Thursday, January 20, 2022

Chop wood, carry water, cook barley

Sad morning in the US. But we're not defeated. We'll find a way to protect the vote.

Meanwhile, in case anyone else is wondering how to order the at home test kits from the feds

The address is at the top there.

Yesterday friend Mike across the street was knocking down an enormous paper wasp nest which the landscapers have been pretending not to notice for months. The debris on the sidewalk is it. It was easily eighteen inches in  diameter. 

Just seemed symbolic of our times.

Speaking of times, here are the highest grossing movies of my birth year four million dollars, wow. The juxtaposition is funny.

Back to the barley. The Bob's Red Mill package arrived yesterday, a day ahead of time, very well boxed.

And in good condition.

Much bigger bag of barley than I can get locally, which is why I included it in the order. 

And I made last night's snack and today's breakfast, barley pudding.

I followed their proportions on the liquid ratio, a bit too much liquid. So I saved the extra and have a nice container of sweetened barley milk.

Earlier I had made a pot of leek, celery, potato soup, finally using the last of the leeks I bought too many of way back.  

The color is a lovely pale green, from the green part of the leeks, and the celery.

And this morning, raining, so I ran out, raincoat over night clothes, to make sure the car window was shut. 

The damp in there, I found yesterday, not as bad as feared. I did a bit of blotting with towels and since most of the area is plastic and metal, i hope not to get a mildew smell. The seats aren't fabric, for which I'm glad. First world problem.

So there we are, a bit damp, our spirits also, from yesterday's disgraceful showing in the Senate, but we will prevail. 

Meanwhile there's barley pudding.


  1. American politics are nuts to onlookers form elsewhere.

  2. AC, our politics are often nuts to us, too. Often the reasons things happen are buried in law and history, for better or worse.

    I'm going to continue my kitchen table activism anyway.

  3. I didn't know such a thing as barley pudding existed, but I bet it is good. Both of us love barley and every now and then will ship an order down here from the states; it is not available in the stores here in Belize. Glad the interior of your car wasn't horribly soaked.

  4. Bob's Red Mill is a favorite. politics not so much. Have a good day.

  5. I generally only think of barley as being in soups. Perhaps I need to reconsider that.
    Just ordered our tests! Thanks for the reminder.
    I wish I had your faith in our democracy. Actually, I just typed "democrazy."

  6. Barley pudding is harking back to childhood. It's great for lung health, so my mom gave it to me in doctor's suggestion. I liked it despite that.

    And I went online about the mysterious window thing and found tons of people with fobs have experienced it, except with all the windows. It can be triggered accidentally from the fob. And nobody knows how to disable the function.

    It's supposed to be a good feature. It would be if it only happened on purpose. It's evidently the automotive version of butt dialing.

  7. Mary I always remember that for evil to succeed, it's when good people do nothing. With or without faith, or with faith dented, I plan to continue to do my bit. Fortified by barley pudding!

  8. That was quite a wasp’s nest. The neighbourhood must have been a-buzz!

  9. Around here paper wasps are very mild mannered. Unlike mud daubers, which also build onto eaves and definitely sting when disturbed.

  10. I definitely wouldn't want to be living near a wasp nest. We bought some Red Mill products years ago, good stuff.

  11. Leek and potato is one of my favourites but Husband isn't keen so I don't often make it. Yours looks good.

    I don't think we have paper wasps here. I've never heard of them is what I mean.

  12. That's the brand my local market sells!

  13. Resident Chef has declared a 'break' from the news (finally, sez I!!) so I was totally unaware that anything had happened in your politics. Guess I'll have to check into it to see what happened.
    That barley pudding looks appetizing - might have to run that one by the RC.


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