Friday, December 10, 2021

Excellent book to consider

While I was at the doctor's office the other day, a lot of waiting, I found my loaded Kindle was -- dead. Forgot to charge it in the anxiety of everything. Fortunate I'd added in my current book so all was not lost.

I   really  didn't think a stressful book, very fraught, was a good choice on a stressful day, but there was nothing else available. No internet connection.

And found it was so well written and  helpful that I got engrossed anyway snd learned quite a bit.

She focuses on actual approaches, separating out fact from opinion, spotting when you're hearing one as if it were the other and what to do when you're triggered. Really worth reading.

In other reading, a little package arrived this week, from the Cross pen, writing instrument (!) company. It contained my pencil with the broken propelling mechanism, and a heartbroken note.

They're mortified to say that this year, first in its history, they can't do the repair. Can't get the parts despite efforts and waiting. Supply chain for precious metal parts isn't working. Will I please watch their website to see when they can resume with repairs. 

This probably means they're not able to occupy workers. I hope it doesn't mean layoffs for them. My little pencil is pretty unimportant in comparison to skilled workers maybe being laid off. Sad stuff.

In a happier frame of reference, I, a hellbent Sagittarian, am in good company. Emily Dickinson! Jane Austen! Beethoven! Gary next door! Gary next door's daughter! Another friend's daughter! Former blogger Quinn Piper! Mare! Mare's son Anthony!

No end of people to celebrate!! For the whole period of the Sagittarius season! So I'm doing that.


  1. Supply chain issues are really at the forefront these days, aren't they!

  2. Another blogger mentioned this book very recently - not sure who - but as I said, it is one to keep in mind for when needed.

  3. I think it's always needed, really. I learned a few things, despite having some experience.

  4. I just learned about street epistemology this week. It's fascinating! From their website: "SE gives you tools to discuss the most difficult topics that mean a lot to you and the people around you. It helps you to better understand the views of others, and maybe change a mind or two along the way."
    A man named Anthony Magnabosco was interviewed on Mormon Stories about the technique which the host thought might be helpful for post-Mormons to try and talk to their believing family members in a more productive manner. The book you mentioned reminded me of that because we all need to learn how to be more effective in our communications.

  5. That sounds worth studying. Headlee also points out that we need to be brave to do it. Not foolhardy though.

  6. Supply chain is improving though you wouldn't think there would be such a big demand for the gizmo the extrudes the lead in the Cross pencil. I wonder if that affects being able to make new pencils. I'm surprised they didn't just send you a new pencil.

  7. Supply chain issues are a problem everywhere these days.

  8. This pencil was engraved for me so it's possible they didn't think I'd want just any working pencil. The innards are 14k gold I believe, several moving parts. Anyway not happening for now.

  9. I've had a Cross pen (from my daughter) since 2008. I don't use pens much, so it still has the original cartridge. I keep it by my desk and write little notes with it, but it still works. Now, having said that, the next time I pick it up . . .

  10. My pen is working fine but the matching pencil gave out, after a mere thirty years.

  11. And me! (fellow Sagittarian, and proud to be in such fine company!).

    I just went to the Cross website. Oh, what a plethora of fine writing instruments! How kind to write an actual letter to you with an apology and explanation.

    And thank you for the Celeste Headlee recommendation. I need to learn a lot more about this. (Also, thank you Ms. Moon for "street epistemology" - brand new to me too, and I will explore the website).

    Chris from Boise

  12. The Headlee book is very readable, you'll find, not preaching, just teaching. I didn't know you were a Sag. Well, not surprised!

  13. The fact that the pen company even will try to fix their products is practically unheard of these days, but that they would send you a note of explanation and apology for being unable to do so is exemplary. Kudos to them.

  14. I had the same problem with my Cross pen - makes me sad.


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