Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dyeing, soup and postscripts.

 A couple of postscripts: 

About the hats, the very day after I posted the Silk Road hat program, I saw a little Afghani boy out walking with his father, we have an Afghani population here, have for decades, and -- he was wearing a small hat just like those tall ones! Felt, I think. Such a treat. A genuine Silk Road hat. 

Also, about the paper plate art, I let the artist know about our interest, he was thrilled, and invited anyone on Twitter to tag him with pictures, if you want. Not pix of kids, he's very careful, but of the art. He's @DarrellWakelam, in case anyone wants to do that.

And on to today and the last of the Thanksgiving turkey breast. 

It made about ten meals and there was still plenty of meat to pull off for this great turkey, carrot,  macaroni soup, using a couple of quarts of homemade vegetable stock. I simmered the turkey carcase after removing the meat, in the soup. Removed it, blended the carrots down, added the macaroni, then  the meat to heat through. Several meals of this, too. 

I had some for supper and fell asleep shortly after, no doubt the usual effect of turkey on the unwary. 

However, here's the point of today, aside from mentioning that the extra nutmeg from Misfits is going next door, she being very pleased because she meant to buy it and forgot.

Anyway, dyeing is underway. 

Black walnut, yellow onion and beet. Should make a good brown mixed color. When the containers thaw enough to tip out the contents, it will be a dyebath. This also had the effect of emptying part of the freezer which is getting a bit crammed.

Two napkins, lovely fabric, but stained, all rolled and pleated, soaked and secured for a bit of shibori dyeing.  Future tray cloths. Or tea napkins depending on the configuration of the planets. and how well they turn out.

I'm thinking of a second run, too after they've been unfolded and rinsed, overdyeing with turmeric, to pick up the pale stripes in the design.  And there might be stamping, depending. Each napkin will make two tray cloths. Or four tea napkins. I may soon have enough.

I'm just going to leave them simmering for the foreseeable future, or at least while the banana bread, with chocolate chips, golden raisins and walnuts, is baking.

If you're alarmed at the seeming close quarters of food and dyes, the dye mixture is in dedicated containers, and it's literally edible material. I wouldn't be doing this with anything that shouldn't mix. 

I suddenly realize quite a bit is going on today. Never notice till I start writing it up.

Happy Sunday!


  1. You are so interesting and inventive! Wasting nothing. All I've done today is sit and read but then I woke up yesterday with a pain in my hip and tailbone area. Today I think it may be a pinched nerve but whatever, it's keeping me down.

  2. Thank you. I wonder if yoga will help with the pain?

  3. You're a busy bee! Our turkey leftovers will start next weekend. My Rare One is making a bird because three other people were supposed to come on Xmas Day and help us eat it. Alas, their plans changed and now they can't come. So it will just be me, her AND THE TURKEY. I'm sure she will make turkey soup with the carcass and some leftover meat, and I'm planning to do a turkey pot pie from an America's Test Kitchen recipe. Pray for us.

  4. That's going to last quite a while..lots of luck.

  5. Your soup looks so good!
    Can't wait to see what your dyeing project will result in.

  6. It's much better today so maybe not a pinched nerve and yes I did several asanas that are good for that region so maybe that helped.

  7. I always use the turkey carcass to make soup with lots of carrots, onions and cabbage then freeze it in batches. Always a quick meal on busy days. I have a huge jar of Tumeric that my brother gave me. Now I know a good use for it :)

  8. I put turmeric in soups, roasted vegetables, all kinds of foods. It's a very good health support, anti inflammatory. Also golden milk in the evening.

    And it's a great natural dye. All purpose material!

  9. Had anyone noted I still use the Brit version of carcase? SpellInterfere keeps changing it to the preferred Amerispelling.

  10. I smiled seeing your soup with macaroni. My husband like it that way and I don’t but I add it for him!

  11. I noticed the variation in spelling of carcase/carcass and stumbled for a moment over it until I realized that it has to be the British spelling. And they say English is one of the hardest languages to learn, wonder why!!!!


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