care for those not on his potential voter radar.
    I will say not more about that.
    How I love that corduroy! I can feel its softness from here and the color is beautiful on you!
    Good luck with the winnowing! Perhaps I will finally be inspired.

  4. Tasker, is there any suspicion that this excellent move might be fuelled by people whose current power might be affected by research into their past? I'm cynical when a borisian power structure does a good thing!

    And yes, Debra, no more jokes about NJ, MS Bee!

  5. Samantha Bee, that is, who recently interviewed Gov M and said this is awful, I won't be able to use the NJ jokes I planned! Whereupon he said nah, go ahead, we're used to it!

  6. This is as it should be in 2022. Good for NJ.

  7. Mary, it took well over a decade to get these passed. Of unremitting work and campaigning, particularly the marriage bill, by gay people and their allies.

    Our current State ag is a man who had to grt married in Massachusetts because they couldn't in their home state of NJ. It's wonderful to see good results, and good to remember what it took and how long.

    And yes the cord coat is a real treat! You know the origin, I think.

  8. I wish more states could follow NJ. I'm afraid my state is far too red and that causes many frustrations. I love that jacket! It's a great color and it looks warm too.

  9. Bravo for NJ!I live in a repressive state and each year it get more and more repressive. If Republicans hadn't gerrymandered the life out of Texas it would have voted blue long ago.

    Good to have a plan for reorganizing.

  10. Yay for New Jersey! I hope other states do the same!

  11. Yes, yay for NJ! Very proud of all your hard work. We keep pushing in this extremely red state, but it often seems a Sisyphean task.

    The color is perfect on you. Just lovely!

    Here, tomato soup with coconut milk and a pinch of cloves. Yum!

    Chris from Boise

  12. Not much hope that red states will do likewise. I just get so tired of fighting and refighting the same old battles. Roe was settled law, until suddenly it might not be. A generation since we fought for it. And now it's fragile again.

    That's a thing you learn as an activist, that nothing's ever really settled. You can't rest.

  13. Chris, you've mentioned coconut milk before. Do you avoid cow's milk? and do you have a preferred brand? Just asking, since I've never tried it.

    Yes, all you guys in red states are always in an uphill push. Consider my activism to be your carbon credit swap! Because we occasionally get results.

  14. I don't suppose you could move NJ down here? Maybe send down some forward thinking individuals.

  15. Pam, we do have our share of right wingnuts, quite a few of whom were in the insurrection and are facing charges, and anti maskers and anti vaxxers. But at the moment they're not in power.

    But we fight them off daily, from school boards, library boards,you name it.

  16. You are so right that activism is a constant struggle to win AND maintain victories. We don't give up out here.

    I use some cow's milk, but I do love coconut milk in soups and curries. We use Aroy-D, which we can find in the local Asian markets. You might ask your wonderful neighbors from India what they use, and if they could pick up a can for you to experiment with?

    Chris from Boise

  17. Thank you for the info on coconut milk. I'll look for that brand in one of our various Indian groceries. And I can consult with Amitha, now they're back from yet another trip to a wedding in India.


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