Saturday, December 25, 2021

Goodnight Christmas!

Lovely day, outside rain and gloom, inside greetings galore, dms, texts, tweets, emails, so much.

I posted a Christmas selfie tweet.

With the Official Ceremonial Pearls, a sweater from me to me, exactly what I've been looking for for years, and the Vest of Many Colors.

New readers: many years ago my now late partner gave me these pearls as a special gift, and they've since been the official jewelry for every event, partly a little in joke, partly a serious memory of him. 

And older established readers of this blog lived through the creation of the vest, from my spindle spinning and plying the yarn, to diagonally  knitting the body and weaving the yoke and assembling it into a favorite item.

The black eye effect is the healing process from recent facial surgery and some fancy repair work. It's coming along fine. 

Handsome Son arrived at noon and set up  bread sticks and two cheeses.  Then on to ham, mixed vegetables, pumpkin puree, Yukon gold potatoes, boiled and buttered, a range of condiments, including the apricot sauce, a success, various mustards and pickles. Ginger ale.

Then German cookies, tiny chocolate snowmen, eggnog.

Later pot of tea to revive us after the feasting.

Handsome Son departed with leftovers, and a good day was had by all.

It was low-key, just peaceful chatting, catch up, very harmonious. Suits us both.

And so to bed...


  1. Merry Christmas! Love your selfie. :)

  2. Oh! You look gorgeous! I love the pearls so much. The sweater is perfection, the vest a work of art. I'm glad you had a happy day.
    Phew! It's over and done with! Off to bed!

  3. Yes, ready! And thank you for your nice words.

  4. What a fab photo of you! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

  5. You have a great smile! And memories of a lovely day to dream on. So glad the day was relaxed and enjoyable for you both.

  6. Nice to see you. I think you had a good day.

  7. Lovely to see you! I love your vest!

    It sounds like a good day was had by both.

  8. Sounds like a perfect day and nice to see you.

  9. Sounds like you both had a wonderful day. Nice selfie, you look very happy. Love your vest, my wife makes shawls and hats using scraps from her yarns that she has. Enjoy the day.

  10. It all sounds perfect from the attire, to the menu and the company! A great day by the sound of it.

  11. A lovely Christmas with Handsome Son, it sounds so very nice, special, and loving.

  12. What a lovely celebration! You, the pearls, and the Vest of Many Colors all glow against the grey day. I suspect HS also glowed. We can relate to the need for a reviving pot of tea post-feast.

    Any aerial caribou sightings or tracks?

    Chris from Boisejavascript:void(0)

  13. I did hear a racket on the roof, but it was maybe squirrels..

  14. I'm sure it was reindeer not squirrels on the roof. You look great! Merry - Happy!

  15. Ahhhhhh - sounds like THE perfect celebration to me!


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