Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas morning everyone!

 Handsome Son expected at noon for dinner, everything's ready or nearly.

The creche long ago lost St Joseph, and has been celebrating Mary as a single mother

She's fine,as you see.

The mantelpiece version has Joseph introducing a new smaller baby. Wonder what the backstory there is? Mary's not listening anyway.

And with those irreverent musings, I'm off to slice ham.


  1. Perhaps Joseph is trying to introduce his dalliance with another woman. Have a wonderful day with Handsome Son.

  2. Love your "alternative" nativity sets! Have a wonderful Christmas with your son!

  3. Thank you, it will be great. Enjoy your unexpectedly large dinner today.. both of you eating for more than one.

  4. Ha! I didn't even get my nativity scene out this year.
    I'm about to go cut up an entire sink full of mustard and collard greens from the garden. This is going to require a BIG pot! But they cook down.
    You and HS have a beautiful day together!

  5. Merry Christmas to you and Handsome Son.

  6. Missing Joseph, maybe he couldn't handle the situation and left Mary to deal with it alone. :) Enjoy the day with your handsome son and have a happy and peaceful Christmas.
    It's raining here too with some strong winds to blow it all around.

  7. Your home looks beautiful for the holiday! Enjoy your time with Handsome Son. May you both have a peaceful and happy Christmas!

  8. So good to see you back, Bonnie. Bill, thanks for visiting with your lookalike weather! Miz Moon, feeding the hungry folks beats decorating anyway!

  9. Mary would manage on her own today. For sure! Enjoy your day!

  10. Merry Christmas (at least what's left of it now!).

  11. Thank you everyone. Lovely day, dinner went well, company great. He just departed with leftovers!


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