Friday, December 17, 2021

Misfits and winter looks

I noticed this,

the winter remains of the Montauk daisies, the other day, and was going to cut it down, but realized it's beautiful. So I left it.

And Misfits came today, bigger than ever because I ordered a cold pack of lovely fish, halibut, hardly ever see it, cod likewise, and salmon, not so rare but a good price and shrimp, which I rarely fit into my budget.  

This was in a new aisle, and as well as the minimum for the regular box, which I always surpass, there's the same minimum on a cold pack. 

Meat, fish, that kind of thing. Special packing. It's in its own insulated pack with freezer blocks, in the main box.

It's not a lot of fish because the price soon gets to the minimum $30. So this week's bill is large. I might skip a week at some point, to catch up with my supplies. But it's high time I had fish not from a can.

Anyway the box was too heavy to lift over the step so I carried it in in installments. Hence the crowd.

The potatoes, listed only as yellow on the website, are in fact Yukon gold, yay. And there will be salad for a couple of days. And they sent basil tomato pesto sauce, instead of the whole tomatoes I'd ordered.  No trouble using it, but not what I'd planned for. They've refunded me. So I accidentally got the pesto sauce, also a jar of ground nutmeg which I didn't order. That might go next door. 

So we're good.


  1. I didn't know that there was a difference between yellow and Yukon Gold.

  2. There seems to be a to do about labeling. Yukon gold is clearly labeled that way locally, along with the non branded spuds labeled yellow. They're both good. Seems to be a trademark thing, I dunno.

    I plan on fish for Christmas Eve, and now I have choices.

  3. My friend Kathleen used to always do the seven fishes for Christmas Eve. I had actually never heard of it before I met her. Even four fishes (shrimp's a fish, right?) would be lovely.
    I know it's so silly but I love seeing what comes in your misfits box. And then I enjoy seeing what you do with it all. You do so much art that I do not feel capable of, but when it comes to your cookery, I feel connected.

  4. I think it's more likely I'll do one fish for Christmas Eve. But fish on Christmas Eve dates back in my life to when it was a day of abstinence from meat before the feast day of Christmas. This high end fish is a pretty luxurious form of self denial!

    I like that we connect over food and cooking, Mary. To think for years I never blogged about food, thinking people might not be interested in what I made, not being a TV chef!! I certainly like the encouragement I get here. And I learn from you.

  5. You are so talented in the kitchen. My repertoire is so limited I have to plan meals before I buy unless I want to eat sandwiches all the time which I do not. I am going to make fish cakes from mash, canned salmon and panko and some spices and hope they are decent.

  6. That sounds good. I love anything with mash and fish.

  7. Thank you. It is a first attempt...

  8. Looks good. I love Yukon Golds but for some reason they are bit scare here now. Re my technical difficulties issue. I can comment on your blog but I can't reply to your comment on my blog. So thank you for commenting :)

  9. We keep fish in our diet at least once a week. Expensive but so nice for a change!

  10. I'm thinking of baked cod for Christmas Eve, and save out some for fish cakes on boxing day. E reminded me about fish cakes. Lovely Yukon gold mashed potatoes. I expect there will be some over from Christmas.

  11. Yukon Gold are my favourites too. Mind you, I have yet to meet a potato I don't like! I, too, enjoy seeing your Misfits box of goodies because there's always inspiration there, even though I don't cook. We rarely buy fish other than in cans because it's so expensive, but I did buy some salmon fillets the other day. Might have those for New Year's.


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