Friday, December 31, 2021

Misfits box reveal

 It being Friday, two weeks since last Misfits delivery, my box arrived. More modest this week, what with the vegetables already  in the freezer and the fish and all.

The ordered  pita bread wasn't included, but an unordered jar of dried basil was. They'll refund me for the bread. 

And I got a year end State of Boud's Box report, all about what I ordered, what I saved etc. 

It's heartening reading, since I've been eating very well, all organic and nice condition. For the entire year, including pantry items such as olive oil and broth and baking needs, flour, yeast, baking powder, and canned goods,  I spent $877, and saved approximately $730. 

I made 25 orders and the total includes the flat shipping rate of $4.50 per box, any size box.

This is the first full year of ordering from them, since I shopped at the local farm till late September 2020, near the end of the growing year here.

This is definitely a good thing. I live in an expensive region, and it was clear from comparable  local organic prices that I was making a great saving. 

This might not apply so much if you live in a place with a lower cost of living, but I think anyone probably can save to some extent.

I also was spared shopping trips in winter, and didn't need to rely on Handsome Son, who would have done it, did it for the first several months of the pandemic, but he works so many hours, didn't want to add to his demands.

Anyway this isn't a commercial for Misfits, just a nice end of year finding.

All in all, happy camper, very glad I tried it.

It's all good!

And since it's New Year's Eve, wishing you a much better new year, and as late Scots husband would say:

Lang may yer lum reek!*

*Translation for Sassenach readers: long may your chimney smoke, meaning long life to you.

This year brought continuing old friends to this 'ere blog, and new ones, too, thank you for joining us. You're all very important to me, everyone, with advice and encouragement and good humor and your own blogs which never fail to lift my spirits. Wishing you all a good Nerdy  (Scots for New Year's Day).


  1. Happy New Year to you! Glad I found your blog and that you found mine, too. You write such good comments. I envy you the Misfits delivery boxes. Food is pretty expensive here, but other things are so much cheaper. See you next year!

  2. What, no bottle of champagne in the Misfits Box? Happy New Year!

  3. Your Misfits are well worth the price for the healthy food as well as the convenience. Where I live organic food is so expensive and doesn't look nearly as good as your deliveries do.

    Have a very Happy New Year and may 2022 be happily creative for you!

  4. Thank you, Wilma and Bonnie for the good wishes
    Yes, I'm happily eating well, keeping well, and still within my budget. All good.

    I hope everyone has a creative and happy upcoming year.

  5. Debra, my next door neighbors came over with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot pink champagne mid evening, to toast and chat. So my champagne needs were filled by surprise.

  6. I enjoy your misfits boxes for free! Vicariously, of course. Thank you for that!
    I'll be cooking my black eyed peas today.
    Peace and riches for all.

  7. My pea soup and salad is as near as I'll get to hoppin' John, but the spirit's there!

  8. I don't think that our needs and tastes wouldn't run to a delivery service, but we have switched back to online ordering and pickup for now, given the current outbreak. I do prefer to shop in person, however.

  9. Happy New Year! Always a hopeful time.

  10. Ever hopeful that there will be a type of Misfit box on offer here at some point but the ones the local farms offered previously are ridiculously expensive for the quantity you get and oftentimes aren't grown locally either so after one dip into the pool, we've opted to wait for something better. In the meantime, we've discovered the ease of curbside pick up and will stick to that for most of our grocery needs. Just don't feel comfortable braving the stores in person.

  11. I haven't been in a store for more than a swift dash for a few items, in years. I can't see picking over produce, choosing, etc. It seems all so risky.

  12. Happy Nerdy!
    Love that word for a nice day.
    Misfits does sound like a good idea. I will look into it. Not being out and about this winter will be nice.

  13. Nerdy is the Glasgow spoken abbreviation for New Year(nehr)Day(dy). It's the wish said very fast.


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