Saturday, December 18, 2021

Mending as art, and another birthday

First, vital, today is the birthday of -- New Jersey!! 

We're known as the Garden State. Should be the Sagittarian State. Sags rule. And NJ Sags rule even more.

Onward, now that that's established, to humble local artworking. 

This is the tea tray you've seen many times bearing various afternoon teas. 

I originally found it in the street in western Princeton. It had been left by the recycling truck, sheet iron not being what they collected. 

At that time it was decorated with a stuffy faux colonial painting, not my taste. So I enameled it white, touch it up now and then, and it's the best tray ever. 

Big enough to set everything out, sturdy enough not to bend when it's loaded. The main area is 20"×9+. This is much better designed than your average teatray.

And I've never bothered to make cloths for it, just folding up a handy napkin, which never fits right. So, in anticipation of a long winter when I'll be seeing a lot of it, I'm thinking about sewing a few cloths, maybe patchwork, maybe leftover fabric bits. 

I remembered this idea which I have vaguely thought about for ages, when today's issue of Tatters came, featuring this artist. 

She makes repairs into art -- you'd like her, Mary -- and loves slow process stitching of all kinds, quilting, too. It's not about just producing things so much as putting together old and new fabric and their associations as art.

Like this

I have quite a few donated linen sample squares, and silk samples, cotton, all kinds of scraps which might live well together and be a pleasure to see every day. Just when you're needing a cup of tea is a good time to see this kind of thing.

First I have to finish the underwear I got diverted from with health things, couldn't settle to stitch. But now I can. Today should do it. It's not every lady who has matching tea napkins, those yellow ones, and underwear. You just never know!


  1. That is indeed a lovely tray and I look forward to seeing the tea cloths you make for it. And matching napkins and underwear -- putting on the dog!

  2. Happy Birthday New Jersey, where I lived for nine years after I first came to the United States. New Jersey welcomed me, Princeon was a fun town for a young girl, Belle Mead, where I lived in the woods after I got married was wonderful too.

    Only thing I didn't like and couldn't handle as far as my health and vitality went was the summer humidity. Never been ill so much before or since. I guess some of us are made for dry and/or cooler climates.

  3. I think you're right about our natural environments. I could not tolerate the extreme dryness of desert areas, skin and hair are miserable. the western states are just too arid.I'm meant to live in humidity! NJ is about right for me. I look at your pictures and I'm glad you love where you live. I need to be surrounded by trees in all sides! Rainfall.

  4. Trays are the best!
    I grabbed them up in the yard sale days.
    Happy Birthday New Jersey!

  5. Yes! Of course I love her work! She and I must be sisters of a sort. At the moment I am patching/repairing two different garments with my eye on a third. I do not have the patience or skill to do quilts, though. Thank you! Now I am off to google her.

  6. The matches underwear is priceless for sure!

  7. Enjoy your tea. Sue is very much a tea granny, so I have given up my resistance and have a mug at lunch and supper. But I don't love it as much as she, who consumes potfulls of the stuff.

  8. I will never again look at a picture of you in quite the same way.....

    As for patching - whilst doing my volunteer stint at the mall last week, we were sitting front of a store that featured pairs of the ripped jeans that are such a 'thing' these days and we simply couldn't comprehend why people would spend big bucks to buy jeans that are full of holes. I wouldn't even attempt to patch jeans that were that torn and would relegate them to rags. Guess I'm just not a fashionista!

  9. A wand'ring minstrel I
    A thing of rags and patches..
    Tx Gilbert and Sullivan.

  10. Good that you rescued the tray. I have several pairs of jeans with the knees and other parts worn out or torn. I've been thinking of patching them up like we did in the 60s and 70ws. What's old is new again.

  11. Go for it! It's fashion forward again.


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