Friday, June 18, 2021

Misfits and actual planning, what a concept

 The Misfits box arrived today, borne on the shoulder of a large young FedEx man who swung it down gently on the step while waving to me and clicking on his tablet to note the delivery. As if it weighed nothing. 

I can't get it over the step! I roll it into the house usually, works fine. But as for picking it up? Way beyond my lifting power. What you see here doesn't include two heavy freezer gel packs and a hefty box.

And I actually sat down, after the usual mad scene of prepping and dropping and spilling, then sweeping and wiping  so the kitchen looks like people, not bears, live there, sat down. And did some planning.

I figured this was better than daily staring  at the ceiling in the hope that some heavenly being would swoop down and tell me things to cook, while feeling pressed to do justice to this bounty. 

My ideas are quite vague when I make my order; it's when I see the produce that it becomes real. These jumbled notes are now magnetized onto the freezer, at what you might call the point of supply.

Tonight's dinner was the usual, a  salad for Misfits day, Romaine, celery, Roma plum tomato, broccoli, ribbon of mayo, after the pic. That didn't take planning.

Then after supper, on to action stations.

Since the canteloupe was already ripe, I decided it could help those carrot greens that have been waiting in the freezer, have their day as a green drink thing.

Soooo, canteloupe, lemon slices, ginger, handful of  Italian parsley, which I remembered after I took the pic, and a mass of carrot greens, water, not much, blended as far as this blender can manage.

Then, it still being a bit fibrous, strained and pressed through a sieve.

And it is excellent, even if the cook says it. Sweet enough because of the canteloupe, nice bite from the lemon and ginger, lovely deep green veggie flavor. And a great air of virtue glowing throughout.

This, with pancakes, is tomorrow's breakfast.


  1. A glass of virtue! Too little of that. I wonder if the general public has even seen carrot greens!

    1. Not unless they've grown them. Stores remove the greens because the carrots deteriorate faster with them in place, I'm told.

  2. Everything looks lovely! I just bought a cantaloupe and I'm looking forward to cutting into it tomorrow. Back when I was pregnant with my boys, cantaloupe was the only food craving I had and I still love them.

    1. Cantaloupe and honeydew are beautiful, color, flavor, everything.

  3. I have grown to love ginger this past year. The smoothie sound delicious!

    1. Today I'll find out if it holds up overnight or if it should be taken as soon as made.

  4. When my husband used to get up early and go to the gym before work, I would make up his smoothie the night before, leave it in the refrigerator and he would blend it in the morning before he left. We did this for years.
    I always enjoy seeing what you do with your treasure box every week.

    1. Good tip on the smoothie, thank you. Treasure box is right. I can't remember life before misfits!

  5. Hmmm - I'm sorry - can't get past green/fibrous in a glass to drink thing. I'd much rather have cantaloupe for dinner!

    1. That's happening too. This was a non soup way of using the carrot greens. It wasn't fibrous after I strained it. Very nice, in fact. But I love cantaloupe as UT comes, too.

  6. I'd rather eat my food than drink it. you miss a lot of fiber by juicing.

    1. I agree. Making a blended smoothie is not the same as juicing.

  7. We bought a proper juicer at one point a number of years ago and felt quite virtuous about the entire thing. Until - we started making 'stuff' in it and realized that it wasn't for us. Haven't tried smoothies after that initial trial - maybe we should. Bad enough that Resident Chef has containers of sourdough, kefir and kombucha 'brewing' in every spare corner of the kitchen, storage room and refrigerator. Don't think we need any more concoctions!


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