Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year, new pizza

This pizza has to start the day before. By taking the baby bella mushrooms and hot Italian turkey sausage out of the freezer. Look at the internal shapes, like rock formations.

The crust can come out of the freezer the day of.  Misfits organic crust, not my own make, but very good anyway.

So today seemed like a good day, a snowstorm in the offing, to make a pizza.

First cooking the mushrooms in butter and olive oil, until the liquid is almost absorbed and they smell lovely. 

Then removing the mushrooms and putting the chunked up sausage meat to brown in the same pan, so mushroom flavor adds to the hot sausage spice.

I wouldn't call this cooking, so much as assembly. Two views of Mt. Stovetop.

The base is  spritzed olive oil, then basil tomato pesto, which was accidentally packed into my Misfits box recently and is working out well. Maybe it was a sideways form of marketing.

Then a quarter of a fresh beefsteak tomato, and the mushrooms and sausage, I could have made two pizzas with this amount of topping, and Parmesan and cheddar cheese strewn about. I don't like too much cheese on pizza. Just enough to know it's there.

If you want fresh herbs, you have to do it yourself. Here's the pot of curry leaves in the living room, a gift of neighbor Amitha.

And the Thai basil plant in the kitchen. 

I've been growing this from saved seed for several years, since a friend, Lakshmi,  moved away and gave me her plant.

Curry leaves, despite the name, are not spicy. They have a lovely pungent flavor depth, and I replaced bay leaves with them years ago. Indian vegetarian friends use them a lot for flavor. You can freeze them.

Thai basil has a licorice type of flavor. A bit like fennel.  So a few curry leaves and basil leaves torn and tossed on.

And this all worked out nicely. 

One slice was plenty for lunch. 

Three more for future meals.

And now for an afternoon of tea and Angela Thirkell, The Old Bank House.

No snow yet. 


  1. I love pizza, but lately have been doctoring frozen cheese pizza similarly to your ingredients. Yours looks much better than ours! We also find one slice to be sufficient.

    P.S. I have the same cutting sheets/mats that you do.

  2. Those mats are like a secret signal: like-minded people! I like them much more than the heavy boards I used to use. Also they're cheerful.

  3. I love homemade pizza. In fact, you reminded me I have just enough sausage in the freezer to make a pizza. I make half with sausage and cheese for Tom and the other half with onion and cheese for me. It's enough for two meals for us both. I love the look of your cutting mats too. Mine are pretty old and worn and about ready to be replaced. Have a great first week of the year!

  4. The cutting mats are so useful. Easy to clean, they're flexible so you can tilt chopped ingredients into the bowl, and they're light weight. I've been very pleased with them. In fact they should pay me a commission.

  5. We have homemade pizza every Friday. You can't beat it.
    Have a great new week.

  6. That is one loaded pizza! Makes me want to make one too!

  7. I’ve never frozen mushrooms but I will now…thank you for the tip!

  8. It's hard for me to think what I don't freeze! Freezing mushrooms preserves the flavor, breaks down the fibers a bit, exudes liquid ( keep it and cook with them, it's packed with flavor) and if your purpose is to cook them anyway, works fine. If you're planning to mince them, better do it before freezing. Here I was only slicing, no problem freezing first there.

  9. Beautiful pizza. It's been years since I made one. We used to have great pizza parties, as young newly weds.

  10. I do love to make pizza. In a way, it's like making a stir fry or my egg rolls- so much chopping! But so very, very worth it.

  11. Looks like a very nice lunch for the new year. I might make one myself!

  12. Homemade pizza is the best! I can't remember the last time we had one from the store and certainly it's been many years since we had one delivered. Ours usually ends up being made from whatever is languishing in the fridge.


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