Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Eve. Or TGIF. Your choice.

Christmas Eve here, solo day, lovely. Aside from laying the table for tomorrow's dinner, finding the serving spoons, little containers for condiments, it's a day of loafing.

Lunch baked cod steak, first in years, on a bed of spinach and scallions, buttered Yukon gold potatoes. Simple, good.

Then the annual viewing of

Favorite, well, only, really, Christmas movie for me.

So happy day, everyone! 


  1. Enjoy your day! My Rare One and I will finish creating our "Christmas Bird Houses" today -- I'll showcase them on my blog after Christmas. Then we'll have tacos for supper. It's the furthest thing we can think of from the big traditional turkey feast we'll be eating tomorrow.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the bird houses. Yes on the different simple dinner today is along the same lines, considering all the richer items coming along tomorrow.

  3. Been a very busy Christmas Eve day here in Lloyd. Grandchildren, refrigerator moving, refrigerator contents shuffling, now refrigerator cleaning. Also finishing a nightgown and wrapping presents.
    I just told my husband that I think we're having hotdogs for supper. Why not?
    Happy Christmas Eve, dear lady!

  4. That is among my favorite Christmas movies as well. I love the classic Christmas movies from the 40s and 50s. Enjoy your Christmas Eve and I'm sending all my wishes for you and your handsome son to have a peaceful and happy Christmas!

  5. Quiet day, gorgeous weather. Enjoy your meal and movie and thanks for your compliments and support. Merry Christmas to you and Handsome Son.

  6. Peace and joy to you this hoiliday season!

  7. Thank you for all the good wishes. And for the emails, too. Lovely day.

  8. Happy Christmas to you and to Handsome Son - enjoy your time together!

  9. Merry Christmas! With some seriously bad weather looming our festivities for tomorrow were cancelled. So I had a relaxing day knitting by the fire. Bliss

  10. Merry Christmas!
    Have a wonderful dinner and joyous day

  11. A great movie for sure. May all your preparations yield over the top results.

  12. Thank you, we had a great dinner and day together.


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