Sunday, May 2, 2021

Twice baked cake metaphor

Yesterday was a couple of hours of two neighbors with me at the condo, with one step back.  After much work, draining washer hoses, shutting off water, reattaching hoses, attempting and failing to remove old shutoff, danger of breaking the fitting solder, G tried just replacing the head, the turning bit.

And found the replacements are too big. This is the culprit part holding up the whole show.

The gray bits are where it broke. The tiny screw you see in that housing, that whole thing is way too small for any available replacement in home Depot or Lowe's. He tried several of them in the course of other jobs he was doing, for his daughter and himself. The one he brought wouldn't seat in the shutoff. Too big. Hi

No point in ordering a dryer when there is no functioning washer. So unless we can find this exact size, I will have to spend $$ on a plumber, and maybe have a bigger replacement job than we'd expected. Fortunately my tenant can do laundry at his mother's house.

The outlet is now replaced, only have to get a new face plate, easy job, I hope. Electric 1, plumbing 0. Team Gary, Jackie, Handsome Son, Boud 0.

So after an afternoon of anxiety in case anything dramatic happened with the water, this is an apartment with no rear access to any plumbing, because of other apartments backing onto it, we went home, all attempts tried and failed. 

This is when I seriously regret owning a second property. But the work of cleaning and fixing for sale gives me pause. HS not your model housekeeper. Not unlike his late Dad in that, in fact.  He simply doesn't notice.

So, home again yesterday, HS expected this afternoon to do, yes, laundry, I needed a bit of something to go with a pot of tea for today. 

Thought I'd try a new recipe, Olive Oil cake.

It looked fine, appeared to be baked nicely, skewer came out clean. 

And it so wasn't. I tried a slice. Very heavy. Tried toasting a slice for breakfast. Hm.

Then I put the whole thing back into a 350° oven this morning for 20 minutes. Marginal improvement. The olive oil quantity may have been a typo. The whole thing may have been an idea-o.

And it occurs to me that this twice baked cake, still not winning the roses, Kentucky Derby Day yesterday, is a metaphor for my life at the moment. 

Doing my best here, not getting much in the way of results, anxiety galore.  

This too shall pass. I hope it won't be replaced by some New Awful Thing, is all.

I definitely don't plan on making that cake again, anyway. That's one thing I can do.


  1. I've never made an olive oil cake. Your experience does not encourage me to attempt it, either.

  2. Praying for the right part
    Sometimes the trades have stores where they buy stuff. Maybe there's one in your area.

  3. sometimes home ownership isn't all that great. no calling the landlord to come fix the problem. woke up this morning and running the hot water in the kitchen waiting waiting waiting. it's warm but not getting hot. checked the hot water heater and it was not lit. fortunately it lit right up but we have no idea why it went out.

    1. U don't mind taking care of the home I live in. Haven't had a landlord for decades. What I find hard is being responsible, alone, for the home a tenant lives in. Neither of us is handy beyond the basics, and I just feel oppressed by the worry over what might go next. I think I'm getting too old for this.

  4. I've never heard of an olive oil cake. You are braver than I am at trying new things and that is good because how else would you know if you like it or not. Sorry about the plumbing. What a headache! I'm especially sorry about your anxiety. I hope you can get some relaxation and maybe even some meditation in to help.

    1. Sometimes it's good for me to try things so you don't have to!!

  5. I love olive oil but for some reason, just don't like it in baked goods. Which is valid, I think.
    I know you must be having SO much anxiety. The sort that is hard to quiet. But I really think you are going to be okay. And of course, that is a completely useless bit of reassurance. I swear- when they call you for those callbacks, they should just send in a 'script for anti-anxiety medicine. It would be the right thing to do.

  6. It wasn't a callback. It was the doctor's physical exam finding something.

  7. Seems like all sorts of frustrations are hitting you all at once. It's one of those times for simply doing the one foot in front of the other routine, annoying and anxiety-ridden as it can be. Be sure to remember the tea and treat is necessary for mental health!

    1. I like your rx, Dr M! Yes, tea and treats are needed.

  8. It does seem that the Practical Joke Department always strikes everything at once. It's never just the lightbulb burning out, it's finding that not only do you not have the right bulb, the stores are closed, the lamp needs rewiring, and the dog just threw up your new slipper.

    Been there, and i can feel my sympathyanxiety rising to meet yours. Deep breaths, and tell yourself it will be okay. Really.

    And thank you for warning us all away from Olive Oil cake. You threw yourself on the grenade for us.

    1. The hand grenade metaphor is great. This week has been one grenade after another! But if I saved you from the dubious olive oil cake, it's a sacrifice I'll gladly make.

  9. Property ownership comes with headaches. It is a big decision to sell though. Not an easy choice.

    1. Some days it feels like a very easy choice, to exchange the real estate asset for liquid investible funds. But it's a lot of work between here and there.

  10. I agree about properties, so glad I was able to sell my Los Angeles house at the first open house. There are few things worse than an empty house, sitting there, not selling. I've been there too. A twice-baked cake? I think I would just eat it as it was, full of olive oil. I love olive oil.


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