Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Happy Solstice, winter and summer!

 Yes, we have blogistas in northern and southern hemispheres. Sandra Boynton never forgets

Some other thoughts about the season which is about looking forward to the return of light, and the reason Christmas was put about now. It's all a metaphor.

This is also a thank you to some of the people I follow on Twitter, who are wise and funny and gentle and scholarly. 

And they remind me that January in the northern hemisphere is not the time to be leaping around starting new projects. It's for resting. And maybe doing jigsaw puzzles. In that cosy terry robe I made a while back.

Happy Solstice, everyone!


  1. Love this because it made me think that maybe I'm still smart, after all, aging and such. Why? Because that's just what I plan to do for January, rest, walk, learn to cook new things (shouldn't be hard, since I hardly know how to cook anything) and, finally, jigsaw puzzles.

  2. Solstice blessings to you! Enjoy that jigsaw puzzle!

  3. It's taken me a long time to depart from that new year new beginnings idea. But I think the allowing for the season, and resting more, is really a better way for those of us who can do it.

    I plan to enjoy my Freecycled puzzles!

  4. Happy Solstice!

    A joyous day to start the winds of joy towards spring.

  5. While the light will begin to return, it will be slow, which "solstice" implies, and January and February will be our coldest months -- at least here. Oh my! Don't I sound like Debbie Downer?

  6. Every year in February I'm taken by surprise when I realize the daylight is longer, though it's still hard winter.

  7. Yes, happy Solstice. Today is beautiful and clear and not too cold. And tomorrow will be a wee bit longer.

  8. Happy Solstice, dear lady! Here we are, having it made it through the shortest, darkest days. I, too, can see a true reason for celebrating this day. It is tied directly to the earth, the skies, and our universe. And thus, to us.

  9. How nice to get a note from you. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Happy Solstice from Idaho, too! Our lettuce seedlings in the garden, under windowpanes, freeze solid every night and may or may not thaw out during the day. They're hibernating for the nonce, but as soon as the days are perceptibly longer in January, every time they thaw out they'll grow just a bit. Yet another little miracle from Nature.

    Chris from Boise

    PS Hibernation is a grand idea, with jigsaw puzzles and cups of tea or cocoa and cozy robes.

  11. I tested out the cozy robe last evening, and was so glad I'd made it. And with big pockets, too.

    Even houseplants note the increasing light before we do. They get moving in late January.

  12. Jigsaw. Yes. And it's so good to know that summer's on its way.

  13. I, for one, am looking forward to longer days. I imagine the jigsaw puzzles will be coming out after Christmas for Resident Chef to play with. Normally January is my month to do the spring/fall housecleaning, a throwback to what my mother did.


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