Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The morning after, but doing better

So yesterday was the Mohs surgery on my face, right near my eye, causing complications. Among other things, doctor and staff alarmed at my extremely high bp, way beyond dangerous, way out of my normal rather high range.

She concluded it was the extreme anxiety of the procedure. We went ahead, took four+hours, and I'm operating out of one eye today, other one swollen shut. Very dramatic.

Back next week to remove the very complex stitches needed, location being key.

And today I'm icing, monitoring bp, which is falling gradually, and following this morning's doctor's orders to take it easy. That had been my plan, but Handsome Son was on standby in case I needed an Rx run. I can't drive until I can see out of both eyes.

So this that was exciting, very good doctor, specialist in this surgery, which is why my derma referred me. I have hopes that scarring won't be a thing.

Meanwhile one of the displacement activities of the day before was to make a pizza.

Hot sausage and mushroom, extra tomatoes, thin crust. I had some, and left some for handsome Son to reheat for lunch yesterday, just as well, he was on hold for me till nearly 3pm. He very much approved of it. 

I didn't didn't make the crust for once, from Misfits market, and really good. 

Today primary doctor's instructions on hearing bp adventures are to take it easy today, exactly what I planned. And thank you, friends who have been so supportive and helpful through the weeks of this soul-trying gig.

Meanwhile if you're knitting at warp speed for Christmas, Maggie Rudy's got your number.

Cheers folks! 


  1. Glad the surgery went well, high BP notwithstanding. Here's to a speedy and full recovery!

  2. Yay! Glad that’s done. High BP is a concern for me too. Take it easy, healing and lowering BP go hand in hand!

  3. Silly me! When yay saID YOU WERE ICING TODAY, I FIRST THOUGH OF CAKES and of how reliant you must be (Sorry about the caps. It happens on my ipad. )

  4. I've been checking to see if you've posted and I'm relieved that now you have. Sounds like a not-very-fun experience! But it's done and all you have to do for now is heal and yes, take it easy.
    I do so love the precious little mousie knitter, busy with her needles, modeling her own creations.

  5. I did want to be in touch, largely because of people maybe getting a bit anxious if I didn't! I'm spending a dull day, dozing off, reading a bit, listening to the audio book of Emma, eating a little bit, carefully. Could be much worse.

  6. Yay dull days. Occasionally boring is Very Good.

    Chris from Boise

  7. The danger with boring is that I usually emerge with some very exciting new art project to get into immediately..

  8. I am glad the surgery went well and that your BP is going down...Time for an audio book, a movie, some music and some favorite foods...your pizza looks divine. Meow from Lukas and a virtual hug from me.

  9. I'm glad the surgery went as well as those things can. I have two doctor appoints this week...6 month check with the electrophysiologist and my annual where I need to get a referral for an opthamologist for cataract surgery. Oh boy.

  10. Glad to hear it's behind you and now you can concentrate on healing (and bringing that blood pressure down to where it should be). So glad HS was on duty and quite capably took care of you. Now the trick is going to be making sure you rest and recover and don't start rushing around too soon. Feet up, all cozy beneath a blanket, good book close by and a cuppa tea sounds like what you need for the next while.
    (oh, and I love those tail socks!!!)

  11. Thank you everyone for wonderful advice which I will try to follow. And for being so caring.

  12. Glad the surgery went well
    Take it easier

  13. I'm glad the surgery is now done and I hope you heal quickly! Rest and relax so hopefully your blood pressure will settle down. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Please take care!

  14. gosh....get better!!! That sounds very difficult.....but we do what we have to, don't we??

  15. Deep breaths - helps to lower the bp. The worst is past so just "see" the numbers coming down. Works for me.

  16. Now that I'm down to high but not in danger zone, I can tell you that I was at 210 over 140. The machine actually sounded a loud alert! They switched out the cuff thinking it was a false reading, tried both arms, then manual cuff. Still in danger Will Rogers zone. By the time I left it was down to 190 over 100. But no symptoms, and now I seem to be past that RedZone experience which was pretty inti intimidating.


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