Thursday, December 16, 2021

Great new art discovery and a flower head will ride again

A flower head from the bouquet got bent in transit, so I'm pressing it. 

Waste nothing,  it's beautiful. I borrowed the smaller one which was looking thirsty.

And here is the pressing set-up, whatever was to hand at the time. See the paper towel sandwich under the Pressing Tower?  I think the full weight of Jerusalem should definitely  do it.

And I hugely recommend this artist, who freelances in UK schools working with even very young children, making excellent art from simple materials. 

This becomes one of these

Currently he's into paper plates and cardboard and using every scrap. His website has videos showing exactly how. 

Kindergarteners! Working with cardboard. 

I think these are by fourth graders.

You don't actually need children around to do this, but they love it and are a great excuse. Solo adults are making Christmas trees and rocking reindeer from paper plates. Or so I hear.

So try it.

But first,my beloved family of cleaners were here this morning, leaving the house lovely for the holidays. 

And a poinsettia for my Christmas decor.


  1. How fun! I can see some of my grandchildren enjoying that sort of thing.

  2. You might want to pass on the link?

  3. Great post. Your place looks lovely and thanks for the comment you left me today. Encouragement appreciated!

  4. The Rocking Reindeer is my fave! Very clever!

  5. Our grandkids love crafts! My husband saw a project on TicToc and did it with them. Pure joy all round.

  6. Maybe they'll like some of these, too. Very simple materials, no shopping probably required.

  7. Happy Flower Pressing!
    The paper plate project is a winner. I love the trees, very festive. It is a good idea for making a stamp for creating homemade wrapping paper and such.

  8. Thanks so much for passing on this info. I sent the link to my DD and DiL as my younger grandchildren love art. The 6 and 7 yr old are in the same elementary school and, happily, their art teacher is fantastic. DiL does a lot of creative work with the 2 and 4 year old, too. GK's are getting different kinds of art materials from me for Christmas so this site will provide a great deal of inspiration.

  9. I think my work here is done! You're welcome.

  10. The humble paper plate - in the hands of children, and with the guidance of a gifted artist - creative magic! Our middle grandson is enrolled in an art school (Gr. 1) and is showing that he's inherited the artistic talents of his mother.


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